问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题


If you have provided computer support you know it can be a challenge to diagnose the problem a user is experiencing based on their description.  Depending on the environment doing a remote session or standing over their shoulder may not be a practical solution.  New in Windows 7 is neat utility called Problem Steps Recorder which records user actions and allows you to troubleshoot the problem easier.

如果您提供了计算机支持,那么您就会知道,根据他们的描述来诊断用户所遇到的问题可能是一个挑战。 取决于环境,进行远程会话或站在他们的肩膀上可能不是实际的解决方案。 Windows 7中的新增功能是名为问题步骤记录器的简洁实用工具,该工具可记录用户的操作并使您更轻松地解决问题。

To start up Problem Steps Recorder type in “psr.exe” (no quotes) into the Start menu Search box.

要启动问题步骤记录器,请在“开始”菜单的“搜索”框中键入“ psr.exe” (不带引号)

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

Another helpful tip is to create a shortcut for it on their desktop using the path “C:\Windows\System32\psr.exe”.  Now when a user calls for support they have a handy icon they can use to launch it.

另一个有用的技巧是使用路径“ C:\ Windows \ System32 \ psr.exe”在其桌面上为其创建快捷方式。 现在,当用户致电寻求支持时,他们可以使用方便的图标来启动它。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

There is nothing fancy about the interface it has basic controls for easy use.  Click on the Start Record button and go through the steps to recreate where the problem is.

该界面具有易于使用的基本控件,没有什么花哨的地方。 单击开始记录按钮,然后按照步骤重新创建问题所在。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

While recording the process you will notice a small red dot image briefly by the pointer when new shots are taken.  When done with the recording just click on Stop Record and then choose location to save the output file.

记录过程时,在拍摄新照片时,指针会短暂地显示一个小的红点图像。 完成记录后,只需单击“停止记录”,然后选择位置来保存输出文件。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

The output is saved as a zipped MHTML web archive file that can be viewed in Internet Explorer. Just have the user email it to you or put on a network share.

输出将另存为可在Internet Explorer中查看的压缩的MHTML Web存档文件。 只需让用户通过电子邮件将其发送给您或放入网络共享中即可。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

Now you can navigate through the recording and see what the user was doing.  It creates a neat file that lets you scroll through each screen shot, view the shots as a slide show, or review tech details.

现在,您可以浏览记录并查看用户的操作。 它创建了一个整洁的文件,可让您滚动浏览每个屏幕快照,以幻灯片形式查看这些快照或查看技术细节。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

Here is an example of Slide Show view in Internet Explorer.

这是Internet Explorer中“幻灯片放映”视图的示例。

问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

Then toward the bottom of the document more additional technical information is shown.


问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

Another thing to point out is that during the recording session you can hit the Add Comment button and highlight an area of the screen and leave a comment or question.


问题步骤记录器_使用问题步骤记录器帮助解决Windows 7问题

This should help you get up and running with the new screen recording feature.  While this tool is not as feature rich as it could be, it is a nice addition to help troubleshoot issues with Windows 7.

这应该可以帮助您起步并使用新的屏幕录制功能。 尽管此工具的功能不尽如人意,但它是帮助解决Windows 7问题的不错的补充。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2260/use-problem-step-recorder-to-help-troubleshoot-windows-7/
