


One of the features in Firefox 2.0 that drives me crazy is the tab scrolling buttons when you have a lot of tabs open. I’d prefer to just see all the tabs on the screen, even if they are small.

Firefox 2.0中令我抓狂的功能之一是,当您打开许多标签页时,标签页滚动按钮。 我宁愿只在屏幕上看到所有选项卡,即使它们很小。


Disable Without Tab Mix Plus Extension

在没有Tab Mix Plus Extension的情况下禁用

Type about:config into the Firefox address bar.



Type in browser.tabs.tabMinWidth, or at least type enough that it narrows down to the option you are looking for.


Set the option browser.tabs.tabMinWidth to 0 to completely disable this feature. You could also set it to a smaller value like 50 or 75 if you wanted to.

将选项browser.tabs.tabMinWidth设置为0可完全禁用此功能。 如果需要,还可以将其设置为较小的值,例如50或75。

Disable With Tab Mix Plus Extension

通过Tab Mix Plus Extension禁用

It does not appear to be possible to fully disable this feature when Tab Mix Plus is installed. What you can do, however, is use multiple rows of tabs, which is somewhat useful in itself.

安装了Tab Mix Plus时,似乎无法完全禁用此功能。 但是,您可以使用多行标签,这本身就很有用。


To enable multiple rows of tabs, you can go to Tools \ Tab Mix Plus Options, select the Display tab, and then change the dropdown for “When tabs don’t fit width” to Multi-row. You can also select the max number of rows to display.

要启用多行选项卡,可以转到“工具” \“选项卡混合加选项”,选择“显示”选项卡,然后将“当选项卡不适合宽度时”的下拉列表更改为“多行”。 您还可以选择要显示的最大行数。


Don’t ask me what happened to that screenshot. It looks like it was eroded away… I was going to take a new one, then I figured it might make somebody smile, so I’m leaving it.

不要问我该屏幕截图发生了什么。 好像它已经消失了……我打算换一个新的,然后我想它可能会让某人微笑,所以我离开了。

Note that if you click on the “Tab” tab above, you can also change the minimum width of the tab to be a little bit smaller. There’s really a zillion options in this extension.

请注意,如果单击上方的“制表符”选项卡,则还可以将选项卡的最小宽度更改为小一点。 这个扩展确实有不计其数的选择。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/quick-tip-disable-firefox-tab-scrolling/
