Unity 3立即发布Real™

Unity 3立即发布Real™

Hey guys and gals.


Super-happy news here from Unity HQ: Unity 3 is nearly ready – the beta testers and preview customers got their hands on the RC1 build a few days ago. This means we’re wrapping up this cycle and shipping soon.

来自Unity HQ的超级高兴消息:Unity 3即将准备就绪– Beta测试人员和预览版客户几天前就开始使用RC1版本。 这意味着我们将结束这个周期并很快发货。

It also means that our pre-order rebate is about to expire, so now is your last chance to pick up Unity 3 at the discounted price. Head over to the Unity 3 page to see more about it, or go straight to the store to buy your copy today!

这也意味着我们的预购折扣即将到期,因此现在是您以折扣价购买Unity 3的最后机会。 前往Unity 3页面了解更多信息,或者立即去商店购买副本

I can’t wait to finally get this out there – it’s been a tremendous release. A few random stats: over 40 man-years of effort went into Unity 3, and over 100,000 hours of beta testing activity has taken place. Thanks to all of you who helped us out!

我等不及要最终解决这个问题-这是一个了不起的版本。 一些随机统计数据:Unity 3投入了40多年的努力,并且进行了超过100,000小时的beta测试活动。 感谢所有帮助我们的人!

Happy coding :)


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/09/20/unity-3-release-real-soon-now-tm/