


I personally cannot stand the “bread crumb” toolbar Microsoft makes us use as a default.  I really wish this was an option to enable or disable.  I see a lot of praise for this new feature with people saying “it makes navigation extremely fast” … Am I alone here?  Am I the only one who sees no benefit to this?  When i am navigating an OS I get there via a straight line .. I have no reason to go back somewhere else along the journey.  I am a proponent of shortcuts for frequently used paths.  When I want to view the traditional path of a certain location, it actually requires an additional mouse click!  How is this more efficient?  How does that speed things up? 

我个人无法忍受Microsoft让我们默认使用的“面包屑”工具栏。 我真的希望这是启用或禁用的选项。 我对这个新功能赞不绝口,有人说“它使导航变得非常快”……我一个人在这里吗? 我是唯一对此没有帮助的人吗? 当我在浏览OS时,我是通过直线到达的。.我没有理由在旅途中回到其他地方。 我支持常用路径的快捷方式。 当我想查看某个位置的传统路径时,实际上需要额外的鼠标单击! 效率如何? 如何加快速度?

For instance my buddy online want to take a look at templates in C:Program FilesHPPhotosmart EssentialTemplate … well here it is with bread crumbs.

例如,我的在线好友想看看C:Program FilesHPPhotosmart EssentialTemplate中的模板…好吧,这是面包屑。


Here it is after clicking the folder and copying it with “Ctrl+C”.  Then to change that view back to breadcrumb you hit the “Tab” key.

这是单击文件夹并用“ Ctrl + C”复制之后。 然后要将视图更改回面包屑,请按“ Tab”键。


Now, if you hit “Ctrl+C” while the Breadcrumb bar is highlighted and then “Ctrl+V” to paste… it will show C:Program FilesHPPhotosmart EssentialTemplate …

现在,如果在高亮显示面包屑栏时单击“ Ctrl + C”,然后单击“ Ctrl + V”进行粘贴……它将显示C:\ Program Files \ HPPhotosmart EssentialTemplate…。

I would like to know how many others do not like the “Bread crumb” explorer view.  Does anyone know of a third party app that will get rid of this? 

我想知道还有多少人不喜欢“面包屑”浏览器视图。 有谁知道可以摆脱这种情况的第三方应用程序?

Or if you do think this is an enhancement to Windows let us know that too!  It’s a small gripe but one that annoys me nonetheless.

或者,如果您确实认为这是Windows的增强功能,请告诉我们! 这是一个小小的抱怨,但仍然使我烦恼。

