

游戏开发一切的年度庆典又一次降临! 游戏开发者大会是Unity的重要展会,今年我们将比以往拥有更大的知名度。 我们主要的Unity Technologies展位(#1402)紧挨着位于索尼和Nvidia展厅前面的朋友之间,而Unity Games展位(#1416)就在我们后面。 (The annual celebration of everything game development is upon us again! The Game Developers Conference is a big show for Unity and this year we’ll have a bigger presence than ever.  Our main Unity Technologies booth (#1402) is snuggled in between our friends at Sony and Nvidia at the front of the show floor with the Unity Games booth (#1416) right behind us.)

Our goal at GDC is always to give attendees a good look at Unity’s present state and future ambition. We’ll have plenty of staff on hand at our booths to answer questions and take you through demos of some of the upcoming features our community can look forward to. This, of course, includes the much anticipated new Unity GUI. We’ll also be showing some of our upcoming platform tools, so drop by and see the goodies!

我们在GDC的目标始终是让与会者很好地了解Unity的当前状态和未来抱负。 我们的展位将有大量的工作人员来回答问题,并带您演示一下社区可以期待的一些即将发布的功能。 当然,这包括万众期待的新Unity GUI。 我们还将展示一些我们即将推出的平台工具,所以请顺便看看这些好东西!

As usual, we’ll also have an awesome games pavilion showing off the wide variety of genres, platforms and art styles. This year’s participants include games like Aztez, Assault Android Cactus, CounterSpy, Deadcore, Dead Trigger 2, Dungeons of the Endless and Endless Legend, Earthlock: Festival of Magic, The Golf Club, Monument Valley, Night in the Woods, World Zombination and more.

像往常一样,我们还将有一个很棒的游戏展馆,展示各种风格,平台和艺术风格。 今年的参与者包括AztezAssault Android CactusCounterSpyDeadcoreDead Trigger 2The Endless and Endless Legend的 地下城Earthlock:Magic of Festival高尔夫俱乐部Monument Valley树林之夜World Zombination等游戏。 。

The Unity booth will also feature our partner pavilion that includes companies ranging from console giants to Asset Store publishers, and everyone one of them has something interesting to offer the Unity community. This year, you’ll be able to meet with BlackBerry, EveryPlay, Exit Games, Imagination Technologies, Geomerics, Kii, Leap Motion, Meta, Microsoft, Nintendo, Qualcomm (Vuforia), Samsung, Simplygon, Sony Computer Entertainment, Unity VS, and Xsens. While you’re in the booth, make sure to stop by and say hi to them.

Unity展位还将设有我们的合作伙伴展馆,其中包括从游戏机巨头到Asset Store发行商的公司,其中每个人都有一个有趣的事物可以提供Unity社区。 今年,您将可以与BlackBerryEveryPlayExit GamesImagination TechnologiesGeomericsKiiLeap MotionMetaMicrosoftNintendoQualcomm(Vuforia)三星Simplygon索尼计算机娱乐Unity VS ,和Xsens 。 当您在展位时,请务必停下来对他们打招呼。

While you’re there, drop your business card off to sign up to receive email communications from Unity and enter a drawing to win one of the following prizes; Xbox One, Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, Sphero Robot Ball, Meta0.1 Developer Edition glasses, Unity Pro Licenses and more!

当您在那里时,请放下名片以进行注册以接收来自Unity的电子邮件通讯,并输入一张图纸以赢取以下奖项之一; Xbox One,Playstation 4,Playstation Vita,Sphero机器人球,Meta0.1开发人员版眼镜,Unity Pro许可等等!

We will also have a Unity Games booth this year, located immediately behind the main Unity booth. There, you’ll be able to find the Unity Games team, check out some of the recently released and upcoming titles such as Space Noir, The Last Tinker, Freeride Ski Cross, Archangel and Rube Works. And while you’re there, don’t forget to take part in special “Up Your Game” sessions intended to help indie developers hone their pitches.

今年,我们还将在Unity主要展位的紧后面设有Unity Games展位。 在这里,您将能够找到Unity Games团队,查看一些最近发行和即将发行的游戏,例如Space Noir,The Last Tinker,Freeride Ski Cross,Arangel和Rube Works。 而且,当您在那里时,请不要忘记参加专门的“ Up Your Game”会议,以帮助独立开发人员提高自己的实力。

We’ll kick the show off for Unity with our Dev Day sessions that cover everything that’s exciting and important in Unity. If you miss Dev Day, we’ll also have in-booth sessions from a variety of Unity employees, partners, and friends. Take a look at our GDC page for all of the details and then stop by and say hi!

我们将在开发日会议上为Unity揭开序幕,该会议涵盖了Unity中激动人心且重要的一切。 如果您错过了Dev Day,我们还将在许多Unity员工,合作伙伴和朋友的展台中进行培训。 看看我们的GDC页面了解所有详细信息,然后停下来打个招呼!

The Unity Team

