21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Recently, one of our users asked us how they can find premium-like free WordPress themes. There are plenty of beautiful free themes that are just as good as a premium commercial theme. In this article, we will show you some of the most mindblowing premium-like free WordPress themes.

最近,我们的一位用户问我们如何找到优质的免费WordPress主题。 有许多精美的免费主题与高级商业主题一样出色。 在本文中,我们将向您展示一些最令人兴奋的高级免费WordPress主题。

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

1.滑流 (1. Slipstream)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Slipstream is a beautiful free WordPress theme developed by premium theme shop ThemeLab. Slipstream is a fully responsive theme designed for speed and usability. It supports a right sidebar and can be easily customized.

Slipstream是由高级主题商店ThemeLab开发的美丽的免费WordPress主题。 Slipstream是一个全面响应的主题,旨在提高速度和可用性。 它支持右侧边栏,并且可以轻松自定义。

2.休曼 (2. Hueman)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Hueman is a highly customizable free WordPress theme. It comes with multiple layout choices, a custom options panel, social menus, unlimited color choices, etc.

Hueman是一个高度可定制的免费WordPress主题。 它具有多种布局选择,自定义选项面板,社交菜单,无限的颜色选择等。

3.悉尼 (3. Sydney)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Sydney is a stunningly beautiful WordPress theme. It uses the latest trends in web design with a mobile-first approach. It is packed with features and can be easily customized for any kind of WordPress site.

悉尼是一个非常美丽的WordPress主题。 它以移动优先的方式利用了网页设计的最新趋势。 它具有许多功能,可以轻松地针对任何WordPress网站进行自定义。

4.街机基础 (4. Arcade Basic)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

High quality large images used as a background is the latest design trend. Arcade basic features a large background image in the front. It is a lightweight WordPress theme with support for post formats, eCommerce, and bbPress.

用作背景的高质量大图像是最新的设计趋势。 Arcade基本版的正面带有大背景图像。 这是一个轻量级的WordPress主题,支持帖子格式,电子商务和bbPress。

5.优势 (5. Vantage)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Vantage is a fully mobile friendly WordPress theme. It is highly customizable and can be used for a business, corporate, personal or blog site.

Vantage是完全移动友好的WordPress主题。 它是高度可定制的,可用于企业,公司,个人或博客网站。

6.现在的钠 (6. Codium Now)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Codium uses a grid layout with featured images to create beautiful websites. This freemium theme comes with a fixed navigation menu on the top which provides users easy access to the navigation menu.

Codium使用带有特色图像的网格布局来创建漂亮的网站。 此免费增值主题在顶部带有固定的导航菜单,使用户可以轻松访问导航菜单。

7.宽敞 (7. Spacious)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Spacious is an elegant looking WordPress theme ideal for a business site. It comes with multiple sidebars, page templates, and easy customization options.

宽敞是一种优雅的WordPress主题,非常适合商业网站。 它带有多个侧边栏,页面模板和简单的自定义选项。

8. Customizr (8. Customizr)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

As the name suggests, Customizr is an easy to customize feature-rich WordPress theme. It supports a featured slider, custom logo, multiple page layouts and multiple color choices.

顾名思义,Customizr是易于自定义的功能丰富的WordPress主题。 它支持特色滑块,自定义徽标,多个页面布局和多种颜色选择。

9.鹅毛笔 (9. Quill)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Quill is a free WordPress theme for legal firms. It comes with easy to add sections where you can add information about past cases, client testimonials, and build your own custom homepage.

Quill是律师事务所的免费WordPress主题。 它带有易于添加的部分,您可以在其中添加有关过去案例,客户推荐的信息,并建立自己的自定义主页。

10.令人眼花azz乱 (10. Dazzling)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Dazzling can be used for a business, corporate, or magazine website. It supports a featured slider with call to action buttons, flexible widget ready areas, and unlimited colors.

令人眼花can乱的可用于企业,公司或杂志的网站。 它支持功能强大的滑块,其中包含号召性用语按钮,灵活的小部件就绪区域和无限的颜色。

11. Moesia (11. Moesia)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Moesia is a sophisticated WordPress theme with parallax support. It comes with 11 ready to use blocks which you can use to build a professional looking website.

