



If you really don’t use Windows Search much, you can disable indexing completely by turning off the Windows Search service. You’ll still be able to search–it will just take longer without an index.

如果您确实不太使用Windows搜索,则可以通过关闭Windows搜索服务来完全禁用索引编制。 您仍然可以搜索-如果没有索引,它将花费更长的时间。

If you’re thinking of disabling Search because it’s slowing things down, we recommend trimming down what files and folders are getting indexed and seeing if that works for you first. And if you’re experiencing crashes or inaccurate searches, try rebuilding your search index. You should also note that other apps–notably Microsoft Outlook–use Windows Search to allow searching within those apps, so you’ll have to do without fast searching in those, as well.

如果您由于速度慢而考虑禁用搜索,建议您减少正在索引的文件和文件夹的数量,并先查看是否适合您。 如果您遇到当机或搜寻错误的情况,请尝试重建搜寻索引。 您还应该注意,其他应用程序(尤其是Microsoft Outlook)使用Windows搜索来在这些应用程序中进行搜索,因此您也必须在这些应用程序中不进行快速搜索。

That said, if you’re planning on using another search app or you just don’t search often and would rather not have the service running, Windows Search is easy to disable. Hit Start, type “services,” and then click the result.

也就是说,如果您打算使用其他搜索应用程序,或者只是不经常搜索并且宁愿不运行该服务,则可以轻松禁用Windows搜索。 单击开始,键入“服务”,然后单击结果。


On the right-hand side of the “Services” window, find the “Windows Search” entry and double-click it.

在“服务”窗口的右侧,找到“ Windows搜索”条目,然后双击它。


In the “Startup type” drop-down menu, select the “Disabled” option. This will prevent Windows Search from loading the next time you start your computer. Click the “Stop” button to go ahead and stop the Windows Search service now. When the service has stopped, click “OK.”

在“启动类型”下拉菜单中,选择“禁用”选项。 这将防止Windows Search在下次启动计算机时加载。 单击“停止”按钮继续并立即停止Windows搜索服务。 服务停止后,单击“确定”。


And that’s it. Windows Search is now disabled, a fact that Windows is happy to remind you about (and offer to fix) when you do perform searches.

就是这样。 Windows搜索现已禁用,这是Windows很乐意在执行搜索时提醒您(并提供修复)的事实。


If you want to turn Windows Search back on, all you have to do is return to it in the Services window, change the “Startup type” option back to “Automatic,” and then click Start to start the service back up.


