apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?


apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

Apple’s HomeKit smarthome platform is all over the news lately, but many people are unclear on the specifics like how to use it, what you can use with it, and so on. Read on as we dig into HomeKit to clear up some of the mystery surrounding it.

苹果的HomeKit智能家居平台近来风靡一时,但是很多人在细节上不清楚,例如如何使用它,可以使用什么等等。 在深入研究HomeKit时,请继续阅读以清除围绕它的一些奥秘。

什么是HomeKit? (What Is HomeKit?)

In June of 2014 at their World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) Apple announced iOS 8 and highlighted some of the upcoming features. Among those features were two new “Kit” platforms, HealthKit and HomeKit, designed to integrate iOS with two rising digital-age trends: quantified self healthcare and smart homes. What HealthKit is to your body and fitness gear, HomeKit is to your home and electronics.

在2014年6月的全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,Apple宣布了iOS 8并着重介绍了即将推出的一些功能。 这些功能包括两个新的“ Kit”平台,HealthKit和HomeKit,旨在将iOS与两个不断上升的数字时代趋势集成:量化的自我保健和智能家居。 HomeKit适用于您的身体和健身设备,HomeKit适用于您的家庭和电子设备。

HomeKit is not a single control application but is instead a hardware certification platform and database system that allows developers to create hardware and to integrate that hardware with iOS to provide for easy discovery, configuration, management, and communication between a wide variety of smarthome products like locks, lights, security equipment, and other home automation products.


Armed with HomeKit products and your iOS device you can set up your home such that the lights turn on at a set time every morning to wake you, the thermostat cranks the AC up when you’re driving home on a hot day, and at the end of that day you can snuggle into bed and talk out loud to your iOS device to tell HomeKit to shut the house down for the evening. Let’s take a look at the most common questions we’ve been asked regarding HomeKit and, in the process, highlight all the things you need to use it and what you can do with it.

配备HomeKit产品和iOS设备,您可以设置自己的家,以便每天早晨在指定的时间打开灯来唤醒您,当您在炎热的日子里开车时,恒温器会启动AC,那天结束时,您可以依bed在床上,然后大声与您的iOS设备聊天,告诉HomeKit在晚上关闭房子。 让我们看一下有关HomeKit的最常见问题,并在此过程中突出显示使用它所需的所有功能以及可以使用的功能。

我当前的智能家居产品可以与HomeKit一起使用吗? (Do My Current Smart Home Products Work With HomeKit?)

The short answer is “Most likely no with a tiny hint of maybe.” Let’s expand a bit on that. HomeKit products have to meet two criteria to be compatible with the HomeKit platform. First, they need to be certified through Apple’s MFI Program, a certification process Apple has had in place for years (reaching back in some form or another all the way to the original “Made for iPod” certification circa 2005). This certification is designed to ensure that any product labeled as such works properly with Apple hardware, iOS, and that developers of said hardware adhere to specific rules and security practices.

简短的答案是“极有可能没有的可能性很大 。” 让我们扩大一点。 HomeKit产品必须满足两个条件才能与HomeKit平台兼容。 首先,它们需要通过苹果公司的MFI计划进行认证,这是苹果公司已经实施了多年的认证程序(以某种形式或其他方式追溯到大约2005年的原始“ iPod制造”认证)。 该认证旨在确保带有此类标签的任何产品均可与Apple硬件,iOS正常使用,并且确保该硬件的开发人员遵守特定的规则和安全性惯例。

RELATED: How to Migrate Your Smart Bulbs to the New Philips Hue Bridge

相关: 如何将智能灯泡迁移到新的飞利浦Hue Bridge

Speaking of security practices that brings us to the second HomeKit platform criteria: the inclusion of a custom encryption co-processor in all HomeKit certified hardware.


Controlling the components of someone’s home is a big deal both from a practical security standpoint and from the emotional standpoint of the owner of said hardware. Apple designed HomeKit from the beginning to be secure and to side-step the security shortcomings of many early smarthome products and to give people peace of mind when linking sensitive components, like home locks and security cameras, to their network and the greater Internet.

从实际的安全角度以及从所述硬件的所有者的情感角度来看,控制某人房屋的组成部分都是很大的事情。 Apple从一开始就设计HomeKit,以确保安全并避免许多早期智能家居产品的安全缺陷,并在将敏感组件(如家庭锁和安全摄像头)连接到其网络和更大的Internet时使人们安心。

As such, you can’t take a pre-HomeKit smart home product, like say a smart power strip you bought three years ago, and just add it into the HomeKit system because that product is most likely not MFi Program certified and most definitely does not have the HomeKit encryption hardware.


The only way for a manufacturer to get their old non-HomeKit hardware into the HomeKit system is if they release a new bridge which does have the HomeKit certification and encryption hardware. This is exactly the route Philips took when they released a new Bridge 2.0 for their Hue lighting system and that Insteon took with the release of their Hub Pro. Both devices are HomeKit certified and are capable of linking pre-HomeKit hardware to the HomeKit system.

