极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

In the second installment of our new Geek School series, we walk you through Upgrades and Migrations for Windows 7, from the perspective of learning to take your certification exam.

在我们新的Geek School系列的第二部分中,我们从学习参加认证考试的角度出发,向您介绍Windows 7的升级和迁移。

Be sure to check out the other articles in the series (so far)


We’re guessing that most of you have upgraded or installed Windows 7 before, but learning the material is really more about knowing what version can be upgraded to what version and what migration tools are available than actually doing the steps. Of course, you should know those too.

我们猜测大多数人以前都已经升级或安装了Windows 7,但是学习资料实际上更多地是要知道与实际操作相比,知道可以将哪个版本升级到哪个版本以及可以使用哪些迁移工具。 当然,您也应该知道这些。

If you already have an operating system on your computer and you want to upgrade to Windows 7, you have two options. You can either upgrade or migrate, however this will depend upon what operating system you are currently running.

如果您的计算机上已经装有操作系统,并且要升级到Windows 7,则有两个选择。 您可以升级或迁移,但是这取决于您当前正在运行的操作系统。

升级版 (Upgrades)

When Windows 7 was released, Microsoft decided that it would be best to limit direct OS upgrades to Windows Vista, and even then there are some limitations. In fact, your upgrade options are determined by the version of Windows Vista your PC is currently running. Here is a table of possible upgrades.

当Windows 7发布时,Microsoft决定最好将直接操作系统升级限制为Windows Vista,即使如此,也存在一些限制。 实际上,您的升级选项取决于PC当前正在运行的Windows Vista版本。 下表是可能的升级。

Home Premium Professional Ultimate
Windows Vista Home Basic Yes No Yes
Windows Vista Home Premium Yes No Yes
Windows Vista Business No Yes Yes
Windows Vista Ultimate No No Yes
家庭高级版 专业的 最终
Windows Vista家庭普通版 没有
Windows Vista家庭高级版 没有
Windows Vista商业版 没有
Windows Vista Ultimate 没有 没有

An easy way to memorize the above table is to remember that you have to upgrade to an equivalent version of Windows 7, or better. You can’t, for example, upgrade from Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7 Home Premium.

记住上表的一种简单方法是记住,您必须升级到等效版本的Windows 7或更高版本。 例如,您不能从Windows Vista Ultimate升级到Windows 7 Home Premium。

Unfortunately, you can’t do cross-architecture upgrades either, so if you are running a 32-bit version of Windows Vista, you can only upgrade to a 32-bit version of Windows 7. Similarly, if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows Vista, you can only upgrade to a 64-bit version of Windows 7. If you find that you need to go from 32-bit to 64-bit or vice versa, you will need to do a migration instead.

不幸的是,您也无法进行跨体系结构升级,因此,如果您运行的是Windows Vista的32位版本,则只能升级到Windows 7的32位版本。类似地,如果您运行的是64位版本的Windows Vista,位版本的Windows Vista,只能升级到Windows 7的64位版本。如果发现需要从32位升级到64位,反之亦然,则需要迁移。

It is also handy to know that the hardware requirements between Windows Vista and Windows 7 didn’t change much, so if a PC is capable of running Windows Vista it is capable of running Windows 7.

还很容易知道Windows Vista和Windows 7之间的硬件要求没有太大变化,因此,如果PC能够运行Windows Vista,那么它就能运行Windows 7。

移居 (Migrations)

So what if you are not running Windows Vista, is all hope lost ? Well, not exactly; if you happen to be running Windows XP, you have the option to migrate to Windows 7. There are two methods for performing a migration. Let’s take a look.

那么,如果您没有运行Windows Vista,该怎么办? 好吧,不完全是; 如果您恰好正在运行Windows XP,则可以选择迁移到Windows7。有两种执行迁移的方法。 让我们来看看。

并排 (Side By Side)

Doing a side by side migration involves two separate computers: the old PC running Windows XP as well as a new PC running a clean installation of Windows 7. You can then use a tool such as WET (Windows Easy Transfer) or the USMT (User State Migration Tool) to move your profile and data from the old machine to the new one. This can be done over the network or via USB.