Moesia是具有视差支持的复杂WordPress主题。 它带有11个随时可用的块,您可以使用它们来构建专业外观的网站。

12.谜 (12. Enigma)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Based on Bootstrap, Enigma is a beautiful WordPress theme suitable for any kind of website. It supports a featured slider on the homepage and comes with multiple sidebars and layouts.

基于Bootstrap的Enigma是适用于任何类型网站的漂亮WordPress主题。 它支持主页上的精选滑块,并带有多个侧边栏和布局。

13.现代 (13. Modern)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Modern features a fresh WordPress style with full screen featured slider, bold colors, and beautiful styles. It has a beautiful grid layout where all blocks are perfectly aligned to match users screen size and device.

Modern具有全新的WordPress样式以及全屏滑块,大胆的颜色和精美的样式。 它具有漂亮的网格布局,所有块均完美对齐,以匹配用户的屏幕尺寸和设备。

14.启蒙运动 (14. Enlightenment)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Based on the theme framework of the same name, Enlightenment is an ideal theme for business websites. It comes with flexible customization options, multiple layout choices, templates, and sidebars.

基于同名的主题框架,启蒙是商业网站的理想主题。 它带有灵活的自定义选项,多个布局选择,模板和侧边栏。

15.制作 (15. Make)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Make allows you to create a website using a drag and drop builder. It is fully responsive looks stunning on all devices.

Make允许您使用拖放生成器创建网站。 它在所有设备上都具有出色的响应能力。

16.网格比 (16. Gridsby)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Gridsby is a beautiful Pinterest style theme for WordPress. It allows you to add beautiful photo galleries on the front page of your website.

Gridsby是WordPress的一个漂亮的Pinterest风格主题。 它使您可以在网站的首页上添加漂亮的图库。

17.波塞冬 (17. Poseidon)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Poseidon is a premium-like free multipurpose WordPress theme. It comes with a magazine layout homepage and a full-width slider. It features beautiful typography with a spacious white background.

波塞冬(Poseidon)是一款类似赠品的免费多功能WordPress主题。 它带有杂志版面主页和全角滑块。 它具有宽敞的白色背景的精美字体。

18.谐波 (18. Harmonic)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Harmonic is a stunningly beautiful WordPress theme with beautiful parallax effects. It supports portfolio and news content types and allows you to customize their appearance from theme customizer.

谐波是一个具有美丽视差效果的惊人的美丽WordPress主题。 它支持投资组合和新闻内容类型,并允许您从主题定制器中自定义它们的外观。

19.勇气 (19. Courage)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Courage is a beautiful WordPress magazine theme. It allows you to setup your homepage using custom category widgets. This is perfect for magazine or news websites that want to showcase content from different sections of their site.

勇气是一个美丽的WordPress杂志主题。 它允许您使用自定义类别窗口小部件来设置主页。 对于想要展示网站不同部分内容的杂志或新闻网站而言,这是完美的选择。

20.分裂我 (20. Split Me)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

As the name suggests, Split Me is a two column WordPress theme. One column contains a large background image and your site’s navigation menu, and the other column displays content. It looks equally beautiful on mobile devices.

顾名思义,Split Me是两列WordPress主题。 一栏包含大背景图片和网站的导航菜单,另一栏显示内容。 在移动设备上看起来同样漂亮。

21.网关 (21. Gateway)

21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Gatway features a large background image with a call to action on the homepage. It is elegantly designed to be a multi-purpose WordPress theme. It is fully responsive and comes with easy customization options.

Gatway具有大背景图片,并在首页上有号召性用语。 它经过精心设计,可作为多功能WordPress主题。 它具有充分的响应能力,并带有简单的自定义选项。

We hope this article helped you choose the best premium like free WordPress theme for your website. You may also want to take a look at our guide on selecting the perfect theme for WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您为您的网站选择最佳的溢价,例如免费的WordPress主题。 您可能还需要看一下有关为WordPress选择完美主题的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/21-mindblowing-premium-like-free-wordpress-themes/