如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

We’ve already shown you how to customize your Ubuntu installation and make it look like Windows 7, and now we’re back to show you how to turn Linux into a Mac OS X lookalike in just a couple of minutes.

我们已经向您展示了如何自定义Ubuntu安装并使其看起来像Windows 7 ,现在又回来向您展示如何在短短几分钟内将Linux转变为Mac OSX。

To accomplish this, we’re going to use Macbuntu, an open-source program designed to transform the Linux theme into a Mac OS X environment. Although Macbuntu is dedicated to Ubuntu Linux OS, it could be used in other OS based on Debian/GTK.

为此,我们将使用Macbuntu,这是一个开放源代码程序,旨在将Linux主题转换为Mac OS X环境。 尽管Macbuntu专用于Ubuntu Linux操作系统,但它可以在基于Debian / GTK的其他操作系统中使用。

安装Macbuntu (Installing Macbuntu)

First, grab a copy from the project’s page at SourceForge. Once downloaded, right-click the file and press Extract Here.

首先,从SourceForge的项目页面获取副本。 下载后,右键单击该文件,然后按“在此处提取”。

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

When extracted open the extracted folder. You’ll find a file named “Install.sh”. You guessed it, it’s the installation script. Now double-click it and choose Run in Terminal.

解压缩后,打开解压缩的文件夹。 您会找到一个名为“ Install.sh”的文件。 您猜对了,它是安装脚本。 现在双击它,然后选择“在终端中运行”。

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

A terminal window should pop up now which looks pretty much like this:


如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

Nothing interesting here so we’ll just press y and hit enter. Afterwards, the installation will begin with a few questions you need to answer.

这里没什么有趣的,所以我们只需按y并按Enter。 之后,安装将以您需要回答的几个问题开始。

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

You can choose whatever answer you want or if you don’t know what to do, just hit enter without any letter to choose the default choice. During installation, it may need to download some packages from the internet so please choose yes when asked. Now installation is done, you will be offered to download Mac OS X themes for FireFox, Thunderbird, and Chrome. If you want to, you can choose yes and browser window will open showing you where to download them. The theme links are provided in the end of this article. Your Ubuntu should have started to look a bit like Mac by now. Last thing to do is restarting. You will be asked to restart, so please choose yes.

您可以选择所需的答案,或者如果您不知道要做什么,只需按Enter键而不带任何字母即可选择默认选项。 在安装过程中,可能需要从Internet下载一些软件包,因此在出现提示时请选择“是”。 现在安装完成,您将可以下载适用于FireFox,Thunderbird和Chrome的Mac OS X主题。 如果愿意,可以选择是,浏览器窗口将打开,向您显示下载它们的位置。 本文末尾提供了主题链接。 到目前为止,您的Ubuntu应该已经开始看起来像Mac。 最后要做的是重新启动。 系统将要求您重新启动,因此请选择是。

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

After restarting you’ll find out that you Ubuntu box looks almost identical to Mac OSX. The boot screen has changed, login screen, desktop, panels, icons, bottom dock, and even the mouse cursor has been changed. Have fun with your new Mac OSX. You can always use a different them without uninstalling Macbuntu. Just right-click on your desktop, click change desktop back ground from the context menu, a window will pop up, choose the themes tab and change the theme.

重新启动后,您会发现Ubuntu盒子看上去几乎与Mac OSX相同。 引导屏幕已更改,登录屏幕,桌面,面板,图标,底部底座,甚至鼠标光标也已更改。 尽情享受您的新Mac OSX。 您始终可以使用其他它们,而无需卸载Macbuntu。 只需右键单击桌面,从上下文菜单中单击“更改桌面背景”,将弹出一个窗口,选择“主题”选项卡并更改主题。

如何使Ubuntu Linux看起来像Mac OS X

卸载Macbuntu (Uninstalling Macbuntu)

If you don’t like Macbuntu or you feel like you don’t want it anymore you can revert your Ubuntu to default state. In the archive you downloaded and extracted there is the file “uninstall.sh” double-click it and choose run in terminal. Continue with the instructions within the terminal window to complete the uninstallation.

如果您不喜欢Macbuntu或不想再使用Macbuntu,则可以将Ubuntu恢复为默认状态。 在下载并解压缩的档案中,双击文件“ uninstall.sh”,然后选择“在终端中运行”。 继续按照终端窗口中的说明完成卸载。

Macbuntu homepage


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/45817/how-to-make-ubuntu-linux-look-like-mac-os-x/