

Developing software has become a collaborative effort. Many development platforms are open source. Developers share libraries on GitHub. And there are huge communities for knowledge sharing, like StackExchange.

开发软件已成为一种协作。 许多开发平台都是开源的。 开发人员在GitHub上共享库。 还有大量的知识共享社区,例如StackExchange。

While most developers hate email, a developer newsletter can be a great way to share knowledge, be visible in the community and establish yourself as an expert.


A carefully curated newsletter full of useful tips and other content is not the type of email that people hate. Rather than being a distraction, it can be a great time-saver and help readers avoid missing any useful content.

精心策划的时事通讯包含有用的提示和其他内容,并不是人们讨厌的电子邮件类型。 它可以节省大量时间,并且可以帮助读者避免错过任何有用的内容,而不是使您分心。

But how do you get started?


向最好的人学习 (Learn from the Best)

A good way to get started is to subscribe to some well-done developer newsletters and learn by watching what their authors do.


An instructive example is Ruby Weekly, which was started back in 2010 and today is at an almost unbelievable issue #358.

一个有启发性的例子是《 Ruby Weekly》 ,它始于2010年,而如今却是一个几乎令人难以置信的问题#358。


What we admire about this newsletter is its consistency. It’s sent every Thursday and has been sent on that very same day for years and years. This is a great way for readers to know what to expect and when. Its layout is simple and no frills. And the articles shared are strictly on topic every week.

我们对此通讯感到钦佩的是它的一致性。 它是每个星期四发送的,并且已经在同一年发送了很多年。 这是让读者了解预期结果和时间的好方法。 它的布局很简单,没有多余的装饰。 共享的文章每周严格按照主题进行。

A very different, but also very interesting example is Versioning by this article’s publisher, SitePoint itself.



It covers a broader array of topics, and is sent on a daily basis. It’s early morning reading to make sure you’re briefed on the best in front-end, back-end, UX and design, business and wacky tech news, to start your day.

它涵盖了广泛的主题,并且每天发送一次。 这是清早阅读,以确保您了解前端,后端,UX和设计,业务和古怪的科技新闻中的最佳内容,以开始新的一天。

What we like is its personality. It’s personally curated by SitePoint’s Head of Content, Adam Roberts, and spiced up with his own sarcastic humor and plenty of puns.

我们喜欢的是它的个性。 它是由SitePoint内容负责人Adam Roberts亲自策划的,并以他自己的讽刺幽默和双关语增添趣味。

Another tech newsletter we like a lot is Vue-newsletter. We really admire the laser focus on just a single JavaScript framework.

我们非常喜欢的另一本技术通讯是Vue-newsletter 。 我们真的很钦佩只关注一个JavaScript框架。

The result of this focus is a very comprehensive newsletter. Each edition provides a good overview of everything that has happened in the Vue.js community in the previous week. It becomes essential reading and a perfect one-stop shop.

这种关注的结果是非常全面的新闻通讯。 每个版本都很好地概述了前一周Vue.js社区中发生的一切。 它成为必不可少的阅读材料,是一站式完美的商店。


A final example is the Fullweb newsletter, a newsletter for full-stack web developers.


It, too, really has personality, but very much uses design to achieve this. And again, its format is very consistent, sharing the five best links of the week, every week.

它也确实具有个性,但是非常使用设计来实现这一点。 同样,它的格式非常一致,每周共享一周中的五个最佳链接。


Subscribing to a few newsletters is the perfect way to get started. It will provide you with plenty of examples of what others do, and help you figure out what works and what doesn’t.

订阅一些新闻通讯是入门的理想方法。 它将为您提供许多其他人所做的事的示例,并帮助您确定哪些有效,哪些无效。

We hope that our favorites are a good start. To find more great developer newsletters see the tech section on Revue’s newsletter directory, Discover.

我们希望我们的最爱是一个好的开始。 要查找更多优秀的开发人员新闻快讯,请参见Revue的新闻快讯目录Discover上tech部分


遵循这些通讯最佳实践 (Follow These Newsletter Best Practices)

We’ve looked at some great developer newsletters. Are you ready to start your own? Then we have these best practices for you to provide some additional guidance.

