apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple Macintosh?


苹果Macintosh (Apple Macintosh)

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak has founded the line of computers in the year 1984, on the date 24th January, named it Apple Macintosh. Macintosh is shortly abbreviated as Mac. In this, various versions of computers were launched. The first computer launched was Mac128k. Mac128k was not a much-advanced computer but it was cheaper than the Apple Lisa. The main features of Mac 128k were:

史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克于1月24日成立于1984年,名为Apple Macintosh。 Macintosh简称为Mac。 在此启动了各种版本的计算机。 推出的第一台计算机是Mac128k。 Mac128k并不是一台先进的计算机,但比Apple Lisa便宜。 Mac 128k的主要功能是:

  • It has a user-friendly Graphical User Interface.


  • It has windows, icons, and a mouse.


apple组织名称是什么_什么是Apple Macintosh?

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Mac128k was advanced as compared to the IBM Computers which uses MS-DOS at that time. Apple has done high marketing of the computer version during its first launch in the year 1984 during the Super Bowl using the famous commercial.

与当时使用MS-DOS的IBM计算机相比,Mac128k更为先进。 苹果公司在1984年的超级碗超级碗比赛中首次使用著名的商业广告就对该计算机版本进行了高度营销。

After Mac128k, many other computers were also launched after that. In line to it, are the latest models, which come under the iMac and Macbook for the desktop and laptop computers respectively.

在Mac128k之后,此后还启动了许多其他计算机。 与之相对应的是最新型号,分别位于台式机和笔记本电脑的iMac和Macbook下。

At the end of the year 2006, Apple shifts its name to "Mac" itself for all its computers as per the strategy to make the brand big.

在2006年底,根据扩大品牌的策略,Apple将其所有计算机的名称都更改为“ Mac”。

