vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小

vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小


It only took two days for somebody to come through on my offer of a bounty. Reader Shawn wrote in with a link to Vista Thumbnail Sizer, a utility written by Andreas Verhoeven, that performs exactly the features I was looking for.

有人花了我两天时间就提出了我的赏金要求 。 读者Shawn编写了一个链接,该链接指向由Andreas Verhoeven编写的实用程序Vista Thumbnail Sizer,它可以完全执行我正在寻找的功能。

Vista Thumbnail Sizer will let you increase the size of your taskbar preview windows to any size that you’d like. You can even add a fade-in animation.

Vista Thumbnail Sizer可让您将任务栏预览窗口的大小增加到所需的任何大小。 您甚至可以添加淡入动画。

Here’s the default Vista preview size:


vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小

And here’s what it looks like if you crank them up really big. You can make them even bigger if you want. The great thing about this is that Thumbnail Resizer uses the compositing engine built into Vista, so if you are playing a video, the video plays in the thumbnail just like the default ones do.

这就是如果您将它们大幅度增大的话。 如果需要,可以使它们更大。 很棒的事情是Thumbnail Resizer使用Vista内置的合成引擎,因此,如果您正在播放视频,则视频会像默认视频一样在缩略图中播放。

vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小



All you have to do is download, unzip, and launch the application, set the size that you’d like, and the effect takes place immediately.


Note: Because this utility mucks with internal stuff in explorer.exe, use this at your own risk.


vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小

There are some requirements for this software to work:


  • Software must be started for it to work. (more below)

    必须启动软件才能使其正常工作。 (下面有更多内容)
  • Must be run with the same privileges as explorer.exe. (Meaning you can’t run it as administrator)

    必须以与explorer.exe相同的特权运行。 (意味着您不能以管理员身份运行它)
  • DWM (Aero) must be running. The taskbar previews only work with Aero enabled, and so they won’t work in Vista Basic at all.

    DWM(Aero)必须正在运行。 任务栏预览仅在启用Aero的情况下才能使用,因此它们根本无法在Vista Basic中使用。

If you want this effect to happen every time you restart your computer, you’ll have to copy the utility into a permanent folder somewhere, and then create a shortcut to avethumnailresizer.exe in your startup menu with the -hide switch. To quickly get to the startup folder, open up explorer and paste the following into the address bar.

如果希望每次重新启动计算机时都发生这种现象,则必须将该实用程序复制到某个位置的永久文件夹中,然后使用-hide开关在启动菜单中创建avethumnailresizer.exe的快捷方式。 要快速进入启动文件夹,请打开资源管理器并将以下内容粘贴到地址栏中。

%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

%APPDATA%\ Microsoft \ Windows \开始菜单\程序\启动

Create your shortcut however you’d like (right-click and drag works best for me). Once you’ve got your shortcut created, open up the properties page and then add the -hide to the end of the Target line, as shown here:

创建您想要的快捷方式(右键单击和拖动最适合我)。 创建快捷方式后,打开属性页,然后将-hide添加到Target行的末尾,如下所示:

vista任务栏透明_增加Windows Vista任务栏预览的大小

Now when your system restarts, you should always have the previews. If you want to change the size, just launch the utility again and change them.

现在,当系统重新启动时,您应该始终具有预览。 如果要更改大小,只需再次启动该实用程序并进行更改。

There are a couple of command line parameters accepted by the Resizer as well:


-kill Kills the application
-show Brings up the dialog window (default)
-nohook Starts the dialog but doesn’t add the effects
-hide Start up but don’t display the dialog
-杀 终止应用
-表演 弹出对话框窗口(默认)
-nohook 启动对话框,但不添加效果
-隐藏 启动但不显示对话框

Download Vista Thumbnail Resizer from How-To Geek (local copy since the source is now dead)

从How-To Geek下载Vista Thumbnail Resizer(本地复制,因为该源现已消失)

Download Vista Thumbnail Resizer Source Code from How-To Geek

从How-To Geek下载Vista Thumbnail Resizer源代码

I’m quite pleased with the results of this experiment… the community responded immediately. I got at least 20 emails within a day of posting the bounty. I may put up more bounties in the future.

我对该实验的结果感到非常满意……社区立即做出了回应。 发布赏金后的一天之内,我至少收到了20封电子邮件。 我将来可能会提出更多的悬赏计划。

