vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览大小的赏金(付费!)

vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览大小的赏金(付费!)


Ever since Windows Vista came out, I’ve been trying to figure out how to increase the size of the tiny Windows Vista taskbar preview windows. I’ve scoured the registry, used process monitor to try and find hidden registry keys, and looked at every setting I could find anywhere with no luck.

自Windows Vista问世以来,我一直在努力寻找如何增加微型Windows Vista任务栏预览窗口的大小的方法。 我搜寻了注册表,使用进程监视器尝试查找隐藏的注册表项,并查看了我可以在任何没有运气的地方找到的所有设置。



So I’ve decided in honor of us hitting the 10k subscriber mark, I’m going to offer $103.15 to the first person that can figure out a way to increase the size of the native preview windows shown here.


vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览大小的赏金(付费!)

Here’s the rules:


  • Solution can be a registry hack or an application, but must utilize the built-in previews or if it’s a replacement, it must at least use the new window compositing engine.

  • Solution must allow the user to choose the size, either in specific or relative proportions.

  • If the solution is an application, it must be open source so we can all truly enjoy it.

  • If it’s a registry hack then it can’t be published somewhere else first. How-To Geek readers should get to read it first.

    如果是注册表黑客,则无法先将其发布在其他地方。 How-To Geek读者应该首先阅读它。
  • I don’t want to hear about VisualTooltip or Visual Task Tips. While they are both fine applications, they are made for XP and don’t use the compositing engine, so they are much slower than the built-in previews. Hint: You should be able to watch a video in the preview like you can with the built-in previews.

    我不想听到有关VisualTooltip或Visual Task Tips的信息。 虽然它们都是很好的应用程序,但是它们是为XP而设计的,并且不使用合成引擎,因此它们比内置预览要慢得多。 提示:您应该能够像使用内置预览一样在预览中观看视频。

  • Payment will be either amazon gift card or visa gift card… I have no idea how that works, so I’ll look into it.

  • Submit any entries to me via email.


I’m very interested to see what the community comes up with. Why $103.15 exactly? I dunno, it just felt right. If anybody else would like to pledge money towards this cause, let me know.

我非常有兴趣了解社区的想法。 为什么要$ 103.15美元呢? 我不知道,这感觉不错。 如果有人愿意为此目的捐款,请告诉我。

Update: Reader Shawn won the bounty by writing in with a link to Vista Thumbnail Sizer, a utility written by Andreas Verhoeven. More details after the jump…

更新:读者Shawn通过写到由Andreas Verhoeven编写的实用程序Vista Thumbnail Sizer的链接赢得了赏金。 跳后的更多细节…

