【mini故事】——search for meaning

【mini故事】——search for meaning

There was a little boy named Chris and Chris hated vegetables.

He only liked to eat steak.

Now, of course , Chris's mother was not happy.

Every day she admonished him to eat vegetables.

She said "Chris,eat your vegetables. You must eat your vegetables."

He never did it.He only ate steak every day. 

Steak  for breakfast,steak for lunch,steak for dinner,steak for snacks,Chris only ate steak.

Now an unintended consequence of his eating choise was that Chris became fat very quickly.

He weighed 725 pounds. He was only 5 years old.

He kept getting fatter and fatter and fatter. He became hugely obese.

His mother was very worried, so she pursued a new strategy.

Well, she said "Chris , they kill poor little nice cows to make steak and you love animals, so you should follow your conscience ."

Then Chris stopped eating steak.

In face, he learned to love vegetables an over time he became thinner and healthier and helthier . 

And one day when he was 7 years old he was super healthy, super thin and he looked great.

His mom was very, very happy.