Up in the Air-14

Natalie’s anger.

  • What happened to Alex?

  • She had to leave town early to get to a meeting.

  • That’s too bad.

  • Where she live(她住哪)?

  • Thinking of going to see her?

  • We don’t really have that kind of relationship. Try right over there. That direction.

  • What kind of relationship do you have?

  • Well, you know, casual(随便的).

  • Sounds pretty special.

  • It works for us.

  • Don’t you think there’s a future there?

  • I never really thought about it. What’s going on here?

  • Really never thought about it?

  • How can you not think about that? How does it not even cross your mind(萦绕心头) that you might want a future with someone?

  • You know that moment when you look into somebody’s eyes and you can feel them staring into(凝视) your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second?

  • You’re an asshole.

  • I’m just dicking around. Come on. Give me a hand.

  • Don’t you think it’s worth giving her a chance?

  • A chance to what?

  • A chance at something real.

  • Natalie, your definition of real is going to evolve(变化) as you get older.

  • Can you stop condescending(鄙视) for one second or is that one of the principles of your bullshit philosophy(胡话哲学)?

  • Bullshit philosophy?

  • The isolation(隔离), the traveling. Is that supposed to be charming?

  • No, it’s simply a life choice.

  • It’s a cocoon of self-banishment(自我堕落的借口).

  • Wow. Big(夸大的) words.

  • Screw you.(去你的)

  • You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection(人际关系).

  • And now this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet(受到批评) of your ridiculous life choice and comes out on the other end smiling just so you can call her “casual”?

  • Listen, these Detroit guys can be tough(固执的). They’ve been getting hammered(千锤百炼).

  • So, you don’t get distracted(不集中). Stick with the simple stuff. You get these packets in their hand and you get them out the door, okay?

  • What’s going on here?

  • I’ve been looking at those great numbers over the last few days. I thought maybe we should just nut up(放手去做) and give this a try.

  • We’d use a little more time.

  • Well, you got to leave the nest(巢) at some point, huh?

  • I know. It’s a good thing we brought our best, okay. Let’s stop screwing around.(鬼混)

  • All right. Just give me a minute to prepare and get my things together.

  • I was thinking that Natalie was going to take this one.

  • She’s hardly ready for that.

  • I’ve been watching her results the last few days. She’s great.

  • This is a whole other animal.

  • You know, she created it and everything, right? Natalie, are you not up for it?

  • Yeah, I’m game(我很乐意).

  • Just remember, don’t apologize, don’t tell them how hard this is for you.

  • Today’s one of the worst days they’re ever gonna have in their life. How we feel doesn’t even compare.

  • All right. Just keep it professional(专业性). You’ll be fine

Up in the Air-14