ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

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ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 updates brought a redesigned Share sheet to iPhone and iPad. Unfortunately, the new dynamic contact shortcuts can be annoying. Here’s how you can remove them from the Share sheet.

iOS 13iPadOS 13更新为iPhone和iPad带来了重新设计的共享表。 不幸的是,新的动态联系人快捷方式可能很烦人。 您可以按照以下方法将其从“共享”表中删除。

The first row in the new Share sheet serves as a shortcut to quickly sharing something with recently-used contacts. In theory, it’s supposed to make your life easier. In practice, however, it rarely works out that way.

新“共享”表中的第一行是与最近使用的联系人快速共享内容的快捷方式。 从理论上讲,它应该使您的生活更轻松。 但是,实际上,这种方法很少能解决。

Right now, only contacts from AirDrop and Messages appear in this list (sorry, WhatsApp lovers).


If you rarely (or never) use the feature, it can get annoying quickly. Unfortunately, you can’t disable the contacts row, but there is a work-around. If you delete a conversation or group thread from the Messages app, it disappears from the Share sheet, as well.

如果您很少(或从未使用过)该功能,则它会很快变得烦人。 不幸的是,您不能禁用“联系人”行,但是有一种解决方法。 如果您从“消息”应用程序中删除对话或群组话题,那么它也将从“共享”表中消失。

This step is a bit severe, but if you want to remove a contact from the Share sheet, this is the only way. To get started, open the “Messages” app on your iPhone or iPad. Find the conversation you want to remove in the Share sheet.

此步骤有些严格,但是如果要从“共享”表中删除联系人,这是唯一的方法。 首先,请在iPhone或iPad上打开“消息”应用程序。 在共享表中找到要删除的对话。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Swipe left on the conversation.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Tap “Delete” when it appears on the right.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

To confirm, tap “Delete” again in the popup.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

All messages in the conversation thread are deleted, including any videos and photos.


Now, when you go back to the Share sheet, you’ll notice that particular contact is no longer in the list.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Repeat this process for all the contacts you want to remove from the Share sheet’s top row.


If you want to remove AirDrop contact suggestions, you have to disable AirDrop altogether. To do this on a newer device, swipe down from the top-right corner to reveal the Control Center. If you have an older device with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

如果要删除AirDrop联系建议,则必须完全禁用AirDrop 。 要在较新的设备上执行此操作,请从右上角向下滑动以显示控制中心。 如果您的设备较旧且带有“主页”按钮,请从屏幕底部向上滑动。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Here, tap and hold the Toggles menu.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Next, tap and hold the “AirDrop” button.

接下来,点击并按住“ AirDrop”按钮。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Finally, tap “Receiving Off.”


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

When you return to the Share sheet, you’ll see your AirDrop contacts have disappeared from the list.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad的共享表中删除联系人

Be sure to check out all the other cool things you can do in the new Share sheet, like adding favorite actions and customizing the apps section.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/521108/how-to-remove-contacts-from-the-share-sheet-on-iphone-or-ipad/

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