在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Are you one of the many Vista users who want to get in the Internet Explorer 9 Beta fun?  Although Microsoft mostly focused on Windows 7 specific features in it’s information, IE 9 still has a lot of great features for Vista.  Let’s see how you can use the best new features from IE 9 including pinning sites and site specific browsers in Windows Vista.

您是否是想在Internet Explorer 9 Beta中获得乐趣的众多Vista用户之一? 尽管Microsoft在其信息中主要侧重于Windows 7的特定功能,但IE 9仍然具有Vista的许多出色功能。 让我们看看如何使用IE 9中最好的新功能,包括在Windows Vista中固定站点和特定于站点的浏览器。

Windows Vista上的IE 9入门 (Get Started With IE 9 on Windows Vista)

Installing IE 9 on Vista works almost the same as it does on Windows 7.  The biggest difference is that you’ll need to have Service Pack 2 installed before you can install it.  If you don’t already have it installed, IE 9’s installer will let you know that it’s not supported on your current service pack.  Install Service Pack 2, and then run the installer again to setup IE 9.

在Vista上安装IE 9的工作原理与在Windows 7上几乎相同。最大的不同是,必须先安装Service Pack 2,然后才能安装它。 如果尚未安装IE 9,则IE 9的安装程序将告知您当前的Service Pack不支持它。 安装Service Pack 2,然后再次运行安装程序以设置IE 9。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

IE 9 will now install the same as it does in Windows 7.  It should only take a few minutes, and then you’ll be prompted to reboot your computer to finish the setup.

IE 9现在将安装与Windows 7中相同的安装。只需要几分钟,然后系统将提示您重新启动计算机以完成设置。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

You may be asked to select security settings when you first run IE 9.

首次运行IE 9时,可能会要求您选择安全设置。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

After that, you’ll be ready to enjoy the latest IE features and speed in Windows Vista.  Be sure to try out some of the demos at Microsoft’s BeautyOfTheWeb.com site to see how much faster the new IE is.

之后,您就可以享受Windows Vista中最新的IE功能和速度了。 请务必尝试在Microsoft的BeautyOfTheWeb.com网站上进行一些演示,以了解新IE的运行速度。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

将站点固定到Vista任务栏 (Pin Sites to Your Vista Taskbar)

One of the most talked about IE 9 features is the ability to pin websites to the taskbar in Windows 7, enabling you to user your favorite sites and webapps with more native Windows integration than before.  Windows Vista’s taskbar doesn’t include the new pinning features, so at first it seems like Vista users are left out of the fun.

IE 9功能最受关注的功能之一就是能够将网站固定到Windows 7中的任务栏,使您能够通过比以前更多的本机Windows集成来使用自己喜欢的网站和Web应用程序。 Windows Vista的任务栏不包含新的固定功能,因此乍一看似乎Vista用户已失去乐趣。

But, don’t despair: it turns out, there’s still a way you can pin your favorite sites to the Vista taskbar with the Quick Access toolbar.  If you don’t already have it enabled, right-click your taskbar and select Toolbars, then Quick Launch.

但是,请不要失望:事实证明,还有一种方法可以使用“快速访问”工具栏将喜欢的网站固定到Vista任务栏。 如果尚未启用它,请右键单击任务栏并选择“ 工具栏” ,然后选择“ 快速启动”

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Now, browse to the site you want to pin to your taskbar, and drag the tab down towards the taskbar, just as you would in Windows 7 to pin it to the taskbar.

现在,浏览到要固定到任务栏的站点,然后将选项卡向下拖向任务栏,就像在Windows 7中将其固定到任务栏一样。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Drag it over to the Quick Launch toolbar, and the site will turn into a transparent square.  Release it there, and your site will be pinned to your Quick Launch bar.

将其拖到“快速启动”工具栏上,该站点将变成透明的正方形。 将其释放在那里,您的网站将被固定到“快速启动”栏中。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Your pinned sites will use the site’s favicon and title, and you can pin as many as you would like to make it easier to access your favorite sites and apps.


在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

When you launch a pinned site, it will open in a customized IE window with the pinned site’s favicon in the left side and customized back and forward buttons that match the site’s favicon.  If you browse to another page and want to go back to the pinned site, simply click its favicon to go back to that page.

当启动固定的站点时,它将在自定义的IE窗口中打开,固定站点的图标在左侧,并且自定义的后退和前进按钮与该站点的图标匹配。 如果浏览到另一个页面并想返回到固定的站点,只需单击其图标即可返回该页面。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

If you’d rather not clutter up your taskbar with tons of icons, you can drag pinned sites from the Quick Launch bar to the desktop.


