如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

Privacy is very important when it comes to the digital world, but do you know exactly how your browser saves your passwords ? Read on to find out what goes on behind the scenes.

在数字世界中,隐私非常重要,但是您是否确切知道浏览器如何保存密码? 请继续阅读以了解幕后情况。

When it comes to web applications, there are many different types of authentication. One of the types is called basic authentication, which is when you navigate to website and a dialog box opens to ask for a username and password. This also happens to be the authentication mechanism defined in the RFC for HTTP.

对于Web应用程序,有许多不同类型的身份验证。 其中一种类型称为基本身份验证,这是当您导航到网站并打开一个对话框,要求输入用户名和密码时进行的。 这也恰好是RFC中为HTTP定义的身份验证机制。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

You can see in the screen shot above that there is a check box that you can use to remember your credentials, but what does that do ? You might also ask yourself what happens if you are not using Basic authentication. There is another type of authentication called Form authentication, this is when the authentication is built right into the web application, like the How-To Geek website. This allows the Developer to control the look and feel of the form that we use to log in.

您可以在上面的屏幕快照中看到,有一个复选框可用于记住您的凭据,但是这样做是什么呢? 您可能还会问自己,如果不使用基本身份验证会发生什么。 还有另一种身份验证,称为表单身份验证,这是将身份验证直接内置到Web应用程序中的时间,例如How-To Geek网站。 这使开发人员可以控制我们用来登录的表单的外观。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

No matter what type of authentication we use Internet Explorer will offer a way to remember your login credentials. You can see another method, which is used for form authentication, below.

无论我们使用哪种身份验证,Internet Explorer都将提供一种记住您的登录凭据的方式。 您可以在下面看到另一种用于表单身份验证的方法。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

Underneath the hood, Internet Explorer is using a little part of Windows that not many people know about called the Credential Manager, which has been improved in Windows 8.

引擎盖下,Internet Explorer使用的是Windows的一小部分,鲜为人知的是Credential Manager,它在Windows 8中得到了改进。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

To get to it, open the Control Panel, which can be done by pressing the Win + X keyboard combination and launching it from the context menu.

为此,请打开“控制面板”,方法是按Win + X键盘组合并从上下文菜单中启动它。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

Then click on User Accounts and Family Safety.


如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

Now click on the Credential Manager.


如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

In my own testing I found that it’s a bit tricky to find whether is saves your credentials under the Web or Windows Credentials. I came to the conclusion that it really depends on the authentication type. If you are using form authentication, it saves them under Web Credentials.

在我自己的测试中,我发现要确定是否将您的凭据保存在Web或Windows凭据下有些棘手。 我得出的结论是,它实际上取决于身份验证类型。 如果使用的是表单身份验证,则将其保存在“ Web凭据”下。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

When I used basic authentications it saved them under the Generic Credentials section of Windows Credentials.


如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

If you want to remove a password that Internet Explorer has saved, it is as easy as clicking on the Remove link.

如果要删除Internet Explorer保存的密码,只需单击“删除”链接即可。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

You might also want to remove all the passwords that Internet Explorer has saved, to do this open Internet Explorer and open the Safety and choose to Delete browsing history…

您可能还希望删除Internet Explorer已保存的所有密码,为此请打开Internet Explorer并打开“安全”,然后选择“删除浏览历史记录...”。

如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

Now make sure to check Form data and Passwords before clicking delete.


如何在Internet Explorer中管理保存的密码

That’s all there is to it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127458/how-internet-explorer-saves-your-passwords-and-how-to-manage-them/