蓝牙4.0 For IOS

蓝牙4.0 For IOS



蓝牙4.0 For IOS/IOS6的改进 蓝牙4.0 For IOS/WWDC 2012 演讲 蓝牙4.0 For IOS/工作模式


  • didDiscoverPeripheral看起来处理了搜索蓝牙设备的任务
  • 这是IOS和MAC10.7 以后的一个革新-不再需要MIFI认证或者耳机孔插入了,对蓝牙4.0的完整支持让访问外部设备更加简单。
  • 支持需要至少IOS 5.1以后的版本。
  • 有趣的是在模拟器中可以开启模拟器后插入蓝牙-是的完全没问题。
  • 支持的设备最少是iphone 4s:S



BLE Scanner


  • 当连接成功,已有绑定信息了,却丢失了




NRFready iOS Proximity App


  • 看起来读取一个属性就是读取一个udid-最终的
-(void) readBattery:(CBPeripheral *)p {
#define TI_KEYFOB_BATT_SERVICE_UUID                         0x180F
-(void) readValue: (int)serviceUUID characteristicUUID:(int)characteristicUUID p:(CBPeripheral *)p {
    UInt16 s = [self swap:serviceUUID];
    UInt16 c = [self swap:characteristicUUID];
    NSData *sd = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:(char *)&s length:2];
    NSData *cd = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:(char *)&c length:2];
    CBUUID *su = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:sd];
    CBUUID *cu = [CBUUID UUIDWithData:cd];
    CBService *service = [self findServiceFromUUID:su p:p];
    if (!service) {
        printf("Could not find service with UUID %s on peripheral with UUID %s\r\n",[self CBUUIDToString:su],[self UUIDToString:p.UUID]);
    CBCharacteristic *characteristic = [self findCharacteristicFromUUID:cu service:service];
    if (!characteristic) {
        printf("Could not find characteristic with UUID %s on service with UUID %s on peripheral with UUID %s\r\n",[self CBUUIDToString:cu],[self CBUUIDToString:su],[self UUIDToString:p.UUID]);
    [p readValueForCharacteristic:characteristic];


  • 在插入蓝牙前先设置主设备,否则会被占用,看起来这里和设置蓝牙有关系


user$ sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="never"
  • 设置的含义看起来是设置HCI处理的默认行为

The following is a listing of behavior settings with respect to the OS X built-in Bluetooth driver. Refer to Listing 1 for setting the bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior NVRAM variable.

bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="never" // when a new HCI is connected, the built-in driver stays attached to the built-in HCI
bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="always" // when a new HCI is connected, the built-in driver disconnects from the built in HCI and attaches to the external HCI
bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior="default" // when a new HCI is connected, the built-in driver only disconnects from the built in HCI and attaches to the external HCI if the new module is not an Apple module.

  • 确保在插入前操作,这下应该就可以了,同时可以校验系统信息里是否是MAC自带的蓝牙了,看起来是蓝牙模拟器不能和系统共用一个-因为系统的要给鼠标啥的?
蓝牙4.0 For IOS
  • 如何确保蓝牙工作了呢?当没有外接蓝牙的时候,模拟器的蓝牙是无法开启的,一直菊花。


  • 看起来自从5.1的一个beta版本后就开始支持了
iOS 5.1 beta 3 
  • 那么5.1.1支持吗,看起来是的。




To test iOS Core Bluetooth applications in the iOS simulator environment, you must have the following
Mac system with Mac OS X 10.7.3 or greater
Xcode 4.2.1 with iOS 5 SDK or greater
Bluetooth LE USB adapter
For Mac systems with Bluetooth 4.0 built in, it is still a requirement to have a Bluetooth LE USB adapter in order to test iOS Core Bluetooth applications. An explanation as to why an adapter is required for this case is described in the section Bluetooth LE USB adapter Required on OS X Systems with Bluetooth 4.0 built-in


