swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

swiftype 站内搜索

As hard as we try to make our website navigation and content structure as logical as possible, a large percentage of users would prefer a simple search box to find what they need.  That being the case, we need to ensure that site search is as accurate and smart as possible.  Oftentimes developers will try to roll their own site search (yuck), use an open source utility (usually yuck), or reach to Google Site Search, which will soon be unavailable.  Search is hard but that's where a service like Swiftype can come to the rescue.  Swiftype is a site search and third party content search service that allows you to provide incredible search capabilities to your users in very little time.

尽管我们努力使网站导航和内容结构尽可能地合乎逻辑,但大多数用户还是希望使用简单的搜索框来查找所需内容。 在这种情况下,我们需要确保网站搜索尽可能准确和智能。 开发人员通常会尝试滚动自己的网站搜索(讨厌),使用开源实用程序(通常是讨厌)或访问不久将不可用的Google Site Search。 搜索很难,但这就是Swiftype这样的服务可以拯救的地方。 Swiftype是一种站点搜索和第三方内容搜索服务,可让您在极短的时间内为用户提供令人难以置信的搜索功能。

快速点击 (Quick Hits)

  • Free to sign up!

  • Create your own site search and web crawler for any URL for improved search

  • Full analytics to monitor what users are searching for

  • Conversion tracking to get insight on what is and isn't working in your marketing and page structure

  • Result customization allows you to promote certain pages over others in search results

  • Provides a WordPress plugin for easy integration

  • Direct Swiftype to recrawl your site at any time

  • Enterprise search service allows you to index third party services (Dropbox, GitHub, Box, etc.) so you can search multiple services in one place



After you've signed up for a free trial account at Swiftype, the first step is creating a search property.  Simply provide a URL to the website and a name and Swiftype will immediately start indexing the site contents.

Swiftype上注册免费试用帐户后,第一步就是创建搜索属性 。 只需提供该网站的URL和名称,Swiftype将立即开始为网站内容建立索引。

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

You can preview search results at any time with Search Preview feature.  I executed dozens of searches I thought would be popular and was really happy with search result order.  There were a few searches, however, where I would prefer one result was a bit higher than another, and that's where I found the Result Rankings feature very helpful!

您可以随时使用“搜索预览”功能预览搜索结果。 我执行了数十次我认为会很受欢迎的搜索,并对搜索结果的顺序感到非常满意。 但是,在一些搜索中,我希望一个结果比另一个结果高一点,因此我发现“结果排名”功能非常有帮助!

修改结果排名 (Modifying Result Rankings)

Swiftype does an excellent job of indexing content and providing the most relevant results but there may be cases where you'd like to manually modifying the order of search results based on keyword.  For example, one of my site's most popular posts is about upgrading Node.js but I'd much, much prefer my post on Using NVM to Manage Node.js Versions showed up first, since the first post provides legacy information.  Google Webmaster Tools doesn't allow me to modify result order so I'm somewhat helpless in correcting the issue on Google, but Swiftype allows me to correct the issue for my own site search:

Swiftype在将内容编入索引并提供最相关的结果方面做得非常出色,但是在某些情况下,您可能希望根据关键字手动修改搜索结果的顺序。 例如,我的网站上最受欢迎的帖子之一是有关升级Node.js的信息,但是我非常喜欢我的关于使用NVM管理Node.js版本的帖子,因为第一篇文章提供了旧信息。 Google网站管理员工具不允许我修改结果顺序,因此我无法在Google上更正此问题,但是Swiftype允许我针对自己的站点搜索来更正此问题:

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

All I need to do is drag and drop the result times and Swiftype remembers the preferred result order.  You can provide any warnings or notices on the legacy page but there's nothing like the user never seeing that page because the preferred search result is first!

我需要做的就是拖放结果时间,Swiftype会记住首选的结果顺序。 您可以在旧版页面上提供任何警告或注意,但是没有什么比用户永远不会看到该页面更重要,因为首选搜索结果在第一位!

自定义关键字权重 (Customize Keyword Weights)

Since you probably know your content structure better than Swiftype does, Swiftype offers you the ability to experiment with custom weighting of keywords in different sections of the content, including headings, body content, images, etc:


swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

Once you've played with the weighting of different aspects of site content, you can preview search results based on those weights.  If you find better weighting -- awesome!  If not it means Swiftype's done an excellent job with their default weighting system.

在对网站内容的各个方面进行权衡之后,就可以基于这些权重预览搜索结果。 如果您发现更好的权重-太棒了! 如果不是这样,则意味着Swiftype的默认加权系统表现出色。

分析和转化跟踪 (Analytics and Conversion Tracking)

Analytics and conversion tracking are a huge part of marketing and sales analysis.  Google Analytics can provide you with that information but the variable they don't account for is the ability to custom weight search results as well as the ability to modify search ranking;  Swiftype lets you control more of search so that user searches can turn into conversions!

分析和转化跟踪是营销和销售分析的重要组成部分。 Google Analytics(分析)可以为您提供这些信息,但是它们没有考虑的变量是自定义权重搜索结果的能力以及修改搜索排名的能力; Swiftype让您可以控制更多搜索,以便用户搜索可以转化为转化!

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

All you have to do is add the conversion tracking code provided by Swiftype and you instantly have conversion tracking!


