Unity Connect讨论频道:与Unity创作者联系的新方法

Since its launch Unity Connect has grown rapidly to over 54,000 developers and 1,900 companies. That’s why we’ve made it even easier to chat and collaborate with our community of passionate Unity creators.

自从推出以来,Unity Connect已Swift发展为超过54,000名开发人员和1,900家公司。 这就是为什么我们使与热情的Unity创作者社区聊天和协作变得更加轻松的原因。

As the Unity Connect community has grown, we’ve heard a common thread of feedback — showcasing work and finding job opportunities is valuable for users but they also wanted to be able to easily chat with other creators in a public space. With Unity Connect Messenger we brought real-time, chat capabilities to our community. And today we’re excited to announce the launch of Unity Connect Discussion Channels which are dedicated channels for users to find work opportunities, meet collaborators, and discuss game development with other Unity creators.

随着Unity Connect社区的发展,我们已经听到了一条共同的反馈线索–展示工作和寻找工作机会对用户来说很有价值,但他们也希望能够轻松地在公共场所与其他创作者聊天。 借助Unity Connect Messenger,我们为社区带来了实时聊天功能。 今天,我们很高兴地宣布推出Unity Connect讨论频道,这是供用户查找工作机会,与合作者会面以及与其他Unity创作者讨论游戏开发的专用频道。

基于主题的实时讨论渠道 (Topic-based, real-time discussion channels)

Unity Connect Discussion Channels provide a quick, easy way to connect with other Unity creators. Simply jump into the channels you find most relevant, read up on the channel guidelines, and start chatting.

Unity Connect讨论频道提供了一种快速,简便的方法来与其他Unity创建者联系。 只需跳入您发现最相关的频道,阅读频道指南,然后开始聊天即可。

Unity Connect讨论频道:与Unity创作者联系的新方法

Whether you are a Unity beginner looking to meet potential collaborators for your first project or an industry veteran looking to find a talented VR developer, finding help is as easy as jumping into a channel.


We’ve launched nine discussion channels with more on the way. The current channels are designed to complement existing discussion happening on existing forum channels including:  Announcements, Introductions, General Discussion, Commercial: Job Seeking, Commercial: Job Hiring, Getting Started, Work in Progress, and Non Commercial Collaboration.

我们已经启动了9个讨论频道,并且还在进行中。 当前渠道旨在补充现有论坛渠道上正在进行的讨论,包括:公告,简介,一般性讨论,商业:求职,商业:招聘,入门,进行中的工作以及非商业合作。

希望找到非商业或收益分成项目的合作者? (Looking to find collaborators for a non-commercial or revenue share project?)

Lastly we’re excited to announce that Unity Connect has a new update that will enable you to post tasks and jobs for either non-paid or revenue share projects. If you are looking for team members to collaborate with on non-commercial projects make sure to take advantage of this feature when posting new tasks and jobs. Once you’ve created a new job or task sure to to share them on the Non-Commercial Collaboration discussion channel.

最后,我们很高兴地宣布Unity Connect有了一个新更新,使您能够发布非付费或收益分成项目的任务和职位。 如果您正在寻找团队成员在非商业项目上进行协作,请确保在发布新任务和工作时利用此功能。 创建新工作或任务后,请务必在非商业协作讨论频道上共享它们。

Unity Connect讨论频道:与Unity创作者联系的新方法

准备加入讨论了吗? (Ready to join the discussion?)

Joining Unity Connect Discussion Channels is easy! Just sign in with your Unity ID and Start chatting with other Unity creators and finding new work opportunities.

加入Unity Connect讨论频道很容易! 只需使用您的Unity ID登录并开始与其他Unity创建者聊天,并找到新的工作机会。

Join Unity Connect Discussion Channels
加入Unity Connect讨论频道

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/08/16/unity-connect-discussion-channels-a-new-way-to-connect-with-unity-creators/