unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

unity 渲染 加速

通过将项目更新等待时间减少多达90%,Unity Accelerator可以帮助您的团队更快地进行迭代。 (The Unity Accelerator can help your team iterate faster by reducing project update wait times by up to 90%.)

No one likes to wait for things, be it your coffee machine brewing that delicious (and let’s be honest, much needed) first cup in the morning, your local project downloading the latest source code changes, or the Unity editor loading those new changes for the first time. While we can’t do anything to help with that first cup of coffee, the Unity Accelerator can significantly improve your download and load times for source code changes, core aspects to every Unity developer’s workflow.

没有人喜欢等待,例如,您的咖啡机在早上冲泡出美味(很坦率地说,非常需要)的第一杯咖啡,您的本地项目下载了最新的源代码更改,或者Unity编辑器为这些更改加载了新的更改第一次。 虽然第一杯咖啡我们无能为力,但Unity Accelerator可以显着缩短源代码更改的下载和加载时间,这是每个Unity开发人员工作流程的核心方面。

The Unity Accelerator is a local network proxy and cache service that speeds up iteration times for two major scenarios, asset pipeline importing and source code download through Collaborate. This improved workflow will substantially reduce the time spent waiting for routine blockers, getting you and your team back to doing what is important, creating! 

Unity Accelerator是一个本地网络代理和缓存服务,可在两种主要情况(资产管道导入和通过Collaborate)下载源代码的情况下加快迭代速度。 改进后的工作流程将大大减少等待常规阻止程序所花费的时间,使您和您的团队重新开始做重要的事情,创造!

资产管道导入 (Asset Pipeline Importing)

Whenever Unity detects an asset has been modified on your local project it will automatically transform the asset to be readable by Unity, a process known as asset pipeline importing. This can be a time-consuming process that increases exponentially as more changes are detected. In Unity 2019.3 a new asset import pipeline version was introduced, improving the overall import process to be more performant, scalable and reliable. Additional experimental features such as on-demand, fast platform switching, and background importing are also available in an experimental state in 2019.3. You can read more about it here

每当Unity检测到您的本地项目上的资产已被修改时,它将自动将资产转换为Unity可以读取的过程,该过程称为资产管道导入。 这可能是一个耗时的过程,随着检测到更多更改,该过程呈指数增长。 在Unity 2019.3中,引入了新的资产导入管道版本,从而改善了整体导入过程,使其更加高效,可扩展且可靠。 按需,快速平台切换和后台导入等其他实验功能也将在2019.3。 您可以 在此处 了解更多信息 。

这个怎么运作 (How it works)

The Unity Accelerator augments the new asset import pipeline by providing a local network cache of transformed assets for your entire team. This means that only one person needs to perform the actual import and the results will automatically be cached to the Unity Accelerator. The next time a team member goes to import the same version of the asset, the cache will first be checked before starting the import process on the local machine.

通过为整个团队提供转换后资产的本地网络缓存,Unity Accelerator扩展了新资产导入管道。 这意味着只有一个人需要执行实际的导入,并且结果将自动缓存到Unity Accelerator。 团队成员下次下次导入相同版本的资产时,将首先检查缓存,然后在本地计算机上开始导入过程。

unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

通过Collaborate下载源代码 (Source code download via Collaborate)

One of the key challenges for source control is sharing assets quickly. Difficulties often arise due to large file sizes or low internet bandwidth. The Unity Accelerator will reduce the time you are blocked waiting for assets to download when updating your Collaborate local project to the latest revision. You can also monitor the performance on the Services Dashboard, which will show you important metrics such as overall efficiency (last 24 hours), bytes delivered, time saved and more:

源代码控制的主要挑战之一是快速共享资产。 由于文件大或互联网带宽低,经常会出现困难。 将Collaborate本地项目更新为最新版本时,Unity Accelerator可以减少您等待资产下载的时间。 您还可以在“服务”仪表板上监视性能,这将向您显示重要的指标,例如总体效率(最近24小时),交付的字节数,节省的时间等:

unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

Our internal tests have shown up to a 90% reduction in time spent waiting for projects to update! Here are the metrics for one of our tests:

我们的内部测试表明, 等待项目更新的时间 减少90% ! 以下是我们其中一项测试的指标:

Download Size Number of Files No Files Cached in Accelerator All Files Cached in Accelerator
100 MB ~12,000 6 Minutes 30 Seconds
下载大小 文件数 加速器中没有缓存文件 加速器中缓存的所有文件
100兆字节 约12,000 6分钟 30秒

这个怎么运作 (How it works)

The Unity Accelerator is a proxy and cache for the Collaborate service. When set up on the local network, new files will be cached as they are on their way to the Collaborate cloud service (i.e. each time you publish). The next time a team member, who is also on the same local network, updates their project, the Unity Accelerator will first check its cache for a copy of the file before connecting to the service to download. 

Unity Accelerator是Collaborate服务的代理和缓存。 在本地网络上设置时,新文件将被缓存到Collaborate云服务的途中(即每次发布时)。 下次同样在同一个本地网络上的团队成员更新其项目时,Unity Accelerator将首先在其高速缓存中检查文件的副本,然后再连接到要下载的服务。

unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

The Unity Accelerator also has the ability to pre-load source that has been published by a remote team member. For example, let’s say three game developers are on the same project Alice, Sam and Joe. They are a distributed team as follows:

Unity Accelerator还可以预加载由远程团队成员发布的源。 例如,假设三个游戏开发人员在同一个项目中,即爱丽丝,萨姆和乔。 他们是一个分布式团队,如下所示:

  1. Sam is a remote developer who does not have an Accelerator installed on her network.


  2. Alice and Joe share a local network and do have the Accelerator installed. 


Every time Sam publishes within Unity, she talks directly to the Collaborate service. The Accelerator that Alice and Joe use will automatically monitor the Collaborate service for new publishes done by Sam and will download them as they occur. The next time that Alice and Joe are ready to update their local project, they’ll be pulling from the Accelerator instead of the Collaborate service directly.