[iOS][RCtank]在xcode的iOS虚拟机中对BLE(蓝牙4.0)进行调试_jianglurong_新浪博客 沿途见识[2]

1. 买一个CSR蓝牙4.0的usb dongle,这个网上到处都是,大约30多元。下面是图片,这几种都可以。该usb dongle在mac下是免驱动的,所以赠送的光盘没什么用处。
蓝牙4.0 For IOS

2.此时还无需插入usb dongle。打开OSX中的终端,敲入如下指令:
sudo nvram

3.进入OSX的系统信息,查看Hardware->Bluetooth设定,确认一下此时的Vendor ID is "0x5AC"即可,如下图所示。
蓝牙4.0 For IOS
4. 插入usb dongle,打开xcode,进行调试。
蓝牙4.0 For IOS

在xcode的ios模拟器里调试BLE_strongleg_新浪博客 沿途见识[3]

iPhone 4S、新iPad或更新的iOS设备
较新的MacBook笔记本,运行xcode 4.4、Mac OS X 10.7.3或更新版本
一个廉价的CSR蓝牙4.0 USB适配器(淘宝价大约30元RMB)

这种调试方法在我同事的MacBook Air和我的CC2540节点板上调试通过。
还要感谢black在QQ群里共享了他修改过的TI iOS例程,使之可以点亮我的节点板上的LED,测试过程相当顺利!

Next generation Bluetooth 4.0 for iOS / Mac - Joris Kluivers 沿途见识[4]

As of iOS 5 and OS X 10.7 a new framework is available: The CoreBluetooth.framework. This framework enables developers to communicate with a new class of energy efficient Bluetooth devices.

The Bluetooth standard describes a number of use-cases called profiles. Each use-case standardizes one or more services a device can implement. A service publishes certain standardized characteristics which applications can read from or write to. So when writing code to interact with a heart rate service a developer can be sure it will work with both a Polar and a Wahoo strap. A full list of standardized Bluetooth low energy services is available on the Bluetooth developer site.
Using CoreBluetooth.framework

The Bluetooth standard describes a number of use-cases called profiles. Each use-case standardizes one or more services a device can implement. A service publishes certain standardized characteristics which applications can read from or write to. So when writing code to interact with a heart rate service a developer can be sure it will work with both a Polar and a Wahoo strap. A full list of standardized Bluetooth low energy services is available on the Bluetooth developer site.

When developing custom or hardware for something not covered by the standard it’s perfectly possible to define a new service and new characteristics.

None of these standardized profiles are currently implemented on iOS on a system wide level. It’s up to the developer to actually write client code to these services in the apps itself. The CoreBluetooth framework provides a general set of classes you can use to implement a profile.

Is there a way to access Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy devices in iOS? - Stack Overflow 沿途见识[5]

As someone has mentioned, the APIs are available in the iOS 5.0 SDK. However, bear in mind that those APIs only provide support for ATT client, if you want to add services and act as a server you're out of luck for now. I truly hope Apple will add server support at some point, since some profiles (Alert Notification or Proximity) would benefit enormously: being able to be notified when you receive a new SMS/email or being able to "ping" your phone to find it would be great.

MAKE | Bluetooth 4.0 from Arduino to iPhone: No Jailbreaking, No MFi? 沿途见识[6]

We’ve long been able to get Arduino and Android to talk to each other over Bluetooth (for example, see the Android Controlled 3D Printed Slalombot), but doing that with an iOS device has required you to be enrolled in Apple’s MFi program or you to jailbreak your device.