并行迁移涉及两台单独的计算机:运行Windows XP的旧PC以及运行Windows 7全新安装的新PC。然后,您可以使用WET(Windows轻松传送)或USMT(用户)之类的工具状态迁移工具),将您的配置文件和数据从旧计算机迁移到新计算机。 这可以通过网络或通过USB完成。

擦拭并加载 (Wipe and Load)

When you do a Wipe and Load migration you only deal with a single PC. In a nutshell you use either WET (Windows Easy Transfer) or the USMT (User State Migration Tool) to back up your Windows XP profile and data to something like a network share or thumb drive. You then format the machine and do a clean install, and finally restore your data.

进行“擦除并加载”迁移时,您只能处理一台PC。 简而言之,您可以使用WET(Windows轻松传送)或USMT(用户状态迁移工具)将Windows XP配置文件和数据备份到网络共享或拇指驱动器中。 然后,您格式化计算机并执行全新安装,最后还原数据。

As you can see, migrating from one operating system to another differs slightly from the in-place style upgrade. Let’s take a closer look at the difference.

如您所见,从一种操作系统迁移到另一种操作系统与就地样式升级略有不同。 让我们仔细看看它们之间的区别。

升级和迁移之间有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between an Upgrade and a Migration?)

The biggest difference between an upgrade and a migration is what is transferred from the old operating system to the new one. When you do an upgrade, all installed applications, your user profile, settings and files on the PC are transferred. On the other hand, when you do a migration, only your user profile and files are transferred, this means that you will have to reinstall all your applications.

升级和迁移之间的最大区别是从旧操作系统转移到新操作系统的过程。 升级时,将传输PC上所有已安装的应用程序,用户配置文件,设置和文件。 另一方面,进行迁移时,仅会传输用户配置文件和文件,这意味着您将必须重新安装所有应用程序。

工具类 (Tools)

There are two tools that we can use to assist us in migrating data, Windows Easy Transfer and the User State Migration Tool. There is no real difference in what they do; what you do need to know is that the USMT is a scriptable command line tool, while WET is a GUI based wizard. As such the USMT is used in enterprise deployments, while WET is used in homes and small businesses.

我们可以使用两种工具来协助我们迁移数据:Windows轻松传输和用户状态迁移工具。 他们所做的没有真正的区别; 您需要知道的是USMT是可编写脚本的命令行工具,而WET是基于GUI的向导。 因此,USMT用于企业部署,而WET用于家庭和小型企业。

如何使用Windows轻松传输迁移用户数据 (How to Migrate User Data Using Windows Easy Transfer)

Using Windows Easy Transfer is really, well, easy. To get started pop your Windows 7 disc into your old PC and navigate to:

使用Windows Easy Transfer确实非常简单。 首先,将Windows 7光盘弹出到旧PC中,然后导航至:


D:\ support \ migwiz

Then launch migwiz.exe


极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

You will immediately be shown what you can transfer to your new PC. Just click next to continue.

您将立即看到可以转移到新PC的内容。 只需单击下一步继续。

极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

There are many ways you can transfer your settings, but we will just go with the USB method.


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When using the USB method, for some reason they still ask you to confirm this is the old PC.


极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

Here you can see I have an enormous 5Kb of text files I want to take to my new Windows installation. When you click next you will be asked where you have to save the file. Select your USB and wait for it to export all your data.

在这里,您可以看到我要带到新的Windows安装中的巨大5Kb文本文件。 当您单击下一步时,系统将询问您必须在哪里保存文件。 选择您的USB,然后等待它导出所有数据。

极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

Once the export is complete take your USB drive over to your Windows 7 PC and run the file. The migration wizard will automatically open and you will be able to choose the stuff you want to import.

导出完成后,将USB驱动器移至Windows 7 PC并运行文件。 迁移向导将自动打开,您将能够选择要导入的内容。

极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

That’s all there is to it, now you just have to wait for the import to finish.


极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

Once it has complete you can opt to see what was transferred across.


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As you can see it bought my User account as well as 25 of my documents.


极客学校:学习Windows 7 –升级和迁移

家庭作业 (Homework)

Just like any school, we’ve got homework for you. Here are a couple of things that you should know:

就像任何学校一样,我们为您准备了作业。 这是您应该知道的几件事:

Stay tuned tomorrow for our next update, where we explain about configuring devices in Windows 7.

明天继续关注我们的下一个更新,其中解释了如何在Windows 7中配置设备。

If you have any questions you can tweet me @taybgibb, or just leave a comment.

如果您有任何疑问,可以发给@taybgibb ,或发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/132808/geek-school-windows-7-upgrades-migrations-70-680/