企业搜寻 (Enterprise Search)

While exploring Swiftype's capabilities, I found Enterprise Search and was blown away.  Web development has gotten so big that we've broken off into a number of specialties like ops, front end, back end, and so on.  At the same time we've started using more specialized web services.  There are team tools like HipChat, Slack, and a variety of other tools for text and video communication.  We have file storage and hosting services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft's OneDrive.  We have so many focused services now, however, that we run info a frequent problem:  where the hell do we find anything?

在探索Swiftype的功能时,我发现了Enterprise Search并被吓了一跳。 Web开发的规模是如此之大,以至于我们分为了多个专业,例如ops,前端,后端等等。 同时,我们开始使用更专业的Web服务。 有团队工具,例如HipChat,Slack,以及用于文本和视频通信的各种其他工具。 我们提供文件存储和托管服务,例如Google Drive,Dropbox,Box和Microsoft的OneDrive。 但是,我们现在有许多专注于服务的服务,因此我们经常遇到一个问题:我们在哪里找到了什么?

Which service did I upload those files to?  What site or git repository had the code and documentation for the API I need to use?  Choice is good but it also complicates our ability to find what we need.   Swiftype's enterprise search service allows you to search between multiple external services so you can find what you need faster.

我将这些文件上传到了哪个服务? 我需要在哪个站点或git存储库中使用API​​的代码和文档? 选择是好的,但是这也使我们找到所需东西的能力变得复杂。 Swiftype的企业搜索服务使您可以在多个外部服务之间进行搜索,从而可以更快地找到所需的内容。

添加源 (Adding Sources)

After you've signed up for a free trial account, the next step will be adding "sources" (services to index for search) via Swiftype's elegant interface.  Swiftype offers a bunch of sources for services I use frequently, including GitHub, Dropbox, etc.:

在注册免费试用帐户后,下一步将是通过Swiftype优美的界面添加“源”(用于搜索索引的服务)。 Swiftype为我经常使用的服务提供了大量资源,包括GitHub,Dropbox等:

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

Click on each service to authorize Swiftype (via traditional OAuth which we're all used to).  Swiftype indexes each service to make search for its contents quick and easy!

单击每个服务以授权Swiftype(通过我们都习惯的传统OAuth)。 Swiftype为每个服务建立索引,以使其搜索内容变得轻松快捷!

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

添加网络爬网程序 (Adding a Web Crawler)

While Swiftype features a number of popular services, if you have any website you'd like to add to your search result pool, you can easily do so using Swiftype's Web Crawler Source feature.  You may want to add your websites, your intranet, a documentation site, or any site for that matter.  Simply provide Swiftype the URL to crawl and Swiftype will immediately start indexing the website.  I added my website:

尽管Swiftype提供了许多受欢迎的服务,但是如果您有要添加到搜索结果池中的任何网站,则可以使用Swiftype的Web爬网程序源功能轻松地做到这一点。 您可能想要添加您的网站,Intranet,文档站点或与此相关的任何站点。 只需向Swiftype提供要爬网的URL,Swiftype就会立即开始为网站建立索引。 我添加了我的网站:

swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

Web Crawler sources, much like Swiftype's preconfigured sources, are synced periodically to ensure the latest content is available for search:


swiftype 站内搜索_使用Swiftype进行自定义,可嵌入的站点搜索

No information other than the base URL is required so adding any website you wish to be indexed is simple and convenient.  You don't even need to be the website owner -- you can choose which content providers you believe are trustworthy for yourself, your teammates, and your organization.

除了基本URL之外,不需要任何其他信息,因此添加任何希望建立索引的网站既简单又方便。 您甚至不必成为网站所有者-您可以选择您认为自己,自己的团队成员和组织值得信赖的内容提供商。

判决 (Verdict)

Both of Swiftype's awesome offerings, Site Search and Enterprise Search, are really impressive.  The amount of control you can take over your own site's search is amazing; no mystery box of logic or frustration over search result order -- you can customize all of that, making the search experience much more effective than Google.  I enjoyed using Enterprise Search as well.  I was instantly able to search a host of GitHub source, my blog, and Dropbox code samples at the same time; no more wondering which service was hosting the information I wanted.

Swiftype的出色服务( 站点搜索企业搜索 )确实令人印象深刻。 您可以接管自己网站的搜索量,其控制量令人惊叹; 搜索结果的顺序没有逻辑上的困惑或挫败感-您可以自定义所有内容,从而使搜索体验比Google更为有效。 我也很喜欢使用企业搜索。 我立即可以同时搜索大量GitHub源代码,我的博客和Dropbox代码示例。 不用再怀疑哪个服务托管了我想要的信息。

Instead of rolling your own search or using a lacking free alternative, give Swiftype a shot.  I've found WordPress' search underwhelming so I look forward to using Swiftype in my upcoming redesign.  Users demand to get to the information they need faster -- Swiftype gets them there!

不用进行自己的搜索或使用缺少的免费替代工具,不如给Swiftype做个尝试。 我发现WordPress的搜索功能不尽人意,因此我期待在即将进行的重新设计中使用Swiftype。 用户要求更快地获取所需的信息-Swiftype将它们带到那里!

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/search-swiftype

swiftype 站内搜索