That seems to have changed with the addition of Bluetooth 4.0′s “Bluetooth Smart Ready devices”. Alasdair Allan [via Tom Igoe] clued me into this really interesting development. Dr. Michael Kroll is working on a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Shield for Arduino based on the Bluegiga BLE112 modules:

Right after my first contact with BLE technology I was thinking of a BLE Shield for the Arduino. I really liked the Arduino BT of the Bluetooth Shield from Seeed Studio, but since these boards are not “Made for iPod”, they are not connectable to iOS Devices. The idea I had in mind was to create something similar to the Seeedstudio Bluetooth Shield where the Arduino’s Serial RX/TX pins or Pins 2/3 (with SoftwareSerial) can be used to read data from and send data to an iOS device. That said, I started a first prototype of an Arduino Shield using Bluegiga’s BLE112 Bluetooth 4.0 single mode Development Kit. Once Bluegiga’s firmware was finished and my first sketch could read and write to my iPhone 4S, l then I created my first real Arduino Shield PCB.

Dr. Michael Kroll: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Shield for Arduino

谈谈几个月以来开发android蓝牙4.0 BLE低功耗应用的感受 - 流风,飘然的风 - 博客园 沿途见识[7]

目前有蓝牙4.0功能的手机就只有几款,摩托罗拉的刀锋系列、HTC1x和三星GS3,HTC1x和三星GS3虽然有蓝牙4.0的硬件设备但迟迟没有成熟相关SDK可以进行开发,开源的博通BLE SDK开发出来的没有手机可以使用。





 另外当初就搜索到健康类的应用有人做出产品的 但不是基于蓝牙4.0低功耗的 还是用蓝牙2.1的spp协议来做的,蓝牙2.1或者3.0的耗电是个比较大的问题,一些小外设,需要用纽扣电池的应用就无法真正使用,对一些创意产品如果需要经常换电池或充电对用户体验都会大打折扣,成本也会大大提高。





ios6.0的问题也解决了,解决办法暂时保密。 三星的解决办法之前在博客里公开过一段时间现在公司也要设为保密了。


现在LG出的google nexus 4 也支持ble蓝牙4.0了,但目前也没有对应的api和sdk 



MotoRAZRAndroidBLEDemo Obsolete. Updated Motorola BLE SDK with new API is not compatible.
HTC1X BLE API - Complete BLE API for HTC1X (European version only!) NEW!

MotoRAZRAndroidBLEDemo Obsolete. Updated Motorola BLE SDK with new API is not compatible.
HTC1X BLE API - Complete BLE API for HTC1X (European version only!) Obsolete. Updated Android SDK is not 100% compatible.



Open Bluetooth Low Energy API
这个是博通的开源的api 需要root权限才能用的,用户需要像精简版rom增加google maps的add-on那样增加相关文件到手机系统里面后才能用,除了需要root外对用户要求也比较高。

Find My Car Smart:首款支持iPhone4S的蓝牙4.0找车应用 | 雷锋网 沿途见识[8]

你需要安装一个小的USB蓝牙适配器在车上,当然是要能够跟iPhone配对的。这个适配器会跟你的iPhone上面的Find My Car Smart一起在后台运行。当你离开车的时候,它可以自动记住最后的GPS位置。无需手动调整,而且在后台运行对电池电量的耗费也不是很多。


以下是[蓝牙4.0 For IOS]所有用到的引用信息,向这些伟大的家伙致敬:
  1. 跳转 ^ http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2295/_index.html
  2. 跳转 ^ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_60b2b1180101c9un.html
  3. 跳转 ^ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7cedb56d01016f81.html
  4. 跳转 ^ http://joris.kluivers.nl/blog/2012/05/16/next-generation-bluetooth-for-ios-mac/
  5. 跳转 ^ http://*.com/questions/7852228/is-there-a-way-to-access-bluetooth-4-0-low-energy-devices-in-ios
  6. 跳转 ^ http://blog.makezine.com/2012/03/19/bluetooth-4-0-from-arduino-to-iphone-no-jailbreaking-no-mfi/
  7. 跳转 ^ http://www.cnblogs.com/zdz8207/archive/2012/10/17/bluetooth_ble_android.html
  8. 跳转 ^ http://www.leiphone.com/find-my-car-smart.html