Up in the Air-6

Failure to fire Ryan.

  • Tell me you’re not taking this seriously.

  • That’s why I brought the entire company in from the road, because we’re not taking it seriously.

  • There is a methodology to what I do. There is a reason why it works.

  • Coke and IBM have been doing this for years, all right. Are you familiar with them?

  • It’s just like anything else, you know, it’s gonna take a few months of sort of transition and then everybody is gonna settle in(适应).

  • How are you not getting this? You’re grounded. Everybody’s grounded. It’s done.

  • What we do here is brutal(残忍的), and it does leave people devastated(崩溃). But there is a dignity(尊严) to the way I do it.

  • By stabbing(捅) them in the chest instead of the back, is that right?

  • Thank you. How’s everyone taking it(大家接受的怎么样)?

  • I admire your… your zeal. And I think you have some very good ideas.

  • But you know nothing about the realities of my industry. You can set up(发起) an iChat, but you don’t know how people think.

  • Well, since she’s gonna be doing this on a regular basis, don’t you wanna know if she can fire somebody?

  • She’s fired Ned.

  • My dog can fire Ned. Fire me.

  • You don’t need to do this.

  • No, it’s okay. I got this.

  • I regret to inform you that your position at this company is no longer available.

  • I’m here today to discuss your future.

  • My future? The only one who can fire me is Craig Gregory.

  • Mr. Gregory hired me to handle this for him.

  • Handle what? Handle me? Mr. Gregory hired me; he’s the only one who can fire me. You know what? I’m gonna go talk to him.

  • You can’t follow me. You’re on a computer screen, remember?

  • This is a mythical(虚拟的) situation. How could I possibly know why?

  • It’s important not to focus on the why and rather to spend your energy thinking about your future.

  • I’m gonna spend my energy on suing(控告) you unless you give me a good reason why you’re firing me.

  • the reason’s not important.

  • So, you’re firing me without grounds? Now I really have a lawsuit.(打官司)

  • I get what you’re trying to say, Ryan.

  • Don’t take this personally, Mr. Bingham.

  • Personally? This is the most personal situation that you are ever gonna enter.So before you try to revolutionize(彻底改革) my business, I’d like to know that you actually know my business.

  1. I’ve reached my breaking point. (不行,我已经崩溃了。)
  2. I’m freaking out.(我要崩溃了。)



  1. By the sweat of one’s brow.在体力劳动方面付出了很大的努力。

  2. I have my work cut out for me.我忙得不可开交。

  3. I’m swamped.我忙不过来了。

  4. To work one’s fingers to the bone.指长期辛苦地进行工作。

  5. To give 110 %(percent).尽了最大的努力。

Up in the Air-6