
Email notifications are a great way to keep tabs on important incoming messages. However, if you get hundreds of emails a day it can be a distraction click on the notifications every time they pop up, interrupting your workflow and affecting your productivity.

电子邮件通知是在重要的传入消息上保持标签的一种好方法。 但是,如果您每天收到数百封电子邮件,则每次弹出通知时都可能会分散注意力,这会中断您的工作流程并影响您的工作效率。

You may find yourself wasting a lot of time checking email throughout the day and wondering why none of your projects were completed. If the desktop notifications are distracting you we can simply turn them off.

您可能会发现自己整天浪费大量时间检查电子邮件,并且想知道为什么没有一个项目完成。 如果桌面通知分散您的注意力,我们可以将其关闭。


With Outlook open click on Tools Options and then the E-mail Options button.

在Outlook打开的情况下,单击“ 工具 选项” ,然后单击“ 电子邮件选项”按钮。


Now in the E-mail Options window click on the Advanced E-mail Options button.

现在,在“电子邮件选项”窗口中,单击“ 高级电子邮件选项”按钮。


Now uncheck the box next to “Display a New Mail Desktop Alert” and while at it you might at well uncheck “Play a Sound” too, then just click OK and close out of the remaining windows.

现在取消选中“显示新邮件桌面警报”旁边的框,同时您也可以取消选中“播放声音” ,然后单击确定并关闭其余窗口。


Another thing to point out is if you click on the Desktop Alert Settings button you can change the duration of the alert and also the transparency.  When you come in to turn the alerts back on you might want to experiment with these.

要指出的另一件事是,如果单击“ 桌面警报设置”按钮,则可以更改警报的持续时间以及透明度。 当您打开警报时,您可能需要尝试这些。


Now you can still have Outlook open and get those TPS Reports completed without being distracted.



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80052/quick-tip-turn-off-desktop-email-notifications-in-outlook-2/