





def main(): 
    more = 'y' 

    while more == 'y' and more == 'Y': 
     numScore = int(input('How many test score per student: ')) 

    for numtest in range(numScore): 
     print ("The score for test") 
     score = int(input(': ')) 

     total += score 

    total = 0 

    print ("Student number", students + 1) 
    print ('-----------------------------------------') 

    avg = getAvg(numScore) 

    if avg > 90: 
     print ("You're doing excellent work") 
    elif avg > 85 and avg <= 90: 
     print("You are doing pretty good work") 
    elif avg > 70 and avg <= 85: 
     print ("You better get busy") 
     print ("You need to get some help") 

def getAvg (numScore): 
    avg = total/numScore 

    print ("The average for student number", student + 1, \ "is:", avg) 

more = input('Do you want to enter another student test score and get the average score of the student (Enter y for yes and n for no): ') 


计算的三个等级平均为每一批学生和显示器的取决于所得到的平均成绩的消息。该计划需要能够处理任何数量的学生;但每个学生只有3个等级。 – William


你的问题是什么? –


请使用[编辑]链接正确格式化您的代码,并在问题主体中提出实际问题。 – MattDMo



当计算avg范围,如果为>90第一测试,然后根据定义下一elif avg > 85将小于或等于90所以它仅需要然后测试>85


def getAvg(student, total, numScore): 
    average = total/numScore 
    print ("The average for student number", student, "is:", average) 
    return average 

def main(): 
    student = 0 
    more = 'y' 

    while more == 'y': 
     student += 1 
     total = 0 

     numScore = int(input('How many test scores per student: ')) 

     for test_number in range(numScore): 
      print ("The score for test", test_number+1) 
      score = int(input(': ')) 
      total += score 

     print ("Student number", student) 
     print ('-----------------------------------------') 

     avg = getAvg(student, total, numScore) 

     if avg > 90: 
      print ("You're doing excellent work") 
     elif avg > 85: 
      print("You are doing pretty good work") 
     elif avg > 70: 
      print ("You better get busy") 
      print ("You need to get some help") 

     print('Do you want to enter another student test score and get the average score of the student?') 
     more = input('Enter y for yes, and n for no: ').lower() 



How many test scores per student: 3 
The score for test 1 
: 93 
The score for test 2 
: 89 
The score for test 3 
: 73 
Student number 1 
The average for student number 1 is: 85.0 
You better get busy 

Do you want to enter another student test score and get the average score of the student? 
Enter y for yes, and n for no: n 

非常感谢你的帮助 – William


不客气。你现在可以点击答案来接受它。您也将获得徽章。 –