Up in the Air-10

Confident about my plan.

  • Sometimes they just need to vent(发泄).

  • Please, for the love of God, can I fire the next one?

  • thank you for joining us.

  • I’m here to be fired, right?

  • Well, we’re here to talk about your future.

  • You don’t have to sugarcoat(美化) it. I get the drill(我都懂). What are they offering?

  • Inside the packet, you’ll find a clearly worked out severance(解雇) package.

  • Give me the bullet points(说重点).

  • It’s actually pretty good. Three months’ pay, six months’ medical and a full year of placement services(就业咨询) through our company

  • Placement services. That’s generous(慷慨).

    • I could be looking for a while.
  • Not necessarily.

  • Don’t even sweat(出汗,努力) it. I’m pretty confident about my plans.

  • Yeah. There’s this beautiful bridge by my house. I’m gonna go jump off it(跳下去).

  • People say these things all the time. It’s part of the trade(工作).

  • They say crazy things. They get worked up(生气).

  • She was really calm.

  • I think that’s a good sign.

  • they don’t ever actually do it?

  • How do you know? Do you follow up?

  • Nothing good’s gonna come of that.

  • I wouldn’t worry about it. This is what we do, Natalie.

  • We take people at their most fragile(在他们脆弱的时候), and we set them adrift.(解雇)

  • No, I’m fine. Tell me something sweet.

  • I’ll be back soon. I’m not really sure how long this whole exercise is supposed to last. No, I don’t even think of him that way. He’s old.

  • There are people that are gonna be way more qualified than me now.

  • I don’t know what to do when I wake up in the morning, tomorrow.

  1. Some people did not take it seriously since it was just a drill.(有些人因为这只是一场演习而没有认真对待。)
  2. We both know, nothing’s going to come of this, don’t we?(我们彼此都知道,这样下去肯定是没有结果的,不是吗?)


1.????out to lunch 出去吃午饭?or 神志不清,心不在焉

例句:What’s wrong with him?He seems to be out to lunch today.


✔️ 神志不清,心不在焉

️这是一个经常被用错的俚语,很容易被误用为表达出去吃午饭。如果你在路上偶遇一个朋友,他问你要去哪里,你回答说“out to lunch”,对方可能会一愣然后用小拳拳打你哦,因为这个俚语还有“心不在焉、犯蠢”的含义。同学可能会疑惑吃午饭和这层含义根本八竿子打不着哇,按照sir的方法来理解吧~人的灵魂飘走去吃午饭了,只剩下一副空荡荡的躯壳,失去了灵魂,整个人是不是就会神志不清了呢?

2.read my lips 读我的嘴唇?or 仔细倾听

例句:Read my lips, and don’t make any mistake.




Up in the Air-10