在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Now your pinned sites will be easily accessible from your desktop.  These shortcuts will still open a customized browser just like they did from the quick launch bar.

现在,您可以从桌面轻松访问固定的站点。 这些快捷方式仍会像快速启动栏中一样打开自定义浏览器。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

The only thing you miss out on is the specialized jump list shortcuts to different parts of your pinned websites.  If you right-click the pinned shortcuts, you’ll see a normal icon right-click menu.  You can click Delete to remove a pinned site from your shortcut if you wish.

您唯一会错过的是专用的跳转列表快捷方式,可用于固定网站的不同部分。 如果右键单击固定的快捷方式,则会看到一个普通的图标右键单击菜单。 如果需要,可以单击“ 删除”从快捷方式中删除固定的站点。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

将网站固定到开始菜单 (Pin Sites To Your Start Menu)

Another way you can quickly access your favorite sites without cluttering up your taskbar is to add them to your start menu.  To do this, browse to the site you want to add, click the gear button in the top right corner of IE 9, select File, then click Add site to Start menu.

您可以快速访问自己喜欢的网站而又不会弄乱任务栏的另一种方法是将它们添加到开始菜单中。 为此,请浏览至要添加的站点,单击IE 9右上角的齿轮按钮,选择“ 文件” ,然后单击“ 将站点添加到开始菜单”

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Click Add in the popup to confirm you want to add the site to your Start menu.

在弹出窗口中单击“ 添加 ”以确认您要将站点添加到“开始”菜单中。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

You’ll now see a new shortcut for your pinned site in your Vista start menu.  Click it to open it in a new personalized IE 9 window.

现在,您将在Vista的开始菜单中看到固定站点的新快捷方式。 单击它以在新的个性化IE 9窗口中将其打开。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Your pinned site will even show up in Vista’s start menu search, so you can quickly access it by without even touching your mouse.


在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Sites pinned to the Start Menu open in specialized IE windows just like those pinned to the taskbar, so you’ll still get the great customization whichever way you prefer.


在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

并排查看站点 (View Sites Side-by-Side)

Another nice new IE 9 feature in Windows 7 is that you can view sites side by side with Aero Snap.  Windows Vista doesn’t include Aero Snap, but you can still view your favorite sites side by side with IE 9.  First, drag the tab you want to see side-by-side off of the window to open it in a new window.

Windows 7中另一个不错的IE 9新功能是,您可以与Aero Snap并排查看站点 。 Windows Vista不包括Aero Snap,但是您仍然可以与IE 9并排查看自己喜欢的网站。首先,将要查看的选项卡并排拖离窗口,以在新窗口中将其打开。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Then, make sure you only have the 2 windows visible.  Right-click on your taskbar, and select Show Windows Side by Side.

然后,确保只有两个窗口可见。 右键单击任务栏,然后选择“并排显示Windows”

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

Now you’ll see the two sites side by side just as they would with Aero Snap in Windows 7.  You could also get the same effect with the Aero Snap addon for Vista, but it seemed to not work good with IE 9 in our tests.

现在,您将同时看到两个站点,就像在Windows 7中使用Aero Snap一样。您也可以通过VistaAero Snap插件获得相同的效果,但是在我们的测试中,它似乎不适用于IE 9 。

在Windows Vista中使用Internet Explorer 9

These tips should help you get the most from IE 9 in Windows Vista.  If you come across any other IE 9 tips and tricks, feel free to let use know in the comments!  If you want to learn more about IE 9 beta, here’s some more articles from across the How-to Geek network about some of the new features:

这些技巧应该可以帮助您充分利用Windows Vista中的IE 9。 如果您遇到其他任何IE 9提示和技巧,请随时在评论中告知使用! 如果您想了解有关IE 9 beta的更多信息,这里有更多来自How-to Geek网络的文章,介绍了一些新功能:

Internet Explorer 9 Screenshot Tour

Internet Explorer 9截图浏览

Add Google As Your Search Provider in IE 9

在IE 9中将Google添加为您的搜索提供商

Use Aero Snap with IE 9 Tabs in Windows 7

在Windows 7中将Aero Snap与IE 9选项卡一起使用

其他连结 (Other Links)

Download IE 9 and Try out its New Features at BeautyOfTheWeb.com

在BeautyOfTheWeb.com上下载IE 9并试用其新功能。

Internet Explorer 9 System Requirements

Internet Explorer 9系统要求

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29306/using-internet-explorer-9-with-windows-vista/