Up in the Air-16

Meet again.

  • Excuse me. Are you available?(你有空吗)
  • This line's for members(航线) of our Matterhorn Program.
  • Well, hello. Ryan's told me nothing about you. So, you two are dating(你俩在约会)?
  • Not exactly.
  • Well, hey, don't worry about it. We're all getting a little old to be calling someone girlfriend.
  • I remember when Mommy used to call Jack her boyfriend. God. Drove me up the wall(俗语,把我逼疯). Boyfriends are for kids, right?
  • what are you doing at the hotel?
  • Frank and I are trying out(尝试) a trial separation(分开).
  • I 'm sorry. So, you're not staying at the house?
  • No, there was a room on hold(空闲) here, so I thought I'd just take it for the weekend.
  • the rehearsal(彩排) dinner.
  • tonight. I'll see you two there.
  • There's a packet.
  •  look who's here.
  • Hey, look who's here.
  • He finally made it.(获得成功)
  • You look so grown-up.(成熟的)
  • I do? You're the one that's getting married.
  • I know, right? You haven't even seen my ring.
  • Look at that.
  • It's lovely.
  • Jim designed it.
  • Thank you guys for coming. Brother!
  • I got the pictures you asked me to get.
  • You can just put them right there.
  • There are so many of them up there, I almost have narrow(狭窄的) room.
  • I know. It's so great. Everyone just chipped in.(募捐)
  • What gave you the idea to do something so...
  • Substantial(大量的)
  • Well, Jim has a lot of our nest egg(储蓄金) invested in this real estate venture(房地产).
  • It's a real estate investment.
  • It's exciting, but we went over our finances(资金) and...
  • A honeymoon just kind of at this state in the game just doesn't really seem affordable.
  • No, I think that's a fabulous(极好的) idea.
  • I mean, the concept is turnkey(全承包的) everything. Okay? You buy a maintenance contract(维持合同) when you get the home.
  • You know, we'll whack your weeds(消减杂草), we'll change your light bulbs(灯泡).Furniture, you can bring your own or else you can pick one of our beautiful packages.
  • Seamless traditionalism, yet all the perks.(传承经典,获益无限
  • It's a nice touch.(很好的尝试)
  • The bit at the end about the promise. I like that part.
  • You still renting that one-bedroom?
  • So, you own now?




climb the wall 担心,紧张

1.????have a bone to pick with 挑骨头?or 就某事跟某人争论,抱怨某人

????例句:I have a bone to pick with you about the impolite way you spoke to my mother just now. 


✔️ 与某人争论

️这种说法源自16世纪,是从狗啃骨头那里引申而来的。大家都知道,狗对于骨头有着极大的热情,总是啃很久,于是“a bone to pick”就被用来指代“需要长时间讨论的事情”。

2.clear the air 清新空气?or 消除不愉快的气氛;澄清事实

????例句:I got your back. It's time to clear the air. 



️这个习语源于这样一个事实,当空气中烟雾弥漫时,是很难看到东西的。有时候,当人们非常生气,或讨厌某个人时,他们会被这些情感影响。clear the air就是坦诚地说出问题并解决的过程。


Up in the Air-16