



Welcome to the very first How-To Geek Holiday Gift Guide, where we’ve put together a list of our absolute favorites to help you weed through all of the junk out there to pick the perfect gift for anybody. Though really, it’s just a list of the geeky stuff we want.

欢迎使用第一个How-To Geek节日礼物指南,我们在其中汇总了我们的绝对收藏夹清单,以帮助您除草所有垃圾中的东西,为任何人挑选完美的礼物。 尽管确实如此,但这只是我们想要的令人讨厌的东西的列表。

We’ve got a whole range of items on the list, from cheaper gifts that most anybody can afford, to the really expensive stuff that we’re pretty sure nobody is giving us.


长袜填充工 (Stocking Stuffers)

Here’s a couple of ideas for items that won’t break the bank.


LED Keychain Micro-Light   Magcraft 1/8-Inch Rare Earth Cube Magnets
Best little LED keychain light around. If they don’t need the penknife of the above item this is the perfect gift. I give them out by the handfuls and nobody ever says anything but good things about them. I’ve got ones that are years old and still running on the same battery.  Price: $8
  Geeks cannot resist magnets. Jason bought this pack for his fridge because he was sick of big clunky magnets… these things are amazing. One tiny magnet, smaller than an Altoid mint, can practically hold a clipboard right to the fridge. Amazing. I spend more time playing with them on the counter than I do actually hanging stuff.  Price: $10
Lots of Geeky Mugs   Astronomy Powerful Green Laser Pointer
There’s loads of fun, geeky mugs you can find on Amazon or anywhere else—and they are great choices for the geek who loves their coffee. You can get the Caffeine mug pictured here, or go with an Atari one, Canon Lens, or the Aperture mug based on Portal. Your choice. Price: $7
  No, it’s not a light saber, but it’s nearly bright enough to be one—you can illuminate low flying clouds at night or just blind some aliens on your day off. All that for an extremely low price. Loads of fun. Price: $15
LED钥匙扣微灯 Magcraft 1/8英寸稀土立方体磁铁
周围最好的小LED钥匙扣灯。 如果他们不需要上述物品的小刀,这是完美的礼物。 我由少数派给他们,除了他们的好话,没有人说什么。 我有几岁,但仍使用相同的电池运行。 价钱:$ 8
极客无法抵抗磁铁。 杰森(Jason)为冰箱买了这个包装,因为他厌倦了笨重的大磁铁……这些东西真是太神奇了。 一个很小的磁铁,比Altoid薄荷糖还小,实际上可以将剪贴板固定在冰箱上。 惊人。 我花在柜台上与他们一起玩的时间比我实际悬挂的东西多。 价钱:$ 10
很多怪异的杯子 天文学强大的绿色激光笔
您可以在亚马逊或其他任何地方找到很多有趣的怪异杯子,对于喜欢咖啡的怪胎来说,它们是绝佳的选择。 您可以在此处获得如图所示的Caffeine马克杯 ,或者搭配Atari 镜头Canon Lens基于PortalAperture马克杯 。 你的选择。 价钱:$ 7
不,它不是轻型军刀,但几乎足够明亮,可以成为军刀—您可以在夜间照亮低空飞行的云层,或者在白天休息时使一些外星人失明。 所有这些都以极低的价格提供。 充满乐趣。 价钱:$ 15

令人讨厌的电视节目和书籍 (Geeky TV Shows and Books)

Sometimes you just want to relax and enjoy a some TV or a good book. Here’s a few choices.

有时,您只是想放松一下,欣赏一些电视或一本好书。 这是一些选择。

The IT Crowd Fourth Season   Doctor Who, Complete Fifth Series
Ridiculous, funny show about nerds in the IT department, loved by almost all the geeks here at HTG. Justin even makes this required watching for new hires in his office so they’ll get his jokes. You can pre-order the fourth season, or pick up seasons one, two, or three for even cheaper. Price: $13
  It doesn’t get any more nerdy than Eric’s pick, the fifth all-new series of Doctor Who, where the Daleks are hatching a new master plan from the heart of war-torn London. There’s also alien vampires, humanoid reptiles, and a lot more. Price: $52
Battlestar Galactica Complete Series   MAKE: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery
Watch the epic fight to save the human race by finding the fabled planet Earth while being hunted by the robotic Cylons. You can grab the entire series on DVD or Blu-ray, or get the seasons individually. This isn’t your average sci-fi TV show. Price: $150 for Blu-ray.
  Want to learn the fundamentals of electronics in a fun, hands-on way? The Make:Electronics book helps you build the circuits and learn how it all works—as if you had any more time between all that registry hacking and loading software on your new PC. Price: $21
IT人群第四季 神秘博士,第五辑
关于IT部门书呆子的荒谬而有趣的表演,几乎被HTG的所有极客所喜爱。 贾斯汀甚至要求在他的办公室里留意新员工,以便他们听他的笑话。 您可以预购第四季,也可以更便宜地选择第一第二第三季。 价钱:$ 13
它比埃里克(Eric)的选择更令人讨厌,它是《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)的第五个全新系列,达勒克斯从那里饱受战争war的伦敦中心孵化出一个新的总体规划。 还有外星吸血鬼,类人动物爬行动物等等。 价钱:$ 52
太空堡垒卡拉狄加完整系列 制造:电子:通过发现学习
观看史诗般的战斗,以寻找传说中的行星,同时被机器人Cylon追捕,以拯救​​人类。 您可以在DVD或Blu-ray 收看整个系列 ,也可以单独获取季节。 这不是您的平均科幻电视节目。 价格:蓝光版150美元。
是否想以有趣,动手的方式学习电子学的基础知识? 《 Make:Electronics》一书可帮助您构建电路并了解其工作原理,就好像您在所有注册表**和在新PC上加载软件之间还有更多时间一样。 价钱:$ 21

