ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

There are several different ways to create custom Ubuntu live CDs. We’ve covered using the Reconstructor web app in the past, but some commenters recommended the Ubuntu Customization Kit instead. It’s an open-source utility found in Ubuntu’s software repositories.

有多种创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD的方法。 过去我们已经介绍过使用Reconstructor Web应用程序 ,但是一些评论者推荐使用Ubuntu Customization Kit。 它是在Ubuntu的软件存储库中找到的开源实用程序。

UCK offers more powerful features than Reconstructor does, but Reconstructor makes most tasks easier for novice users. Be sure to take a look at Reconstructor, too.

UCK提供了比Reconstructor更强大的功能,但是Reconstructor使大多数任务对于新手来说都更加容易。 一定也要看看Reconstructor。

安装Ubuntu自定义套件 (Installing Ubuntu Customization Kit)

You’ll find the Ubuntu Customization Kit in Ubuntu’s Software Center.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

You can also install it from a terminal with the following command:


sudo apt-get install uck

sudo apt-get install uck

You’ll also need a base ISO image that you want to customize. You can download a Ubuntu ISO image from the Ubuntu website. You’ll need an image compatible with your system’s architecture – for example, if you’re using a 32-bit system, you’ll need the i386 ISO and not the amd64 one. However, users of 64-bit operating systems can also use a 32-bit image, as 64-bit operating systems can run 32-bit software.

您还需要要自定义的基本ISO映像。 您可以从Ubuntu网站下载Ubuntu ISO映像。 您将需要与系统体系结构兼容的映像–例如,如果您使用的是32位系统,则需要i386 ISO而不是amd64。 但是,由于64位操作系统可以运行32位软件,因此64位操作系统的用户也可以使用32位映像。

制作定制的Live CD (Creating a Customized Live CD)

You can launch the Ubuntu Customization Kit from the dash. (You can also execute the uck-gui command from a terminal.)

您可以从破折号启动Ubuntu自定义套件。 (您也可以从终端执行uck-gui命令。)

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

UCK will inform you of the requirements – 5GB of disk space on your local computer and Internet access. The Ubuntu Customization Kit uses a chroot environment.

UCK会通知您有关要求–本地计算机和Internet访问上有5GB的磁盘空间。 Ubuntu Customization Kit使用chroot环境。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

The next screen prompts you to install language packs – it appeared empty for me, perhaps because I already have language packs installed on the system. Either way, you can click OK to continue.

下一个屏幕会提示您安装语言包–对我来说这似乎是空的,也许是因为我已经在系统上安装了语言包。 无论哪种方式,您都可以单击“确定”继续。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

The following screen allows you to select which languages will be available on the live CD.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

After that, you can select the live CD’s default language. This makes the Ubuntu Customization Kit useful for creating live CDs customized to specific regions where the default language of English isn’t ideal.

之后,您可以选择现场CD的默认语言。 这使得Ubuntu定制工具包可用于创建针对特定区域定制的实时CD,在这些区域中默认英语不是理想的语言。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

Now, select the Ubuntu ISO image you downloaded earlier. After you do, you can provide a custom name for your new live CD.

现在,选择您先前下载的Ubuntu ISO映像。 完成后,您可以为新的实时CD提供自定义名称。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

UCK gives you the option to manually customize the live CD, if you want.


ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

After you select whether you want to delete Windows-related files from your live CD (for example, the application that automatically runs when you insert a Ubuntu CD into a Windows system), you can click OK to start building the live CD. You’ll have to provide your password in the terminal window after doing so.

选择是否要从实时CD删除Windows相关文件(例如,将Ubuntu CD插入Windows系统时自动运行的应用程序)后,可以单击“确定”开始构建实时CD。 完成后,您必须在终端窗口中提供密码。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

Eventually, you’ll have the option to further customize the live CD with a package manager or a terminal window. These options only appear if you told UCK you wanted to customize the live CD manually.

最终,您可以选择使用程序包管理器或终端窗口进一步自定义实时CD。 仅当您告诉UCK您想手动自定义实时CD时,才会显示这些选项。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

Unfortunately, the package manager component no longer seems to be working on Ubuntu 11.10, which appears to be a known issue. In previous versions, this called a Synaptic-like application.

不幸的是,软件包管理器组件似乎不再在Ubuntu 11.10上运行,这似乎是一个已知问题。 在以前的版本中,这称为类似Synaptic的应用程序。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

You can still select the Run Console Application option to launch a special terminal window. This terminal window represents the live CD environment – any commands you run inside it will  affect your custom live CD. This means that you can use the standard apt-get commands to install software that will appear in the live CD.

您仍然可以选择“运行控制台应用程序”选项以启动特殊的终端窗口。 此终端窗口代表实时CD环境-在其中运行的任何命令都会影响您的自定义实时CD。 这意味着您可以使用标准的apt-get命令来安装将出现在实时CD中的软件。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

After you’re done, type exit into the terminal and select the “Continue building” option to continue. UCK will create and build your customized live CD.

完成后,在终端中输入exit并选择“ Continue building”选项以继续。 UCK将创建并构建您的自定义Live CD。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

Once it’s done, you’ll be told where your new ISO image file is located. You can navigate to the ISO file, right-click it and use the burn option to burn it to a disc.

完成后,系统会提示您新ISO映像文件的位置。 您可以导航到ISO文件,右键单击它,然后使用刻录选项将其刻录到光盘上。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

实时CD到USB (Live CD to USB)

After you’ve got a live CD image, you can use the Startup Disk Creator tool included with Ubuntu to create a bootable USB drive from it. Just launch the Startup Disk Creator application from the dash and specify your new ISO file as the source disk image.

获得实时CD映像后,可以使用Ubuntu随附的Startup Disk Creator工具从中创建可引导的USB驱动器。 只需从破折号启动启动磁盘创建器应用程序,然后将新的ISO文件指定为源磁盘映像即可。

ubuntu自定义菜单_如何轻松创建自定义Ubuntu Live CD或USB

Have you tried UCK or Reconstructor? Which do you prefer? Leave a comment and let us know.

您是否尝试过UCK或Reconstructor? 你喜欢哪个? 发表评论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/109736/how-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-or-usb/