制造商将其旧的非HomeKit硬件带入HomeKit系统的唯一方法是,如果他们发布具有HomeKit认证和加密硬件的新桥接 。 这正是飞利浦在为其色相照明系统发布新的Bridge 2.0时所采用的路线,而Insteon在其Hub Pro的发行中所采用的正是此路线。 两种设备均通过HomeKit认证,并且能够将HomeKit之前的硬件链接到HomeKit系统。

Unfortunately if the manufacturer doesn’t use a central hub system and/or doesn’t release an updated hub with HomeKit support then there is no way for your old hardware to integrate with HomeKit.


我实际上如何使用HomeKit? (How Do I Actually Use HomeKit?)

You never really directly use HomeKit in the same way that you never really directly use the Internet (but instead use an application like FTP client or a web browser). HomeKit serves as the underpinning of your Apple-driven smarthome experience the way that all those unseen protocols and network connections underpin your Internet experience.

您永远不会像直接使用Internet一样直接使用HomeKit(而是使用FTP客户端或Web浏览器之类的应用程序)。 HomeKit可以为您提供Apple驱动的智能家居体验的基础,而所有这些看不见的协议和网络连接都可以为您的Internet体验提供基础。

apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

There is no central HomeKit control panel, for example, on your iOS device that you can just open up and control all your devices. While HomeKit is always there in the background handling everything, the actual interaction comes in four forms: through the manufacturer’s application, through a third-party application created by an iOS developer, via Siri voice control, or via digital and physical triggers.

例如,在iOS设备上没有*的HomeKit控制面板,您只能打开并控制所有设备。 尽管HomeKit始终在后台处理所有事情,但实际的交互有四种形式:通过制造商的应用程序,通过iOS开发人员创建的第三方应用程序,通过Siri语音控制或通过数字和物理触发器。

制造商应用 (Manufacturer Apps)

Every application for a HomeKit-certified device typically contains two HomeKit related element. First that application will have some ability to link your HomeKit-certified hardware to a scene, room, or zone. For example your smartbulb system might have a “scene” system where you can create scenes like “relaxation”, “movie time”, or “morning routine”.

HomeKit认证设备的每个应用程序通常都包含两个与HomeKit相关的元素。 首先,该应用程序将具有将经过HomeKit认证的硬件链接到场景,房间或区域的能力。 例如,您的smartbulb系统可能有一个“场景”系统,您可以在其中创建“放松”,“电影时间”或“早晨常规”之类的场景。

apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

It might also give you the ability to group lights together into physical rooms or zones like “bedroom” or “upstairs”. The second HomeKit related element is the ability to link the application to the iOS voice assistant Siri; you’ll find an option somewhere in the menu system of the application that reads like “Enable Siri”, “Enable Siri HomeKit Integration”, or the like. We’ll talk more about Siri in a moment.

它还可能使您能够将灯光分组到物理房间或“卧室”或“楼上”等区域。 与HomeKit相关的第二个元素是将应用程序链接到iOS语音助手Siri的能力。 您会在应用程序的菜单系统中的某个位置找到一个选项,例如“启用Siri”,“启用Siri HomeKit集成”等。 稍后我们将详细讨论Siri。

第三方应用 (Third Party Apps)

The HomeKit system is also accessible to developers outside of those involved in hardware manufacturing. This allows developers to create control dashboards for the HomeKit system which, thankfully, fill in a void that is conspiciously missing from the native HomeKit experience.

除硬件制造相关人员外,开发人员还可以访问HomeKit系统。 这使开发人员可以为HomeKit系统创建控制仪表板,幸运的是,该仪表板填补了本机HomeKit体验中可能遗漏的空白。

One example of such an application and one which we are particularly fond of is the simply named Home app by Matthias Hochgatterer. His application functions exactly like the kind of all-in-one dashboard most people expected HomeKit to have in the first place (and allows you to create rooms and zones even for HomeKit apps/hardware that lack said functionality).

这种应用程序的一个示例,我们特别喜欢的一个示例是Matthias Hochgatterer命名为Home的简单应用程序。 他的应用程序功能完全像大多数人期望的HomeKit那样的多功能一体式仪表板(并允许您甚至为缺少上述功能的HomeKit应用程序/硬件创建房间和区域)。

We fully expect to see more applications like Home appear on the market as the demand for more robust and traditional dashboard-type control of HomeKit rises with the adoption of HomeKit-enabled hardware.


语音控制 (Voice Control)

While the apps are great (and essential to setting up and configuring your HomeKit gear) the real welcome-to-the-future killer feature of HomeKit is integration with iOS’s digital voice assistant Siri.