喜爱小工具的怪异小工具 (Geeky Gadgets for the Gadget-Loving Geek)

Here’s a few of the items on our gadget list, though lets be honest: geeks are going to love almost any gadget, especially shiny new ones.


Klipsch Image S4i Premium Noise-Isolating Headset with 3-Button Apple Control   GP2X Caanoo MAME/Console Emulator
If you’re a real music geek looking for some serious quality in the headset for your iPhone or iPod, this is the pair that Alex recommends. They aren’t terribly cheap, but you can get the less expensive S3 earphones instead if you prefer. Price: $50-100
  Eric says: “As an owner of an older version, I can say the GP2X is one of my favorite gadgets ever. Touted a “Retro Emulation Juggernaut,” GP2X runs Linux and may be the only open source software console available. Sounds too good to be true, but isn’t.” Price: $150
Roku XDS Streaming Player 1080p   Western Digital WD TV Live Plus HD Media Player
If you do a lot of streaming over Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon’s Video on Demand, Pandora, and others, the Roku box is a great choice to get your content on your TV without paying a lot of money.  It’s also got Wireless-N built in, and it supports full 1080P HD. Price: $99
  If you’ve got a home media collection sitting on a hard drive or a network server, the Western Digital box is probably the cheapest way to get that content on your TV, and it even supports Netflix streaming too. It’ll play loads of formats in full HD quality. Price: $99
Fujitsu ScanSnap S300 Color Mobile Scanner   Doxie, the amazing scanner for documents
Trevor said: “This wonderful little scanner has become absolutely essential to me. My desk used to just be a gigantic pile of papers that I didn’t need at the moment, but couldn’t throw away ‘just in case.’ Now, every few weeks, I’ll run that paper pile through this and then happily shred the originals!” Price: $300
  If you don’t scan quite as often and are looking for a budget scanner you can throw into your bag, or toss into a drawer in your desk, the Doxie scanner is a great alternative that I’ve been using for a while. It’s half the price, and while it’s not as full-featured as the Fujitsu, it might be a better choice for the very casual user. Price: $150
具有3键Apple控制的Klipsch Image S4i高级降噪耳机 GP2X Caanoo MAME /控制台模拟器
如果您是真正的音乐极客,并且希望iPhone或iPod的耳机质量达到某种标准,那么这就是Alex推荐的耳机。 它们并不是很便宜,但是如果您愿意,您可以购买便宜一些的S3耳机价格:$ 50-100
埃里克说:“作为旧版本的所有者,我可以说GP2X是我最喜欢的小工具之一。 GP2X被吹捧为“复古仿真剑圣”,它运行Linux,并且可能是唯一可用的开源软件控制台。 听起来好得令人难以置信,但事实并非如此。” 价钱:$ 150
Roku XDS流媒体播放器1080p 西部数据WD TV Live Plus高清媒体播放器
如果您通过Netflix,Hulu Plus,亚马逊的视频点播,Pandora等进行大量流式传输,则Roku盒是不花很多钱就能在电视上获取内容的绝佳选择。 它还内置了Wireless-N,并且支持完整的1080P HD。 价钱:$ 99
如果您将家庭媒体收藏放在硬盘或网络服务器上,则Western Digital盒可能是在电视上获取该内容的最便宜的方式,它甚至还支持Netflix流媒体。 它将以全高清质量播放各种格式的内容。 价钱:$ 99
富士通ScanSnap S300彩色移动扫描仪 Doxie,惊人的文档扫描仪
特雷弗说:“这款出色的小型扫描仪对我来说绝对必不可少。 我的办公桌过去只是一堆我暂时不需要的文件,但不能扔掉以防万一。 现在,每隔几周,我将把那堆纸堆穿过其中,然后愉快地切碎原稿!” 价钱:$ 300
如果您不经常扫描并且正在寻找预算扫描仪,您可以将其扔进包中,或者扔进办公桌的抽屉中,Doxie扫描仪是我使用了一段时间的绝佳选择。 它的价格仅为一半,虽然功能不如富士通,但对于非常休闲的用户来说可能是更好的选择。 价钱:$ 150

(昂贵)几乎任何人都会爱的小工具 ((Expensive) Gadgets Almost Anybody Will Love)

If you’re not sure that one of the more geeky presents is gonna work, here’s some gadgets that just about anybody is going to love, especially if they don’t have one already. Of course, some of these are a bit on the expensive side—but it’s a wish list, right?

