



If you’ve been using Outlook for any significant amount of time, you probably have a few rules set up to help you manage your tidal wave of email. If you have a new computer, or you’re reinstalling Windows, you don’t need to set them all up again–just export them.

如果您使用Outlook已有相当长的时间,则可能需要设置一些规则来帮助您管理电子邮件的浪潮。 如果您有一台新计算机,或者您要重新安装Windows,则无需重新设置它们-只需将它们导出即可。

A Rule in Outlook is a series of steps you set up automatically take specific actions on email messages as they are received. For example, you can automatically display a notification when you receive important emails, move similar emails into a specific folder, or flag a message for follow up at a specific time.

Outlook中的规则是您设置的一系列步骤,当收到电子邮件时,它们会自动对其采取特定操作。 例如,当您收到重要的电子邮件,将类似的电子邮件移至特定的文件夹或标记邮件以在特定时间进行跟踪,可以自动显示通知

Thankfully, Outlook has a way to back up these rules. This is useful if you have to reinstall Windows, set up Outlook on a new computer, or share your rules with other people.

幸运的是,Outlook可以备份这些规则。 如果您必须重新安装Windows ,在新计算机上设置Outlook或与其他人共享规则,这将很有用。

如何导出Outlook规则 (How to Export Your Outlook Rules)

To begin, make sure the “Home” tab is active. In the “Move” section, click “Rules” and select “Manage Rules & Alerts” from the drop-down menu.

首先,请确保“主页”选项卡处于活动状态。 在“移动”部分中,单击“规则”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“管理规则和警报”。


NOTE: You can also access the rules and alerts by clicking the “File” tab and then clicking the “Manage Rules & Alerts” button on the “Account Information” screen.



The “Rules and Alerts” dialog box displays. On the “E-mail Rules” tab, click “Options” on the toolbar above the list of rules you’ve created.

显示“规则和警报”对话框。 在“电子邮件规则”选项卡上,在创建的规则列表上方的工具栏上单击“选项”。

NOTE: All the rules listed here will be backed up, not just selected rules.



On the “Options” dialog box, click “Export Rules”.



The “Save Exported Rules as” dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save your rules backup file. Enter a name for your backup file in the “File name” edit box. The “Rules Wizard rules (*.rwz)” type is selected by default in the “Save as type” drop-down list and the .rwz extension is automatically added to the file. If you’re sharing your rules with other people using the same version of Outlook as you, click “Save”. If you’re sharing your rules file with someone using an older version of Outlook, you’ll need to select a different type of rules file before you save the file, as discussed below.

显示“将导出的规则另存为”对话框。 导航到要在其中保存规则备份文件的文件夹。 在“文件名”编辑框中输入备份文件的名称。 默认情况下,在“另存为类型”下拉列表中选择“规则向导规则(* .rwz)”类型,.rwz扩展名自动添加到文件中。 如果您要使用与您使用相同版本的Outlook与其他人共享规则,请单击“保存”。 如果要与使用旧版Outlook的用户共享规则文件,则需要在保存文件之前选择其他类型的规则文件,如下所述。


In addition to the rules file format for the current version of Outlook, the “Save as type” drop-down list provides three additional formats for the rules file, for people who are still using Outlook 2002, 2000, or 98. Select one of those options as needed, and then click “OK” to save the rules file.

除了当前版本的Outlook的规则文件格式外,“另存为类型”下拉列表为仍在使用Outlook 2002、2000或98的用户提供了三种其他格式的规则文件格式。所需的那些选项,然后单击“确定”以保存规则文件。

NOTE: If you’re sharing your rules with multiple people using different older versions of Outlook, select the earliest version, because older rules files can always be opened in newer versions of Outlook.



Once you’ve exported your rules file, click “OK” on both the “Options” and “Rules and Alerts” dialog boxes to return to the main Mail screen (or the “Account Information” screen, depending on where you started).


Now you can back up the resulting .rwz file to any external or network drive or share it with other people.



如何导入Outlook规则 (How to Import Your Outlook Rules)

Now, say you’ve set up your new computer, installed Office, imported the Outlook data file you backed up (rules are not saved in Outlook data files) from your old computer, and you’re ready to check email. Let’s import those rules you created and backed up, so Outlook can automatically take action on email as it comes in. Open the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box in one of the two ways we discussed earlier. Note that the list of rules is empty. To fix that and import your rules, click “Options”.

现在,假设您已经设置了新计算机,安装了Office,从旧计算机导入了备份的Outlook数据文件(规则未保存在Outlook数据文件中),并且准备检查电子邮件。 让我们导入您创建和备份的那些规则,以便Outlook可以自动对收到的电子邮件进行操作。用前面讨论的两种方法之一打开“规则和警报”对话框。 请注意,规则列表为空。 要解决此问题并导入规则,请单击“选项”。


On the “Options” dialog box, click “Import Rules”.



The “Import Rules from” dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder in which you saved your rules backup file, select the .rwz file, and then click “Open”.

显示“导入规则自”对话框。 导航到保存规则备份文件的文件夹,选择.rwz文件,然后单击“打开”。


You’ll notice that the list of rules on the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box, behind the still-open “Options” dialog box, fills up with your custom rules. Click “OK” on the “Options” dialog box to close it and return to the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box.

您会注意到,“规则和警报”对话框中仍在打开的“选项”对话框后面的规则列表中填充了自定义规则。 单击“选项”对话框上的“确定”以将其关闭并返回到“规则和警报”对话框。


If you checked email before importing your rules, you can run your rules now on the email you’ve already received. To do this, click “Run Rules Now” on the toolbar above the list of rules on the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box.

如果在导入规则之前检查了电子邮件,则可以立即在已收到的电子邮件上运行规则。 为此,请在“规则和警报”对话框的规则列表上方的工具栏上单击“立即运行规则”。


On the “Run Rules Now” dialog box, select the rules you want to run and click “Run Now”. Once the rules have run, click “Close” and then click “OK” on the “Rules and Alerts” dialog box to close it. Now, your rules will run automatically, checking the emails you receive and performing the actions you specified, all behind the scenes.

在“立即运行规则”对话框中,选择要运行的规则,然后单击“立即运行”。 规则运行后,单击“关闭”,然后在“规则和警报”对话框中单击“确定”以将其关闭。 现在,您的规则将在后台自动运行,检查您收到的电子邮件并执行您指定的操作。


NOTE: Some rules may not work on other computers if there are specific folders, people, etc. used in the rules created on the original computer, but are not available on the other computers.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240673/how-to-export-and-import-rules-in-outlook/
