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Undoubtedly one of the most popular TV shows of its time, The Office, is not only known for its comedy but also its heartfelt moments throughout the show. If you want to relive it all, here’s where you can stream it.

毫无疑问, 该办公室是当时最受欢迎的电视节目之一,不仅以其喜剧片而著称,而且在整个节目中也表现出衷心的时刻。 如果您想重现所有内容,可以在此处进行流式传输。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)


Amazon Prime Video is the perfect place to purchase every season of The Office. For $13 for the first season, $20 for each season after season one, and $3 an episode, you can have the entire series in your library. Have all of the best parts of this show right when you want it with Amazon Prime Video.

亚马逊Prime Video是每个季节购买The Office的理想场所。 第一季只要$ 13美元,第一季之后每季$ 20美元,每集$ 3美元,您就可以在资料库中找到整个系列。 当您想要使用Amazon Prime Video播放时,可以正确显示该节目的所有最佳部分。

的iTunes (iTunes)

Primakov/Shutterstock 普里马科夫/ Shutterstock

iTunes is a great place to buy the show if you use mainly Apple products. You can buy the first season for $13 while the other seasons will set you back $20 each. You’ll see every Dundie and each sneaky smooch from any Apple device.

如果您主要使用Apple产品,则iTunes是购买演出的理想场所。 您可以以$ 13的价格购买第一个季节,而其他季节的价格为每个$ 20。 您会从任何Apple设备上看到每个Dundie和每个偷偷摸摸的人。

Google Play (Google Play)

BigTunaOnline/Shutterstock BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock

If you have an Android device or enjoy the Play Movies app, it may be best to buy this show on Google Play. Each season has a different price, starting at $10 for season one while the other seasons are $30 each. Season four is the only one that’s priced at $25, and you can also buy each episode for $2.

如果您有Android设备或喜欢Play电影应用,则最好在Google Play上购买此节目。 每个季节都有不同的价格,一个季节的起价为10美元,其他季节的起价为30美元。 第四季是唯一定价为25美元的影片,您也可以每集2美元的价格购买。

武都 (Vudu)


Vudu is perfect for those wanting to watch The Office on multiple platforms, as the company has apps for almost every device whether it’s an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows. The first season is available for $10, every other season is going to cost you $18, and you can purchase each episode for $2 apiece.

Vudu非常适合那些希望在多个平台上观看Office的用户,因为该公司几乎为所有设备提供应用程序,无论是iPhone,iPad,Android还是Windows。 第一季的价格为10美元,每隔一个季节的价格为18美元,每集的价格为2美元。

Netflix公司 (Netflix)


For now, Netflix has The Office available for you to stream right on the app. It has the rights for the show until 2021, after which it will then go onto NBC’s Peacock. You can watch the show for the rest of the year for $10 a month for the Basic plan, $13 a month for the Standard plan, and $16 a month for the Premium plan.

到目前为止, Netflix已为您提供可在应用程序上直接播放的Office 。 它拥有该节目的版权直到2021年,之后它将进入NBC的Kong雀。 您可以在剩余的时间观看该节目,基本计划每月10美元,标准计划每月13美元,高级计划每月16美元。

These services bring Jim and Dwight’s shenanigans right to your home, even though identity theft is not a joke. You can laugh at Michael’s awful jokes and cry with the characters through heart-to-heart moments across all nine seasons. Don’t miss a single moment of the show while it’s available on these services.

这些服务将Jim和Dwight的恶作剧带到您的家中,即使身份盗窃不是开玩笑。 您可以嘲笑迈克尔的糟糕笑话,并通过九个季节中的心灵时刻与角色哭泣。 在这些服务上可用的节目时,请不要错过任何一刻。

