vue alexa:_超级酷:通过说“ Alexa,捐赠给小孩子”捐赠玩具

vue alexa:_超级酷:通过说“ Alexa,捐赠给小孩子”捐赠玩具

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vue alexa:_超级酷:通过说“ Alexa,捐赠给小孩子”捐赠玩具

Today is Giving Tuesday, an international day that promotes charitable giving following Black Friday weekend. And this year, Amazon is making it easy to donate to Toys for Tots using Alexa.

今天是送礼星期二,这是国际日,在黑色星期五周末之后提倡慈善捐赠。 今年,亚马逊使使用Alexa捐赠给“ Toys for Tots”变得容易。

The basic gist is pretty straightforward, just say “Alexa, donate to Toys for Tots.” Alexa will recommend a gift from the charity list, and you confirm the purchase. Amazon takes over from there.

基本要点很简单,只需说“ Alexa,捐赠给Toys for Tots”即可。 Alexa将从慈善机构列表中推荐礼物,然后您确认购买。 亚马逊从那里接管。

To make things even better, for a limited time, Amazon will match your Tots donation. That means you’re effectively donating a pair of toys to a pair of kids in need. That’s awesome.

为了使事情变得更好,亚马逊将在有限的时间内匹配您的Tots捐款。 这意味着您正在有效地向一对有需要的孩子捐赠玩具。 棒极了。

Of course, this isn’t the only thing does for charities. Its Smile program donates half a percent of the purchase price to a charity of your choice when you use the Amazon Smile website. While half a percent may not seem like a lot, it becomes quite the number when you think about how much business Amazon does in a single day. Now, if everyone would just use Smile instead of the “regular” Amazon site.

当然,这不是唯一的慈善事业。 当您使用Amazon Smile网站时,其Smile计划会将购买价格的一半捐赠给您选择的慈善机构。 尽管有百分之五点六的钱看起来并不多,但是当您考虑亚马逊一天的业务量时,这个数字已经相当可观了。 现在,如果每个人都只是使用Smile而不是“常规” Amazon网站。

Either way, the point is the same: Amazon, for all its faults, does a good job of making it easy to donate to charity. This is just one more way.

无论哪种方式,重点都是相同的:亚马逊尽管有其所有缺点,但在使其易于捐赠给慈善机构方面做得很好。 这只是另一种方式。




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