Windows 7的Internet Explorer 11开发人员预览现已发布

Windows 7的Internet Explorer 11开发人员预览现已发布

If you were one of the people worried that Windows 7 would be left behind with regard to Internet Explorer 11, then you will definitely feel better after today’s news. Microsoft has just released a developer preview of Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 32 and 64 bit operating systems.

如果您是担心Windows 7在Internet Explorer 11方面落伍的人之一,那么您肯定会在今天的新闻之后感觉更好。 微软刚刚发布了针对Windows 7 32和64位操作系统的Internet Explorer 11的开发人员预览版。

When you install the developer preview, it will check for and download any relevant updates (minor on our test system) needed before starting the installation process. Once the installation process has finished, you will need to restart your system.

当您安装开发人员预览版时,它将在开始安装过程之前检查并下载所需的任何相关更新( 在我们的测试系统上是次要的 )。 安装过程完成后,您将需要重新启动系统。

Important Note: Keep in mind that the developer preview will install over top of (a.k.a. over-ride) your regular version 10 installation!


Here is the official Microsoft video about the new developer preview…


You can download the new developer preview and learn more about it using the links below.


Download the Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview [Microsoft]

下载Internet Explorer 11开发人员预览版 [Microsoft]

Internet Explorer Test Drive Website [Microsoft]

Internet Explorer试用网站[Microsoft]

modern.IE Website [Microsoft]

modern.IE网站 [Microsoft]

Microsoft readies IE 11 for Windows 7, too [CNET News]

微软也为Windows 7准备IE 11 [CNET新闻]

Microsoft rolls out developer preview of IE11 on Windows 7 [ZDNet]

Microsoft在Windows 7上推出IE11的开发人员预览版 [ZDNet]

Microsoft releases IE11 Developer Preview for Windows 7 with updated F12 tools and Modern.IE site [The Next Web]

Microsoft使用更新的F12工具和Modern.IE网站发布了Windows 7的IE11开发人员预览版 [The Next Web]

Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview for Windows 7 [YouTube]

Windows 7的Internet Explorer 11开发人员预览 [YouTube]

[via CNET News, ZDNet, and The Next Web]

[通过CNET新闻,ZDNet和The Next Web]
