在Windows 7 / Vista / XP上完全禁用系统托盘

If you are the type of person that never uses any applications in the system tray, you might be interested in this registry hack to turn it off entirely. I can’t imagine using my own system this way, but we’re all about providing information.

如果您是从不使用系统托盘中任何应用程序的人,那么您可能会对此注册表黑客感兴趣,以将其完全关闭。 我无法想象以这种方式使用自己的系统,但是我们都是在提供信息。

Note that this tip should work in all versions of Windows.


Note that you could also use this in reverse… if your system tray is disabled and you don’t know why, you should check this registry key.


在Windows 7 / Vista / XP上完全禁用系统托盘

You can even remove the clock if you’d like, by right-clicking on the taskbar and choosing Properties. It’s on the Notification Area tab.

如果愿意,您甚至可以删除时钟,方法是右键单击任务栏并选择“属性”。 在“通知区域”选项卡上。

Manual Registry Hack


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then navigate down to the following key (Create if it doesn’t exist):



HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

在Windows 7 / Vista / XP上完全禁用系统托盘

Create a new 32-bit DWORD value in the right hand pane with these values:


  • Name: NoTrayItemsDisplay

  • Value: 1


You will have to logoff and back on for this to take effect. To remove the hack, just delete the key, or change the value to 0.

您必须注销然后重新启动才能生效。 要删除黑客,只需删除**,或将值更改为0。

Note that disabling the system tray doesn’t actually prevent system tray apps from running, it just hides them. You should still disable any applications that aren’t needed.

请注意,禁用系统托盘实际上并不能阻止系统托盘应用程序运行,而只是将其隐藏。 您仍应禁用不需要的任何应用程序。

Update: Note that the same registry key may exist in more than one location, so if you are trying to reverse this hack, you should search the registry for NoTrayItemsDisplay.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/completely-disable-the-system-tray-on-windows-vista-xp/