Up in the Air-12

pour out words

  • I think it’s time we see each other (跟别人约会)
  • He broke up with you over a text message.
  • It’s kind of like firing someone over the internet.
  • what a weaselly prick(混蛋)
  • but what does that make me,someone who falls for(爱上) a prick
  • we all fall for them,pricks are spontaneous,they’re unpredicted, and they’re fun
  • I got a job waiting for me in Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra
  • He said we could start a life together
  • I thought I’d be engaged(订婚) by now, no offence(无意冒犯)
  • None token(我不介意)
  • when i was 16.I thought by 23 I’d be married,maybe have a kid,corner office(总裁办公室) by day,entertaining at night.I was supposed to be driving a car by now.
  • life can underwhelm me that way.
  • I don’t want to say anything that’s anti-femist(反对女权) I really appreciate wverything that your generation did for me
  • It’s our pleasure
  • You really thought this guy was the one.
  • white-collar,college grad,loves dogs,like funny movies
  • I could’ve made it work,he really fit the bill(满足条件)
  • In a prefect world,he drives a 4Runner,and the only thing he loves more than me is his golden lab
  • please let him earn more money than I do,you might not understand that now,but believe me,you will one day.
  • what about you?
  • let me think
  • you know,by the time you’re 34,all the physical requirements just go out the window(抛在脑后).
  • just someone who enjoys my company,comes from a good family,because you don’t think about that when you’re younger
  • that’s a recipe for disaster(引发灾难的原因)
  • and hopefully some hair in his head,I mean even that’s not a deal breaker(破坏交易的事) these days.
  • that was depressing,I should just date women
  • we’re no picnic ourselves.
  • I don’t mind being married to my career,and I don’t expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep.
  • I don’t want to settle.
  • you’re young,right now you see settling as some sort of a failure.
  • But by the time someone is right for you,it won’t feel like settling



  1. It’s tipping it down. 雨下得很大。
    英国人用搭配“be tipping it down”来形容“雨下得很大”,就像有人把雨水“tip 倾倒下来”一样,雨大势急。

  2. It’s pouring down. 正在下倾盆大雨。
    搭配“pour down”或“bucket down”的意思都是“下大雨、下倾盆大雨”。

  3. It’s chucking it down. 正在下瓢泼大雨。

  4. The heavens have opened. 突然下起了滂沱大雨。

  5. It rains cats and dogs.大雨倾盆

Up in the Air-12