maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单


Have you ever tried to open the Recycle Bin by searching for “recycle bin” in the Start menu search, only to find nothing?  Here’s a quick trick that will let you find the Recycle Bin directly from your Windows Start menu search.

您是否曾经尝试过通过在开始菜单搜索中搜索“回收站”来打开回收站,却一无所获? 这是一个快速技巧,可让您直接从Windows“开始”菜单搜索中找到“回收站”。

The Start menu search may be the best timesaver ever added to Windows.  In fact, we use it so much that it seems painful to manually search for a program when using Windows XP or older versions of Windows.  You can easily find files, folders, programs and more through the Start menu search in both Vista and Windows 7. However, one thing you cannot find is the recycle bin; if you enter this in the start menu search it will not find it. Here’s how to add the Recycle Bin to your Start menu search.

“开始”菜单搜索可能是Windows中添加的最佳省时工具。 实际上,我们使用它太多了,以至于在使用Windows XP或更旧版本的Windows时手动搜索程序似乎很痛苦。 在Vista和Windows 7中,都可以通过“开始”菜单搜索轻松找到文件,文件夹,程序以及更多内容。 如果在开始菜单搜索中输入此内容,它将找不到它。 这是将回收站添加到“开始”菜单搜索中的方法。

What to do


To access the Recycle Bin from the Start menu search, we need to add a shortcut to the start menu.  Windows includes a personal Start menu folder, and an All Users start menu folder which all users on the computer can see.  This trick only works in the personal Start menu folder.

要从“开始”菜单搜索访问“回收站”,我们需要在“开始”菜单中添加快捷方式。 Windows包括个人的“开始”菜单文件夹和“所有用户”开始菜单文件夹,计算机上的所有用户都可以看到。 此技巧仅在个人的“开始”菜单文件夹中有效。

Open up an Explorer window (Simply click the Computer link in the start menu), click the white part of the address bar, and, enter the following (substitute your username for your_user_name) and hit Enter.

打开资源管理器窗口(只需单击开始菜单中的“计算机”链接),单击地址栏的白色部分,然后输入以下内容(将您的用户名替换为your_user_name ),然后按Enter。

C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

C:\ Users \ your_user_name \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start菜单

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Now, right-click in the folder, select New, and then click Shortcut.


maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

In the location box, enter the following:


explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

When you’ve done this, click Next.


maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Now, enter a name for the shortcut.  You can enter Recycle Bin like the standard shortcut, or you could name it something else such as Trash…if that’s easier for you to remember.  Click Finish when your done.

现在,输入快捷方式的名称。 您可以像标准快捷方式一样输入“回收站”,也可以将其命名为“垃圾箱”……如果这样更容易记住。 完成后,单击“完成”。

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

By default it will have a folder icon.  Let’s switch that to the standard Recycle Bin icon.  Right-click on the new shortcut and click Properties.

默认情况下,它将带有一个文件夹图标。 让我们将其切换为标准的回收站图标。 用鼠标右键单击新的快捷方式,然后单击属性。

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Click Change Icon…


maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Type the following in the “Look for icons in this file:” box, and press the Enter key on your keyboard:



%SystemRoot%\ system32 \ imageres.dll

Now, scroll and find the Recycle Bin icon and click Ok.


maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Click Ok in the previous dialog, and now your Recycle Bin shortcut has the correct icon.


maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

You can even have multiple shortcuts with different names, so when you searched either Recycle Bin or Trash it would come up in the Start menu.  To do that, simply repeat these directions, and enter another name of your choice at the prompt.  Here we have both a Recycle Bin and a Trash icon.

您甚至可以使用不同名称的多个快捷方式,因此当您搜索“回收站”或“废纸rash”时,它将出现在“开始”菜单中。 为此,只需重复这些说明,然后在提示符下输入您选择的其他名称。 在这里,我们既有回收站又有垃圾桶图标。

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

Now, when you enter Recycle Bin (or trash, depending on what you chose) in your Start menu search, you will see it at the top of your Start menu.  Simply press Enter or click on the icon to open the Recycle Bin.

现在,当您在“开始”菜单搜索中输入“回收站”(或垃圾箱,具体取决于您选择的内容)时,您将在“开始”菜单的顶部看到它。 只需按Enter或单击图标以打开回收站。

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

This trick will work in Windows Vista too!  Simply follow these same directions, and you can add the Recycle Bin to your Vista Start menu and find it via search.

此技巧也将在Windows Vista中起作用! 只需遵循相同的指示,即可将回收站添加到Vista的“开始”菜单中,并通过搜索找到它。

maya中将模型添加纹理_在Windows 7中将回收站添加到开始菜单

This is a simple trick, but may make it  much easier for you to open your Recycle Bin directly from your Windows Vista or 7 Start menu search.  If you’re using Windows 7, you can also check out our directions on how to Add the Recycle Bin to the Taskbar in Windows 7.

这是一个简单的技巧,但可以使您更轻松地直接从Windows Vista或7“开始”菜单搜索中打开回收站。 如果您使用的是Windows 7,还可以查看有关如何在Windows 7中将回收站添加到任务栏的说明