如果您不确定是否可以使用比较怪异的礼物之一,那么这里有一些小工具,几乎每个人都会爱上,特别是如果他们还没有。 当然,其中一些价格偏高,但这只是一个愿望清单,对吧?

Amazon Kindle    
  The Kindle weighs less than a paperback book, the screen is amazing and easy on the eyes, and get ready for the kicker: the battery lasts at least a month. We aren’t kidding, either—it really lasts that long.

If you don’t feel like spending money for books, you can use it to read PDFs, and if you want to get really geeky, you can hack it for custom screensavers. Price: $139

iPod Touch or iPad    
  You can’t go wrong with either of these presents—the iPod Touch can do almost everything the iPhone can do, including games, apps, and music, and it has the same Retina display as the iPhone, HD video recording, and a front-facing camera so you can use FaceTime. Price: $229+, depending on model. The iPad is a great tablet for playing games, browsing the web, or just using on your coffee table for guests. It’s well worth buying one—but if you’re buying for yourself, keep in mind that the iPad 2 is probably coming out in 3 months. Price: $500+
Kindle的重量比平装书还轻,屏幕令人惊叹且易于观看,并且可以随时起步:电池可持续使用至少一个月。 我们也不在开玩笑-它确实持续了那么长时间。

如果您不想花钱买书,则可以使用它来阅读PDF ,如果您想变得很怪异,则可以将其骇入定制的屏幕保护程序价格:139美元

iPod TouchiPad
这些礼物中的任何一个都不会错-iPod Touch几乎可以完成iPhone可以做的所有事情,包括游戏,应用程序和音乐,并且它具有与iPhone相同的Retina显示屏,高清视频录制和前置相机,因此您可以使用FaceTime。 价格:$ 229 +,取决于型号。 价格:$ 500 +

MacBook Air 

MacBook Air  


The MacBook Air comes in 11” or 13” versions, and it’s an amazing little machine. It’s lightweight, the battery lasts nearly forever, and it resumes from sleep almost instantly. Since it uses an SSD drive instead of a hard drive, you’re barely going to notice any speed problems for general use. So if you’ve got a lot of money to blow, this is a killer gift. Price: $999 and up.

MacBook Air提供11英寸或13英寸版本,这是一台令人惊叹的小型机器。 它重量轻,电池几乎可以持续使用,并且几乎可以立即从睡眠中恢复。 由于它使用SSD驱动器而不是硬盘驱动器,因此您几乎不会注意到一般用途的任何速度问题。 因此,如果您有很多钱可以投入,这是一件杀手gift的礼物。 价格:999美元及以上。

坚持不知道要送礼物吗? 礼品卡! (Stuck with No Idea for a Present? Gift Cards!)

Yeah, you’re not going to win any “thoughtful present” awards with these, but you might just give somebody what they really want—the new Angry Birds HD for their iPad, Cut the Rope, or anything else they want.


ITunes Gift Card   Amazon.com Gift Card
Somebody in your circle getting a new iPod, iPhone, or iPad? You can get them an iTunes gift card, which they can use to buy music, games or apps. Yep, this way you can gift them a copy of Angry Birds if they don’t already have it. Or even Cut the Rope.
  No clue what to get somebody on your list? Amazon gift cards let them buy pretty much anything they want, from organic weirdberries to big screen TVs. Yeah, it’s not as thoughtful as getting them a nice present, but look at the bright side: maybe they’ll get you an Amazon gift card and it’ll balance out.
iTunes礼品卡 Amazon.com礼品卡
您圈子中的人正在购买新的iPod,iPhone或iPad? 您可以为他们提供iTunes礼品卡,他们可以用来购买音乐,游戏或应用程序。 是的,如果他们还没有《愤怒的小鸟》,可以用这种方式给他们一份礼物。 甚至剪断绳子。
不知道如何使某人进入您的名单? 亚马逊礼品卡使他们可以购买几乎任何想要的东西,从有机奇怪的浆果到大屏幕电视。 是的,这不如给他们精美的礼物来得体贴,而是要看好的一面:也许他们会为您提供一张亚马逊礼品卡,并且可以使您的收支平衡。

That’s the highlights from our lists—got anything else to add? Share your geeky gift ideas in the comments.

这就是我们列表中的亮点-还有其他要添加的内容吗? 在评论中分享您的怪异礼物想法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/37506/the-how-to-geek-holiday-gift-guide-geeky-stuff-we-like/
