


Update: The Bounty Program has a new home page.


A common frustration of non-programmers is that you don’t often get to inspire new software programs that work the way you want them to, you simply have to wait and hope that somebody comes up with something…  until now.


We’re looking to solve this problem by introducing the How-To Geek Bounty Program – we’ll help connect you the reader with the brilliant programmers that can accomplish the actual task of writing the software that we want. By offering a bounty (a monetary reward) for open source or free software, we’ll have better luck in finding people willing to spend time working on the project.

我们正在寻求通过引入How-To Geek Bounty Program来解决此问题的方法-我们将帮助您将读者与能完成编写所需软件的实际任务的杰出程序员联系起来。 通过提供开源或免费软件的赏金(金钱奖励),我们会更好地找到愿意花时间在项目上的人们。

How does it work, you ask?


  1. You come up with the ideas.

  2. We pick the best ideas and agree to help sponsor them.

  3. Brilliant programmers like Andreas write the software and then collect the bounty.

  4. We feature the software here on How-To Geek.

    我们在“ How-To Geek”上介绍了该软件。
  5. Everybody wins!


Are there any rules?


  • The How-To Geek will donate $50 for each project we agree to sponsor. It will work best if you agree to help sponsor your idea as well. We might donate more for really great ideas.

    How-To Geek将为我们同意赞助的每个项目捐赠50美元。 如果您也同意赞助您的想法,那将是最好的方法。 我们可能会为真正的好主意捐款更多。
  • We will only sponsor open source projects.

  • Readers can agree to sponsor closed-source projects as long as they are free.

  • Post your ideas on the Bounty Program forum.

  • We’ll work on the honor system… if you agree to donate some money, we’ll assume you’ll do it. Either way, the How-To Geek can be trusted to donate his share.

    我们将在荣誉制度上进行工作……如果您同意捐赠一些钱,我们会假设您会这样做。 无论哪种方式,都可以信任How-To Geek捐赠他的股份。

Now maybe we can finally get somebody to fix those annoyances in Windows Vista! We already got the Vista Taskbar previews enlarged with the last bounty, after all.

现在,也许我们终于可以找人解决Windows Vista中的那些烦恼! 毕竟,我们已经获得了Vista Taskbar预览的最后一笔赏金。

We’ll be posting the next bounty tomorrow.


Post your ideas on the How-To Geek Bounty Program Forum

将您的想法发布在How-To Geek Bounty Program论坛上

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/the-how-to-geek-bounty-program/