我们查看了一些很棒的开发人员新闻通讯。 您准备好开始自己的了吗? 然后,我们将为您提供这些最佳实践,以提供一些其他指导。

选择一个您感兴趣的利基市场,并且是专家 (Pick a niche that you are passionate about, and an expert in)

The newsletter needs to be high in quality and authentic. You will only succeed at that if you are very involved with the topic.

时事通讯必须具有高质量和真实性。 如果您非常熟悉该主题,那么您将只能成功。

The broader the topic you choose, the harder success will be. There will be more competition on general topics than a well-chosen, still-neglected niche. People in a niche will be glad to receive highly targeted news, and will quickly recognize and appreciate your expertise.

您选择的主题越广泛,成功就越困难。 在一般主题上的竞争将比选择好的,仍然被忽视的利基市场要多。 利基市场的人们将很高兴收到针对性强的新闻,并会Swift认识并欣赏您的专业知识。

用您自己的名字发送 (Send in your own name)

Sending a newsletter in your own name creates trust. Readers will open and read the newsletter because they recognize the sender.

以您自己的名字发送新闻通讯会建立信任。 读者将打开并阅读新闻通讯,因为他们识别发件人。

Adam sends Versioning, Kevin Rose sends his Journal, and Boris sends The Next Web’s newsletter…

亚当发送版本控制,凯文·罗斯发送他的日记,鲍里斯发送The Next Web的新闻…


It’s email. It’s person-to-person communication. And it’ll be much more effective if used accordingly.

是电子邮件 这是人与人之间的交流。 如果相应地使用它会更加有效。

定期发送 (Send regularly)

There are different frequencies for newsletters — daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly. While the right frequency depends on the topic and also on the author, it’s still important to send the newsletter regularly.

新闻通讯有不同的频率-每天,每周,每两周,每月,每季度。 正确的频率取决于主题和作者,但定期发送新闻通讯仍然很重要。

This will set expectations with readers and help them decide whether the newsletter fits their reading habits.


Benedict Evans, partner at venture capital firm a16z, has sent his personal newsletter every Sunday for years. And the results are impressive:

风险投资公司a16z的合伙人本尼迪克特·埃文斯(Benedict Evans)多年来,每个星期日都发送他的个人通讯 。 结果令人印象深刻:


不必担心订户太多–开始使用 (Don’t worry about subscribers too much – get started)

The people you hear about are often influencers or public figures with astronomical numbers of followers or subscribers. Don’t forget that while they are the ones you hear about, they are a minority. Reaching the right audience is much more important than reaching a large audience.

您所认识的人通常是影响者或公众人物,其追随者或订阅者的数量是天文数字。 不要忘记,虽然它们是您所听到的,但它们是少数。 吸引合适的受众比吸引大量受众更为重要。

And you know what is best? Once you have identified the right audience and reached them, you can be pretty sure your subscriber numbers will go up. Just make sure your subscribers are happy and ask them to share the love.

你知道什么是最好的吗? 一旦确定了合适的受众并吸引了他们,您就可以确定您的订户数量将会增加。 只要确保您的订户感到高兴,并要求他们分享爱意即可。

在正确的地方宣传您的新闻通讯 (Promote your newsletter in the right places)

If you have picked your topic carefully and chosen a specific niche, you should look for other places where this topic is discussed and carefully promote your newsletter there.


You need to follow local etiquette, but being on topic should assure you that your newsletter is a welcome addition.


The React Digest reached out to Y Combinator’s Hacker News. They received 83 points and 21 comments, which meant their number of subscribers went up from about 20 to several hundred.

React Digest接触了Y Combinator的Hacker News。 他们获得83分和21条评论,这意味着他们的订户数量从大约20增加到数百。


寻求反馈 (Ask for feedback)

Email is, and always has been, two-way communication — yet many promotional newsletters have very much become one-way streets sent from “[email protected]” email addresses. A developer newsletter should be an open communication channel.

电子邮件一直是双向通讯方式,但很多促销通讯已成为通过“ [email protected]”电子邮件地址发送的单向街道。 开发人员新闻通讯应该是开放的沟通渠道。

So dare to ask your readers to give feedback. Ask them questions about different elements of the newsletter, or simply how they’re liking it.

所以不敢要求您的读者提供反馈。 向他们询问有关新闻通讯的不同元素的问题,或者只是问他们如何喜欢它。


建立寻找正确内容的方法 (Establish ways of finding the right content)

We recommend collecting interesting topics and links constantly, and then setting aside a certain time of the day to curate those links and write your personal newsletter. So what’s a good way to come up with new topics?

