

本文为荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(作者:N.E. Sahla)的硕士论文,共58页。


The last decade has marked a rapid andsignificant growth of the global market of warehouse automation. The biggestchallenge lies in the identification and handling of foreign objects. The aimof this research is to investigate whether a usable relation exist betweenobject features such as size or shape, and barcode location, that can be usedto robustly identify objects in a bin. A deep convolutional neural network(CNN) is built in MATLAB and trained on a labeled dataset of thousand productimages from various perspectives, to determine on which surface of a productthe barcode lies. Training results show that while the training set accuracy reaches100%, a maximum validation accuracy of only 45% is achieved. A larger datasetis required to reduce overfitting and increase the validation accuracy. Whensufficient classification accuracies are reached, smart picking strategies canbe implemented to efficiently handle products.

1 引言

2 机器学习

3 机器学习算法回顾

4 目标辨识理论框架

5 深度学习的实现

6 结论

附录 MATLAB代码:卷积神经网络



