


What is POSIX? We hear this term in Linux and Unix world but do not understand the meaning of POSIX. POSIX is the short form of Portable Operating System Interface . Lets start explaining everything about the POSIX.

什么是POSIX? 我们在Linux和Unix世界中听到过这个术语,但不了解POSIX的含义。 POSIX是Portable Operating System Interface的缩写。 让我们开始解释有关POSIX的一切。


POSIX is a standard developed for Unix operating systems. At the old times Unix has a lot od different implementations. This was creating problems about portability. One application developed for one Unix variant like HUX do not worked other Unix variant like IBM. This was really problem for enterprises.

POSIX是为Unix操作系统开发的标准。 在过去,Unix有很多不同的实现。 这就造成了有关可移植性的问题。 为一个像HUX这样的Unix变体开发的应用程序无法与像IBM这样的其他Unix变体一起工作。 对于企业来说,这确实是一个问题。

IEEE is a global forum which sets standards about Elecric, electronic and IT systems. IEEE created POSIX standard with versions.

IEEE是一个全球论坛,该论坛制定了有关电子,电子和IT系统的标准。 IEEE创建了带有版本的POSIX标准。

POSIX标准 (POSIX Standards)

POSIX consist of different sub standards. It provides standards for shell , Programming API , Utilities etc. These sub standards are numbered from 1 to 7 but it can increase if new sub standard created.

POSIX由不同的子标准组成。 它提供了shellProgramming APIUtilities等标准。这些子标准的编号从1到7,但是如果创建了新的子标准,则可以增加。


This standard extend ANSI C standard and ad some concepts, operations and libraries like mkdir , dirname , fork , kill , networking, regular expression and Linux system calls.

该标准扩展了ANSI C标准,并引入了一些概念,操作和库,例如mkdirdirnameforkkill ,网络连接,正则表达式和Linux系统调用。

POSIX.2或CLI实用程序 (POSIX.2 or CLI Utilities)

As Linux and Unix are CLI based operating systems they rely on CLI tools. This standard defines commands like cd , ls , echo , … . These are generally provided by shell environment or GNU Coreutils.

由于Linux和Unix是基于CLI的操作系统,因此它们依赖CLI工具。 该标准定义了诸如cdlsecho …等命令。 这些通常由外壳环境或GNU Coreutils提供。

POSIX.3或Shell语言 (POSIX.3 or Shell Language)

This substandard defined some shell language and programming basics like a=b or echo $a etc. Bash, Csh or `KornShell complies this standard.

该次标准定义了一些shell语言和编程基础知识,例如a=becho $a等。Bash,Csh或`KornShell符合此标准。

POSIX.4或环境变量 (POSIX.4 or Environment Variables)

Environment variables are simple variables used to store about system, session, user , network in the shell or similar tool. HOME and PATH are most popular environment variables.

环境变量是简单的变量,用于在Shell或类似工具中存储有关系统,会话,用户,网络的信息。 HOMEPATH是最流行的环境变量。

POSIX.5或程序退出状态 (POSIX.5 or Program Exit Status)

This is very basic standard used to defined applications exit status and process signals.



POSIX.6或正则表达式 (POSIX.6 or Regular Expression)

This feature is used to match strings in a structured way. There are two type of regular expression. Basic Regular Expression (BRE) provide basic features. Extended Regular Expression(ERE) provides advanced features.

此功能用于以结构化方式匹配字符串。 正则表达式有两种。 基本正则表达式(BRE)提供基本功能。 Extended Regular Expression (ERE)提供了高级功能。

POSIX.7或目录结构 (POSIX.7 or Directory Structure)

This is an important part of the POSIX sub standard. Operating system and user related files must be stored in a appropriate path and folders. For example configuration files are stored in /etc and /dev/null is used to create empty data.

这是POSIX子标准的重要组成部分。 操作系统和与用户相关的文件必须存储在适当的路径和文件夹中。 例如,配置文件存储在/etc/dev/null用于创建空数据。

POSIX.8或文件名 (POSIX.8 or File Names)

File names are important because there are enormous type of file names. This sub standard defines how a file can be named and how a different chars like / , .. will interpreted.

文件名很重要,因为文件名种类繁多。 此子标准定义了如何命名文件以及如何解释不同的字符(例如/..

POSIX.9或命令行API实用程序约定 (POSIX.9 or Command Line API Utility Conventions)

Not mandatory but used by POSIX. Most known concept is - is expressed as stdin file expected.

不是强制性的,但由POSIX使用。 最知名的概念是-表示为预期的stdin文件。

Linux POSIX兼容性 (Linux POSIX Compability)

Most Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, CentOS, Fedora are compatible with the POSIX standard. But in order to certify with POSIX they need to pay some money. So they do not prefer to pay money and conform with the POSIX standard

大多数Linux发行版(如Ubuntu,Debian,RedHat,CentOS,Fedora)都与POSIX标准兼容。 但是,为了通过POSIX进行认证,他们需要支付一些费用。 因此,他们不喜欢付款并符合POSIX标准

Windows POSIX兼容性(Windows POSIX Compability)

Windows have complied with POSIX in the past. Windows ME was POSIX compiled but with the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 POSIX compability broken. So current versions like Windows 7, Windows 8, windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 do not conforms POSIX standard.

Windows过去已符合POSIX。 Windows ME是POSIX编译的,但是Windows XP和Windows Server 2003 POSIX的兼容性被破坏。 因此,当前版本(例如Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2016)不符合POSIX标准。

But there are some sub system named Windows Subsystem for Linux which is introduced in 2016 conforms POSIX.

但是有一些子系统称为Windows Subsystem for LinuxWindows Subsystem for Linux于2016年推出,符合POSIX。

Also 3rd party framework named Cygwin also complies with POSIX too.



POSIX支持的操作系统 (POSIX Compatible Operating Systems)

Well old fashion Unix distributions like AIX, HP-UX and Solaris are conforming and certified as POSIX compilant.


翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-posix-portable-operating-system-interface-and-its-relation-with-linux/
