Windows 7或Vista Explorer的“上”键盘快捷键

The new Explorer window in Windows 7 and Vista doesn’t have an Up button, which drives me completely batty. Thankfully I found a keyboard shortcut replacement.

Windows 7和Vista中新的“资源管理器”窗口没有“向上”按钮,这使我完全不知所措。 幸运的是,我找到了键盘快捷键的替代品。

Note: These screenshots are from Vista, but it works the same in Windows 7.

注意:这些屏幕截图来自Vista,但在Windows 7中工作原理相同。

Let’s say I’m in my x:\wpmu\wp-content directory. Sure, I can usually click the “wpmu” part of the path and simulate the Up button, but it doesn’t always work, especially if I’ve lowered the size of the window or tiled two windows beside each other.

假设我在我的x:\ wpmu \ wp-content目录中。 当然,我通常可以单击路径的“ wpmu”部分并模拟“向上”按钮,但是它并不总是有效,特别是如果我减小了窗口的尺寸或将两个窗口彼此平铺的话。

Windows 7或Vista Explorer的“上”键盘快捷键

This window is 600px wide, shouldn’t I have an easier way to go Up? Turns out I do… if I just hit the following key combination:

该窗口的宽度为600像素,我是否应该有一种更简单的上移方法? 原来我愿意……如果我只是按下以下组合键:


Alt +向上

Ahhh, so much better… now I’m in the parent directory!


Windows 7或Vista Explorer的“上”键盘快捷键

Note that this is also the quickest way to get to the Desktop folder… just keep hitting Alt+Up until you get to the right folder.

请注意,这也是进入“桌面”文件夹的最快方法……只要按住Alt + Up直到找到正确的文件夹即可。

Other interesting keyboard shortcuts for Explorer:


  • Alt+Right – Go forward

    Alt +右键 –前进

  • Alt+Left– Go back

    Alt +左​​键 –返回

  • Alt+D – Focus the address bar and select the current path.

    Alt + D –聚焦地址栏并选择当前路径。

  • F4 – Pop up the dropdown in the address bar, actually somewhat useful.

    F4 –在地址栏中弹出下拉菜单,实际上很有用。

  • Alt+Enter – Properties of the selected file

    Alt + Enter –所选文件的属性

  • Ctrl+Mousewheel – change the size of the icons

    Ctrl +鼠标轮 –更改图标的大小

  • F11 – Put explorer into Fullscreen mode. Actually kinda weird, and I have no idea why this function is even there.

    F11 –将资源管理器置于全屏模式。 其实有点奇怪,我不知道为什么这个功能还存在。


