



Backing up your documents is always a good thing to do, but not always something we remember to do. Word can automatically create a backup copy of your Word document every time you save it and we’ll show you how to do this.

备份文档始终是一件好事,但并非总是我们记得要做。 每次保存时,Word都会自动创建Word文档的备份副本,我们将向您展示如何做到这一点。

To have Word automatically save backup copies of your documents, click the “File” tab.



On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.



On the “Word Options” dialog box, click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left.

在“ Word选项”对话框中,在左侧的项目列表中单击“高级”。


When your document is small, saving to disk is a fairly quick process. However, as your document grows, or if you start saving your document to an external storage device that’s not as speedy as the internal hard drive, saving the document can take quite a bit more time. To overcome this delay, Word allows you to save your document in the background so you can continue to work on the document while it’s being saved. To turn on this feature, select the “Allow background saves” check box so there is a check mark in the box.

当您的文档很小时,保存到磁盘是一个相当快的过程。 但是,随着文档的增长,或者如果您开始将文档保存到速度不如内部硬盘驱动器的外部存储设备上,则保存文档可能会花费更多时间。 为了克服此延迟,Word允许您将文档保存在后台,以便在保存文档时可以继续对其进行操作。 要打开此功能,请选中“允许后台保存”复选框,以使该复选框中有一个复选标记。

NOTE: An animated disk displays on the status bar in Word while a document is being saved. When the disk disappears, the save is complete.

注意:在保存文档时,Word的状态栏上会显示一个动画磁盘。 当磁盘消失时,保存完成。


Click “OK” to close the “Word Options” dialog box.

单击“确定”关闭“ Word选项”对话框。


NOTE: Before a backup copy is created, you must save your document more than once. The backup copy is saved in the same folder as the original document. You can open it in Word and edit it as you would any “.doc” or “.docx” file.

注意:在创建备份副本之前,您必须多次保存文档。 备份副本与原始文档保存在同一文件夹中。 您可以在Word中打开它,然后像对任何“ .doc”或“ .docx”文件进行编辑一样。

The backup of your Word document is nothing more than a copy of the file with “Backup of” prepended to the beginning of the file and the file extension changed to “.wbk”. Only one backup copy of a document is maintained. When you save the document again, the existing “.wbk” file is deleted, the current document is renamed as the updated “.wbk” file, and the document is saved again as a standard Word document.

Word文档的备份仅是文件的副本,文件的开头带有“ Backup of”(备份为),文件扩展名更改为“ .wbk”。 仅保留一份文档的备份副本。 当您再次保存文档时,将删除现有的“ .wbk”文件,将当前文档重命名为更新的“ .wbk”文件,然后将文档再次保存为标准Word文档。

Having Word create automatic backups of your documents should NOT be used as a substitute for backing up your files to external media or cloud storage (or both) on a regular basis.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/222858/how-to-automatically-create-a-backup-copy-of-a-word-document-when-you-save-it/
