
本文为丹麦科技大学(作者:Kongens Lyngby)的硕士论文,共114页。


This thesis investigates the application of Long-short Term Memory-based Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) to the Short Text Conversation problem. Specifically the task of generating answers to medical questions is studied. Training data is gathered from online services containing user-generated questions with associated answers generated by professionals. The proposed models are trained and evaluated using data originating from different online services like WebMD, HealthTap, and iCliniq, from which an optimal dataset is determined. The models proposed to solving the task are mainly inspired by models used in Neural Machine Translation but also contains extensions based on Transfer learning and Multi-task learning, are all based on the Encoder-decoder framework having an encoder compute a latent vector representation of a question from which the state of a decoder is initialized and used to generate an answer, and are all trained end-to-end. One model architecture containing a decoder RNN with two “modes”, controlled by a binary input to the decoder, are proposed. One mode being a “language-model” mode where the decoder is trained on general medical/health-related text, and another being a “answer generating” mode where the decoder learns to generate answers to given encoded questions. Another model architecture handling the answer generation task and the task of classifying question categories as a combined task is proposed, where the network classifies the question category from the final state of the encoder, and feeds the predicted class as an extra input to the decoder. Finally a separate RNN-based language model is trained on general medical/health related text and used to assist the proposed models during inference, by merging their probabilities at each time-step, in an attempt on improving the generated answer quality.

  1. 引言
  2. 理论
  3. 研究方法
  4. 结果与讨论
  5. 结论
    附录A 相关理论
    附录B 研究方法
    附录C 结果
    附录D 项目进展
