在Windows Vista中使用复选框选择文件

Windows Vista has a new feature in Windows Explorer that is very useful.. checkboxes! Instead of holding down the Ctrl key and clicking a bunch of different files to select them, you can just click the checkboxes… no more accidentally copying the files or getting to the bottom and losing the selection. The only caveat is that it isn’t turned on by default.

Windows Vista在Windows资源管理器中具有一项非常有用的新功能。 无需按住Ctrl键并单击一堆不同的文件以选择它们,您只需单击复选框即可,而不会再无意间复制文件或移至底部并丢失选择。 唯一的警告是默认情况下未启用它。

To enable this feature, go to the Organize menu and choose “Folder and Search Options” from the menu. From there, click the View tab, and you should see this near the bottom:

要启用此功能,请转到“组织”菜单,然后从菜单中选择“文件夹和搜索选项”。 从那里,单击查看选项卡,您应该在底部附近看到它:

在Windows Vista中使用复选框选择文件

Just check the “Use check boxes to select items” checkbox, and you will now be able to use the checkboxes. (It works best in detail mode)

只需选中“使用复选框来选择项目”复选框,您现在就可以使用该复选框。 (在详细模式下效果最好)

在Windows Vista中使用复选框选择文件

Note that you can click the checkbox next to Name to select all files. Or Ctrl+A.

请注意,您可以单击“名称”旁边的复选框以选择所有文件。 或Ctrl + A。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/select-files-using-check-boxes-in-windows-vista/