RELATED: How to Use Siri to Control Your Philips Hue Lights

相关: 如何使用Siri控制飞利浦Hue灯

Thanks to heavy Siri integration your HomeKit system can be controlled with nothing more than your iOS device and your voice. In our guide How to Use Siri to Control the Lights in Your House we showed you how to hook up the Philips Hue system to HomeKit.

由于Siri高度集成,您可以通过iOS设备和语音控制HomeKit系统。 在我们的指南《 如何使用Siri来控制房屋中的灯光》中,我们向您展示了如何将Philips Hue系统连接到HomeKit。

Siri control is pretty flexible and if there is a scene/room/zone and a matching task Siri can complete within the HomeKit database, she is pretty good about following natural language patterns to fufill your commands. Commands like “Turn off the office lights”, “Set the house to 75 degrees”, or “set morning scene” are all easily understood by Siri and will, if your product’s HomeKit hardware/app supports it, turn off the lights in the office, change the house temperature, or activate whatever is linked to your morning scene (like changing the lights to cool white and starting the coffee maker).

Siri的控件非常灵活,并且如果有一个场景/房间/区域并且Siri可以在HomeKit数据库中完成匹配的任务,她很好地遵循自然语言模式来完成您的命令。 Siri可以轻松理解“关闭办公室灯”,“将房屋设置为75度”或“设置早晨场景”之类的命令,并且如果您的产品的HomeKit硬件/应用程序支持,则可以将其关闭。办公室,更改房屋温度或**与您的早晨场景相关的任何操作(例如将灯更改为冷白色并启动咖啡机)。

环境触发因素 (Environmental Triggers)

While voice-controlled triggers are super cool and definitely make you feel like you’re living in the future (we’ve gotten very used to ending our day by saying “Hey Siri, turn off the lights”), the real magic is environmental triggers that occur in the background without any interaction from you.


apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

To that end you can set up HomeKit with location, time, and hardware-based triggers such that your home automatically makes adjustments based on where you are, what time of day it is, and where in the home you are (or other sensor-based triggers).


With such triggers it is possible for HomeKit to turn on your lights and turn down the AC when the GPS in your iPhone registers that you’re near your home, for the lights to turn on automatically to wake you in the morning, or for your furnace to turn on when the motion sensor in the hallway detects that people are up and moving around in the morning.


Between the ubiquity of location tracking thanks to the GPS chip in iOS devices, the simplicity of clock-based triggers, and the continually falling prices of simple sensors, the future of home automation is definitely this kind of in-the-background ambient triggering wherein our homes simply adapt and adjust to us without any of the fiddling with switches, schedules, thermostats, or other activities that defined 20th century domestic life.


我可以在家外使用HomeKit吗? (Can I Use HomeKit Away From Home?)

By default HomeKit only works within your home or, more accurately, within the radius covered by the Wi-Fi that links your iOS device to the HomeKit devices. If you want to be able to issue commands from afar via voice commands then you need an additional accessory.

默认情况下,HomeKit仅在您的家庭中或更准确地说在将iOS设备链接到HomeKit设备的Wi-Fi覆盖的半径内有效。 如果您希望能够通过语音命令从远处发出命令,则需要一个附加附件。

Thankfully that accessory isn’t a one-trick pony wherein you shell out money for a little bridge that just sits there plugged into the wall doing nothing but waiting for your to send a voice command from across the country.


apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple HomeKit?

Apple integrated HomeKit control into the Apple TV so your entertainment hub can do double duty as a home control hub. You don’t need Apple TV to use HomeKit but you do need it if you want to control HomeKit from afar.

Apple将HomeKit控制集成到Apple TV中,因此您的娱乐中心可以兼作家庭控制中心。 您不需要 Apple TV即可使用HomeKit,但如果您想远距离控制HomeKit,则需要使用Apple TV。

To do so all you need is an Apple TV (3rd generation or newer) and for both the iOS device that you normally use to control your HomeKit hardware and the Apple TV to be logged into the same iCloud account.

为此,您需要的是一台Apple TV(第3代或更高版本),并且通常用于控制HomeKit硬件的iOS设备和要登录到同一iCloud帐户的Apple TV都需要这样做。

If you’ve already invested in smarthome equipment the introduction of HomeKit is definitely a bit of a bump in the road. For those still on the cusp of adoption and already using iOS devices, however, HomeKit is a huge step in the right direction that bridges easy integration and universal control to the often fractured landscape of home automation equipment and protocols.

如果您已经在智能家居设备上进行了投资,那么HomeKit的推出绝对是一个艰难的起点。 但是,对于仍处于流行阶段并已经使用iOS设备的人们来说,HomeKit是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步,它将轻松集成和通用控制与家庭自动化设备和协议的常有裂痕联系在一起。

Have a question about HomeKit or smarthome equipment and automation in general? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对一般的HomeKit或智能家居设备和自动化有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

Images courtesy of Apple and Insteon.


