创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

Reader Jeffrey wrote in asking how to create an icon to start up the screensaver in Windows Vista. This question is so common that I figured I’d write up the answer for everybody, as well as provide a downloadable set of shortcuts to all the default screensavers (for Vista users).

读者Jeffrey在询问如何在Windows Vista中创建图标以启动屏幕保护程序时写道。 这个问题是如此普遍,以至于我想我会为每个人写下答案,并为所有默认屏幕保护程序(适用于Vista用户)提供一组可下载的快捷方式。

Note that this technique should work for Windows 7, Vista, or even XP.

请注意,该技术适用于Windows 7,Vista甚至XP。

Create Screensaver Icon


Right-click on the desktop and choose New \ Shortcut from the menu.


创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

In order to launch the screensaver, you’ll need to enter the full path to the screensaver file, followed by “/s”

为了启动屏幕保护程序,您需要输入屏幕保护程序文件的完整路径,然后输入“ / s”

%systemroot%\system32\Bubbles.scr /s

%systemroot%\ system32 \ Bubbles.scr / s

创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

You would want to substitute the name of the screensaver where you see “Bubbles.scr” above. Also note that I used %systemroot% instead of C:\windows because not every install uses the C: drive.

您可能希望替换上面显示“ Bubbles.scr”的屏幕保护程序的名称。 另请注意,因为不是每个安装都使用C:驱动器,所以我使用%systemroot%而不是C:\ windows。

If you don’t know the filename, you can browse down to your system32 folder and then search for “.scr” using the search box:

如果您不知道文件名,则可以浏览到system32文件夹,然后使用搜索框搜索“ .scr”:

创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

You should see all of the names of all the screensavers installed on your system, which you can use in the location field.


Download Shortcut Icons (Vista Only)


If you’ve prefer, I made shortcuts for all the default screensavers and zipped them up. You can just download and extract the file, and then use whichever ones you want.

如果愿意,我为所有默认的屏幕保护程序创建了快捷方式,并将它们压缩了。 您可以下载并解压缩文件,然后使用所需的文件。

创建图标以在Windows 7或Vista上启动屏幕保护程序

Note: I’m fairly certain I didn’t miss any default screensavers in the list, but it’s certainly possible since it’s 6am and I’m still awake.


Download Start Screensaver Icons


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/create-icons-to-start-the-screensaver-on-windows-vista/