outlook电子邮件解析_在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报

outlook电子邮件解析_在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报


If you have Outlook open all day while you’re working, it can be very distracting seeing desktop email notifications. Here we show you how to turn the feature off in Outlook 2010.

如果您在工作期间全天打开Outlook,则看到桌面电子邮件通知可能会分散您的注意力。 在这里,我们向您展示如何在Outlook 2010中关闭该功能。

outlook电子邮件解析_在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报

Disable Notifications


With Outlook open click on the File tab to access Backstage View and click on Options.


outlook电子邮件解析_在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报

Now in Outlook Options click on Mail then scroll down to Message arrival. Then uncheck Display a Desktop Alert and click OK. If you don’t want a sound to play when an email arrives you can uncheck that as well.

现在,在Outlook选项中,单击“邮件”,然后向下滚动到“ 邮件到达” 。 然后取消选中“ 显示桌面警报” ,然后单击“确定”。 如果您不希望在收到电子邮件时播放声音,也可以取消选中它。

outlook电子邮件解析_在Outlook 2010中关闭桌面电子邮件警报

If you’re busy working on a project, having desktop email notifications popping up can be a huge distraction. Disabling them should help you get things done and improve productivity. If you’re an Outlook 2007 user check out our article on how to turn off desktop email notification in Outlook.

如果您正在忙于一个项目,弹出桌面电子邮件通知可能会非常分散您的注意力。 禁用它们应该可以帮助您完成工作并提高生产率。 如果您是Outlook 2007用户,请查看有关如何在Outlook中关闭桌面电子邮件通知的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22282/turn-off-desktop-email-alerts-in-outlook-2010/
