如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Caching is term used a lot when it comes to technology, here’s a brief introduction to the subject as well as some tips on how to view and edit cached file settings in Internet Explorer.

缓存在技术上经常被使用,这里是对该主题的简要介绍,以及有关如何在Internet Explorer中查看和编辑缓存文件设置的一些技巧。

什么是缓存? (What is Caching?)

Caching is used in a wide variety of technology, both hardware and software. At the most basic level it is all the same thing, you have an area of memory or space where you can store data that you use regularly. In terms of Internet Browsing, you have some space on the hard drive in your computer where your browser can store media objects that it thinks you will be using over and over again.

缓存被广泛用于硬件和软件中的各种技术。 在最基本的层次上,这都是一回事,您拥有一定的内存或空间区域,可以存储经常使用的数据。 在Internet浏览方面,计算机硬盘驱动器上有一些空间,浏览器可以用来存储媒体对象,它认为您将一遍又一遍地使用它。

A common example of this is the favicon.ico file, which is that little picture you see in your tabs. The idea behind it is that it will always be quicker to pull the resource from your hard drive than to download it from the internet, which therefore improves browsing speed. The catch is that if the server changes the file your browser might serve you the old cached file from your hard drive. Here are some settings you can change that will affect the behavior of the Internet Explorer caching engine, as well as how to see what is cached.

一个常见的示例是favicon.ico文件,它是您在标签中看到的小图片。 其背后的想法是,与从Internet上下载资源相比,从硬盘驱动器上提取资源总是总是更快的,因此可以提高浏览速度。 问题是,如果服务器更改了文件,则浏览器可能会为您提供硬盘驱动器中的旧缓存文件。 您可以更改以下设置,这些设置将影响Internet Explorer缓存引擎的行为以及如何查看缓存的内容。

如何增加Internet Explorer用作缓存的磁盘空间 (How to Increase the Disk Space Internet Explorer Uses as a Cache)

One of the first thing you might want to do is increase or decrease the amount of information IE caches. You should remember that most of the things that it caches are static images, so a lot of the time the default cache size of 250MB is quite large. If you want to change it click on the open the Settings menu and launch Internet options.

您可能要做的第一件事就是增加或减少IE缓存的信息量。 您应该记住,它缓存的大多数东西都是静态图像,因此很多时候默认缓存250MB的大小是相当大的。 如果要更改它,请单击打开设置菜单并启动Internet选项。

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Then click on the Settings button.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Here you will see the amount of disk space IE uses to cache files. While the default is probably OK for everyday browsing you may want to change it depending on your situation.

在这里,您将看到IE用来缓存文件的磁盘空间量。 尽管对于日常浏览而言,默认值可能是确定的,但您可能需要根据具体情况进行更改。

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Then click on the OK button.


如何查看Internet Explorer缓存中的内容 (How to View What is in Your Internet Explorer Cache)

So we have explained what caching is and how you can change the amount of information that gets cached, but how do you see what is cached. Well to do that, again open Internet options.

因此,我们已经解释了什么是缓存以及如何更改要缓存的信息量,但是如何查看缓存的内容。 为此,再次打开Internet选项。

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Then click on the Settings button under the Browsing history section.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

At the very bottom of the dialog that opens you will see 3 buttons. However, only two of them are important to us:

在打开的对话框的最底部,您将看到3个按钮。 但是,其中只有两个对我们很重要:

  • View Objects

  • View Files


Go ahead and click on view objects.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

This will open the Downloaded Program Files folder in your Windows directory. This article was written on a clean installation of Windows 8 so as you can see below my folder is empty. If you have been using IE for a while you will see a whole lot of binary file that are used by IE for certain web applications. The most common are ActiveX controls.

这将打开Windows目录中的Downloaded Program Files文件夹。 本文是在Windows 8的全新安装上写的,因此您可以在下面看到我的文件夹为空。 如果您已经使用IE一段时间,您将看到IE在某些Web应用程序中使用的大量二进制文件。 最常见的是ActiveX控件。

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

The other button opens up a folder with all the cached media files that IE has collected.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

As you can see below they will mostly be images.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

如何更改Internet Explorer的缓存更新间隔 (How to Change Internet Explorer’s Cache Update Interval)

If you find that IE keeps serving up stale content, you most probably want to change the cache update interval. This will change how internet explorer caches your files, and how it checks for newer versions of cached files. To do this open Internet options.

如果您发现IE继续提供过时的内容,则您很可能希望更改缓存更新间隔。 这将改变Internet Explorer缓存文件的方式,以及检查缓存文件的较新版本的方式。 为此,请打开Internet选项。

如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Again click on the Settings button.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

Here you will see four options, while they are pretty self explanatory, if you are suffering from the stale content problem you will want to change it to check every time you visit the webpage.


如何在Internet Explorer 10中修改缓存行为

That’s all there is to it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127565/how-to-modify-caching-behavior-in-internet-explorer-10/