每次Sam在Unity中发布时,她都会直接与Collaborate服务进行对话。 Alice和Joe使用的Accelerator将自动监视Collaborate服务中Sam所做的新发布,​​并在它们出现时进行下载。 下次Alice和Joe准备更新其本地项目时,他们将直接从Accelerator中提取,而不是直接从Collaborate服务中获取。

unity 渲染 加速_使用Unity Accelerator加速您的团队

如何开始 (How to get started)

The Unity Accelerator is a standalone tool that is now available for download on OSX, Windows and Linux. It is compatible with 2019.3 Beta 1 or above for Collaborate and support for the Asset Pipeline Import process is available as of 2019.3 Beta 6.

Unity Accelerator是一个独立工具,现在可以 在 OSXWindowsLinux 上 下载 。 它与2019.3 Beta 1或更高版本兼容以进行协作,并且从2019.3 Beta 6开始支持资产管道导入过程。

While the Asset Pipeline Import feature will be completely free to use, the Collaborate source control feature requires a Unity Teams Advanced subscription. Read more on how to get started here.

资产管道导入功能将完全免费使用,而协作源代码控制功能则需要 Unity Teams Advanced 订阅。 在 此处 阅读有关如何入门的更多 信息

经常问的问题 (Frequently Asked Questions)

Thank you for all of your great feedback on the forums and in the comments! We’ve put together a short Q&A to help answer your questions. 

感谢您对论坛和评论的所有宝贵反馈! 我们进行了简短的问答,以帮助回答您的问题。

What is the difference between the Unity Accelerator and the Cache Server?

Unity Accelerator和缓存服务器之间有什么区别?

The most important difference is that the original cache server only supports Asset Pipeline v1. The Unity Accelerator adds caching support for both Asset Pipeline v2 and source code via the Collaborate service. 

最重要的区别是原始缓存服务器仅支持Asset Pipeline v1。 Unity Accelerator通过Collaborate服务为Asset Pipeline v2和源代码添加了缓存支持。

Another great benefit of the Unity Accelerator is that when using it with Asset Pipeline v2 and/or Collaborate service, it features automatic disk storage management. This means that it will periodically clean up unneeded assets and/or source. With the original Cache Server, teams had to use additional tooling to manage disk space. 

Unity Accelerator的另一个巨大好处是,将它与Asset Pipeline v2和/或Collaborate服务一起使用时,它具有自动磁盘存储管理功能。 这意味着它将定期清理不需要的资产和/或源。 使用原始的Cache Server,团队必须使用其他工具来管理磁盘空间。

A third difference is that the Unity Accelerator also exposes metrics that provide you with useful information such as bytes transferred, editors connected and more. They are hosted as Prometheus metric values as /metrics, which you can query from the local network.

第三个差异是Unity Accelerator还公开了指标,这些指标为您提供了有用的信息,例如传输的字节,连接的编辑器等。 它们 作为/ metrics 作为 Prometheus度量标准值的 主机 ,您可以从本地网络查询。

I noticed that you can install the Cache Server in the Unity Accelerator installation wizard. Does this mean it has new functionality?

我注意到您可以在Unity Accelerator安装向导中安装缓存服务器。 这是否意味着它具有新功能?

We have not added any new functionality to the cache server. The decision was made to include it in the Unity Accelerator installation wizard so that teams only needed to go to a single place to manage installations.

我们尚未向缓存服务器添加任何新功能。 决定将其包含在Unity Accelerator安装向导中,以便团队只需要到一个地方即可管理安装。

The Cache Server always has a new version released with each editor release. Which version of the Cache Server is used in the Unity Accelerator Installer?

缓存服务器始终随每个编辑器版本一起发布一个新版本。 Unity Accelerator安装程序中使用哪个版本的缓存服务器?

We are bundling the version most compatible with Asset Import Pipeline v1 that’s in use for 2019.3. If you are running older versions and already have cache servers supporting them, there is no need to install the one bundled in the Unity Accelerator.

我们将捆绑与2019.3。年使用的Asset Import Pipeline v1最兼容的版本。 如果您正在运行旧版本,并且已经有支持它们的缓存服务器,则无需安装Unity Accelerator中捆绑的版本。

Does each Unity Accelerator instance only support a specific Unity version or will it be able to work with multiple simultaneous Unity installs/projects?

每个Unity Accelerator实例是否仅支持特定的Unity版本,还是可以同时处理多个Unity安装/项目?

The Unity Accelerator will remain backward compatible, supporting all versions of  Asset Import Pipeline v2 and Collaborate service starting in 2019.3 and later. It will automatically upgrade itself as needed to make this seamless for you.

Unity Accelerator将保持向后兼容,支持从2019.3及更高版本开始的所有版本的Asset Import Pipeline v2和Collaborate服务。 它会根据需要自动进行自我升级,从而为您提供无缝的支持。

Does the Source control cache only work with Collaborate?


Collaborate is the only source control supported today. We are exploring the possibility of supporting others in the future.

Collaborate是 当今唯一支持的源代码管理。 我们正在探索将来支持他人的可能性。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/11/speed-up-your-team-with-the-unity-accelerator/

unity 渲染 加速