Internet Protocols-1.2 network edge

1.2.1 A closer look at network structure:

network edge:边缘网络

  • hosts: clients and servers
  • servers often in data centers
  • part of the network with the users and computers

边缘网络包括汇聚层网络和接入层网络的一部分或全部, 是接入用户的最后一段网络。

access networks, physicalmedia: wired, wireless communication links

  • part of network connecting edge to rest of network

network core:

  • the “middle” of the network
  • interconnected routers
  • network of networks

edge router:边缘路由器


1.2.2 Access networks and physical media

Q: How to connect end systems to edge router?

  • residential access nets
  • institutional access networks (school, company)
  • mobile access networks

1.2.3 Network basics – packets

  • Imagine we want to transmit 10GB of data.
  • This may take several hours to send.
  • It is useful to split the data down into smaller units (known as
  • This “packet” of data can be sent relatively quickly.
  • The packet can be, for example, checked for errors.
  • The packet could be retransmitted if a problem was detected.

1.2.4 Host: sends packets of data

  • takes application message
  • breaks into smaller chunks, known as packets, of length L bits
  • transmits packet into access network at transmission rate R
  • link transmission rate, aka link capacity, aka bandwidth
    Internet Protocols-1.2 network edge