



There are various reasons why you may want to protect a document. Whatever the case, you may want to make a document read-only without requiring a password to open it. We’ll show you a few different methods of doing this.

出于多种原因,您可能想要保护文档。 无论如何,您可能都希望将其设为只读文件,而无需输入密码即可打开它。 我们将向您展示几种不同的方法。

The first method involves assigning a password to protect the document from being modified. We previously showed you two methods for assigning a password to open the document. Once you’ve accessed the “General Options” dialog box, you can assign a password to open and/or modify the document. If you enter a password in the “Password to modify” edit box but not in the “Password to open” edit box, the document will be opened read-only without the user having to enter a password. A password is only required if they try to make changes to the document.

第一种方法涉及分配密码以保护文档不被修改。 之前,我们向您展示了两种分配密码以打开文档的方法 。 访问“常规选项”对话框后,您可以分配密码以打开和/或修改文档。 如果在“要修改的密码”编辑框中输入密码,而不是在“要打开的密码”编辑框中输入密码,则文档将以只读方式打开,而无需用户输入密码。 仅当他们尝试更改文档时才需要密码。


Once you click “OK” on the “General Options” dialog box, the “Confirm Password” dialog box displays. Enter the password again in the “Reenter password to modify” edit box and click “OK”. You are returned to the “Save As” dialog box. Click “Save” to save the document with the password to modify.

在“常规选项”对话框上单击“确定”后,将显示“确认密码”对话框。 在“重新输入密码以进行修改”编辑框中再次输入密码,然后单击“确定”。 您将返回到“另存为”对话框。 单击“保存”以保存带有修改密码的文档。


When you open the document, the “Password” dialog box displays. You have the option of entering the password to be able to modify the document. However, anyone who doesn’t have the password can click “Read Only” to open the document in Read-Only mode. They can view and read the document, but they will not be able to make changes without knowing the password.

打开文档时,将显示“密码”对话框。 您可以选择输入密码以修改文档。 但是,没有密码的任何人都可以单击“只读”以只读模式打开文档。 他们可以查看和阅读文档,但是在不知道密码的情况下将无法进行更改。


A second method of creating a read-only document that doesn’t require a password to open is to use the restrict editing feature. We’ve talked about restricting formatting and editing in Word before, but this time we’re going to use the restrict editing feature for a different purpose. Open the document you want to be opened as read-only and click the “Review” tab.

创建不需要打开密码的只读文档的第二种方法是使用限制编辑功能。 之前我们已经讨论过在Word中限制格式和编辑 ,但是这次我们将限制编辑功能用于其他目的。 以只读方式打开要打开的文档,然后单击“审阅”选项卡。


In the “Protect” section, click “Restrict Editing”.



NOTE: If the window is too small for the “Protect” section to display the two buttons in it, click the “Protect” button and click “Restrict Editing” from the drop-down box.



The “Restrict Editing” pane displays on the right side of the Word window. In the “Editing restictions” section, click the “Allow only this type of editing in the document” check box so there is a check mark in the box.

“限制编辑”窗格显示在Word窗口的右侧。 在“编辑限制”部分中,单击“仅允许在文档中进行这种类型的编辑”复选框,以使该复选框中有一个复选标记。


Select “Filling in forms” from the drop-down list.



Click “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection” at the bottom of the “Restrict Editing” pane.



On the “Start Enforcing Protection” dialog box, enter a password in the “Enter new password (optional)” edit box. Then, enter the same password in the “Reenter password to confirm” edit box and click “OK”.

在“开始执行保护”对话框中,在“输入新密码(可选)”编辑框中输入密码。 然后,在“重新输入密码以确认”编辑框中输入相同的密码,然后单击“确定”。


To close the “Restrict Editing” pane, click the “X” in the upper-right corner of the pane.

要关闭“限制编辑”窗格,请单击窗格右上角的“ X”。


The next time you open the document, it opens as read-only.



To open the document normally again, select “Edit Document” from the “View” menu.



The document is displayed normally again, but you still have to turn off the protection. To do this, click “Restrict Editing” in the “Protect” section of the “Review” tab again. Then, click “Stop Protection” at the bottom of the “Restrict Editing” tab.

该文档将再次正常显示,但是您仍然必须关闭保护功能。 为此,请再次单击“审阅”选项卡的“保护”部分中的“限制编辑”。 然后,单击“限制编辑”选项卡底部的“停止保护”。


On the “Unprotect Document” dialog box, enter the password in the “Password” edit box and click “OK”. Save the file again.

在“取消保护文档”对话框中,在“密码”编辑框中输入密码,然后单击“确定”。 再次保存文件。


Another way to make a Word document read-only is to change an attribute on the file in Windows (not in Word). To do this, open Windows Explorer (or File Explorer in Windows 8.1 or 10) and navigate to the folder containing the file you want to make read-only. Select the file, right-click on it, and select “Properties” from the popup menu.

将Word文档设置为只读的另一种方法是在Windows(而不是Word)中更改文件的属性。 为此,请打开Windows资源管理器(或Windows 8.1或10中的文件资源管理器),然后导航到包含要设为只读文件的文件夹。 选择文件,右键单击它,然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


The “Properties” dialog box displays. Make sure the “General” tab is active. In the “Attributes” section, click the “Read-only” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Click “OK”.

显示“属性”对话框。 确保“常规”选项卡处于活动状态。 在“属性”部分中,单击“只读”复选框,以使该复选框中有一个复选标记。 点击“确定”。


The next time you open the document, it is automatically opened in Read-Only mode, as pictured at the beginning of this article. However, this last method does not guarantee your document will be opened as read-only. Anyone else can turn off the read-only attribute on the file in Windows as easily as you turned it on.

下次打开该文档时,它会以只读模式自动打开,如本文开头所示。 但是,后一种方法不能保证您的文档将以只读方式打开。 任何人都可以像打开文件一样轻松地关闭Windows中文件的只读属性。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/225920/how-to-create-read-only-documents-you-can-open-without-a-password-in-word/