我们建议您不断收集有趣的主题和链接,然后预留一天中的特定时间来整理这些链接并撰写您的个人通讯。 那么提出新主题的好方法是什么?

Chime in on current events: the topic is often something current like a hot news item or conference or other event. You will usually want to start with your personal take, and then build out the content by curating other perspectives, in-depth background articles or other related content.

时事新闻 :话题经常是时事,例如热点新闻,会议或其他事件。 您通常会先从个人角度出发,然后通过策划其他观点,深入的背景文章或其他相关内容来构建内容。

Re-purpose your own channels: Content can come from your own channels, i.e. you can send out a personal newsletter around a popular blog or Facebook post.

重新利用自己的频道 :内容可以来自您自己的频道,即,您可以在流行的博客或Facebook帖子周围发送个人通讯。

Follow other blogs and newsletters: Make sure to regularly visit blogs and publications you find interesting. The content you find there can later be used as basis for your thoughts on your issues.

关注其他博客和新闻通讯 :确保定期访问您感兴趣的博客和出版物。 您在那里找到的内容以后可以用作您对问题的想法的基础。

Use Pocket or the Revue Chrome extension: Another way to collect content for your newsletter is to save interesting articles while browsing the Internet. During the day you are reading multiple articles that you can easily save using tools like Pocket or the Revue Chrome extension.

使用Pocket或Revue Chrome扩展程序 :为新闻通讯收集内容的另一种方法是在浏览Internet时保存有趣的文章。 在白天,您阅读的多篇文章可以使用Pocket或Revue Chrome扩展程序之类的工具轻松保存。

有意见 (Have an opinion)

It’s a personal newsletter and people want to know what you think.


Since news travels fast, chances are people have already read about what happened somewhere else. So refrain from just repeating old news and instead say what you have to say.

由于新闻传播Swift,因此人们很可能已经阅读了其他地方发生的事情。 因此,不要只重复旧消息,而要说出你要说的话。

Technologist Owen Williams does a great job at this with his weekly tech newsletter Charged. He sends it out every weekend, looks back at the most important events of the week, comments on them and provides his personal opinion.

技术专家欧文·威廉姆斯(Owen Williams)每周通过其电子通讯《 Charged》在这方面做得很好。 他每个周末都会发出通知,回顾一周中最重要的事件,对它们进行评论并提供个人意见。


选择合适的写作和发送平台 (Pick the right platform for writing and sending)

There are many tools you can use to send your personal newsletter. Your regular email client might be enough to get started, and promotional newsletter tools can be customized given enough time and resources.

您可以使用许多工具来发送个人通讯。 您的常规电子邮件客户端可能足够上手,并且可以在足够的时间和资源下自定义促销新闻通讯工具。

An even better option is a specialized tool that makes it quick and easy to get started while assuring you to get that coveted personal note.


So what are the requirements of a tool for authoring personal newsletters?


Productive authoring tool: You need an authoring environment that makes you want to write. It should give you focus to pen those personal stories. And it should help you pull in content that you or others have shared previously using drag-and-drop.

高效的创作工具 :您需要一个可以编写的创作环境。 它应该使您能够集中精力写那些个人故事。 而且它应该可以帮助您拉入您或其他人以前共享的内容。

Beautiful, out-of-the-box template: Your personal newsletter should look great and have that intimate, text-focused style without you having to become a designer or programmer.

美观,开箱即用的模板 :您的个人通讯应该看起来很棒,并具有以文本为中心的亲密风格,而无需成为设计师或程序员。

Integrations: The personal newsletter tool needs to integrate easily with contacts and content sources. There’s probably quite a long list of content sources, so flexibility is key here. Adding contacts from your personal address book, a promotional newsletter tool, or CRM system is also a must.

集成 :个人新闻通讯工具需要轻松地与联系人和内容源集成。 内容来源可能很长,因此灵活性是关键。 还必须从您的个人地址簿,促销新闻通讯工具或CRM系统中添加联系人。

And while we realize we are biased, we do want to suggest you check out Revue, which was specifically designed for personal newsletters.

虽然我们意识到自己有偏见,但我们还是建议您查看Revue ,它是专门为个人新闻通讯设计的。


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-start-a-developer-newsletter/
