

It’s cool being able to add your friends on PlayStation. You can see what each other are doing, what games you’ve been playing, and even play together in some instances. Until that person isn’t someone you want to game with any longer, that is. Then it’s time to remove them.

能够在PlayStation上添加您的朋友真是太酷了。 您可以看到彼此在做什么,您在玩什么游戏,甚至在某些情况下甚至可以一起玩。 直到那个人不再是您想要与之游戏的人。 然后是时候删除它们了。

It’s not just about getting rid of people who have wronged you in some way, of course—sometimes you just need to clean house. Or maybe you added someone by mistake. Whatever the reason, managing users on your friends list is a pretty simple task, albeit slightly convoluted, as each user has to be managed individually and there isn’t a way to bulk remove users (should that be something you want to do).

当然,这不只是要摆脱以某种方式委屈您的人,有时您只需要打扫房子。 也许您是错误地添加了某人。 无论出于何种原因,管理朋友列表上的用户都是一项非常简单的任务,尽管有些麻烦,因为必须单独管理每个用户,并且无法批量删除用户(这是您想要做的)。

To get started, you’ll first need to jump into your friends list. This should be the third entry in the action bar.

首先,您首先需要跳入朋友列表。 这应该是操作栏中的第三个条目。


From there, look through your friends list until you find the person you want to remove. Click on their name in the list to bring up their profile.

从那里浏览您的朋友列表,直到找到要删除的人。 在列表中单击其名称以显示其个人资料。


On the profile, scroll over to the three dots and tap the X button on the controller.



This will bring up two options: “Remove from Friends” and “Block.” If all you want to do is delete them from your list, choose the first option. If they’ve really upset you, you can choose “Block” to keep them from interacting with you in any way. For more information on blocking users and what that means, head here.

这将显示两个选项:“从朋友中删除”和“阻止”。 如果您只想从列表中删除它们,请选择第一个选项。 如果他们真的让您不高兴,则可以选择“阻止”,以阻止他们以任何方式与您互动。 有关阻止用户及其含义的更多信息,请转到此处。


A confirmation screen will pop up asking if you’re sure that’s what you want to do. Choose “OK” to confirm. Poof—they’re gone.

将弹出一个确认屏幕,询问您是否确定要这样做。 选择“确定”进行确认。 of-他们走了。


If you want to go a step further and actually block the user, however, choose that option from the dropdown.



Again, a confirmation window will appear, but this time there’s also an option to see what blocking means.



Clicking that will show you everything you can’t do with this user once they’re blocked.



If you clicked into that menu, click “OK” to get back to the main block screen. If you’re sure that’s what you want to do, confirm it by click “Block.” Done.

如果单击该菜单,请单击“确定”以返回到主块屏幕。 如果您确定要这样做,请单击“阻止”进行确认。 做完了


Note: No Erics were removed or blocked in the writing of this post.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/321115/how-to-remove-someone-from-your-playstation-friends-list/